Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1576: Fate

"Yes, your two avatars are all killed by me, so you are just a defeat of my men. You are in front of me, what can be arrogant, you want to practice the emperor The road of the emperor, but your two avatars are tragic, and it is doomed that your emperor's road is not perfect. I am Jiang Chen, that is the one who is holding you in the fate, there is me, all the hard work you have done, and finally only However, if the mirror is full of water, and your north and south dynasty will eventually become a stepping stone for the growth of Jiang Chen, this is the greatest significance of your existence."

Jiang Chen said coldly, every sentence is like a spike in the heart of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"shut up."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties shouted, and his eyes had become red, because Jiang Chen said that he was the most painful place. Jiang Chen said that he was right. He made a lot of avatars, went to the lower world to complete the rule of the world, and now many avatars. All have returned, and the task is completed satisfactorily. As long as all the avatars can complete the task, his emperor will eventually evolve to a perfect level. With his means of detachment, he will become a world in any lower world. The true emperor becomes the master of a world.

However, only the Sanyuan Continent and the Promise Continent had an accident. Both of them had met the biggest nemesis of his fate, and the tragic death of the two avatars directly led to the inability of his Emperor’s tyrant to be perfect. The loss was What kind of pain that others can't imagine, and the hatred of Jiang Chen, is only the most clear in the heart of the North and South.

"Hey! The Northern and Southern Dynasties, I poke your pain, even if you don't want to admit it, but the existence of Jiang Chen is, after all, the biggest shadow in your heart."

Jiang Chen snorted, since he had already been identified by the other party, there was nothing to hide. Jiang Chen was never afraid of anything, and now he is already strong enough to have self-protection ability.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, you can afford to see yourself. I am the only one in the heavens and the earth in the north and south. I am the real emperor. Why do you fight with me? You are just a cockroach ant. You killed me and two avatars. What, now is not to let me crush and kill you, my Emperor's tyrants can still be completed."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties laughed and the killing of Jiang Chen has become a substance.

"Don't put your high posture in front of me, you want to kill me, my Jiang Chen is not so good to kill. When I just flew up, you can't kill me, let alone now."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, and the previous injuries have been restored. The double repair of the wood aura and the chemical dragon scorpion has a strong effect and has reached a point of shocking popularity.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to escape and survived, but today, you will not be so lucky."

The killing of the Southern and Northern Dynasties became more and more intense. At the beginning, he had been secretly paying attention to the changes in the world law of the Sacred Continent. He chose to take the shot when Jiang Chenfei rose up. He originally thought that Jiang Chen had been killed by himself, but he did not expect it. Not dead, still lived to the present, and grew to such a terrible level.

"Is it? I have to kill me and say it."

Jiang Chen said, behind the dragon wing trembled, cast a shadow of the wolf, a illusory illusion emerged, Jiang Chen deity easily cut open the void, once again, he is still unable to confront the North and South, His current combat power, even if it makes all the stops, is not the opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The current situation and situation, escape is the most important thing. The reason why he does not let the big yellow dog and the dancing bamboo follow him is to escape, and Attracting the attention of the Northern and Southern Dynasties to themselves.

"Want to go?"

In the eyes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Jin Mang was revealed, and Jiang Chen’s deity was found in an instant. He grabbed the big hand and directly tore the void and plunged it in.

Jiang Chen exerted his speed to the extreme, trying to get rid of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Under the condition of the dragon, Jiang Chen not only increased its combat power ten times, but also speeded up ten times. However, the North and South Chaos pursued it and wanted to get rid of it. It doesn't look like an easy task.

"How can this guy's speed be so fast, and his combat power, can resist me instead of one finger, he is only a mid-term of the immortal king, is his talent, but not above me, no Maybe this is never possible."

The North and South dynasties chased behind Jiang Chen, and his heart was full of sorrow. He thought that Jiang Chen’s talent would still be above himself. His heart was like a heavy blow. It was a heavy blow. It has always been the North and South dynasties. I have positioned myself as the first day of the world, and now I have a talent that is better than myself. The only way I know is.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties are very clear about the power of their own fingers. Although they are just one finger, even the genius of an early Emperor can't resist it. If they don't die, they will lose half of their lives, but Jiang Chen is intact.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties are reluctant to believe that Jiang Chen’s talent is above himself, but there is a fact that he has to admit that his two avatars have all died in the hands of Jiang Chen. This disguise indicates that his Southern and Northern Dynasties are not as good as Jiang Chen. As Jiang Chen said, his existence is destined to become the biggest shadow in the heart of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. To eliminate this shadow and to complete the Emperor's domineering, the only way is to kill Jiang Chen by hand, so the North and South Korea will kill anyway. Jiang Chen, at all costs.

This is a chase battle that takes place inside the space. The two speeds are the first encounters in the world.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties saw that they could not catch up with Jiang Chen. Immediately, they launched a mystery technique, and the speed was more than doubled. He grabbed the hand of the Emperor and shove the layers of space, shrouded the river dust, and the power was endless.

"Damn, this guy is too difficult, it seems that today can't run away."

Jiang Chenkou roared, this is why he does not like to encounter the South and North Korea too early, unless his strength grows again, or there is no strength to fight against the North and South.


Jiang Chen smashed his hand and slammed it backwards. This sword did not know how many layers of space he had torn. He and the Emperor only collided with each other. The space was immediately annihilated, and the devastating atmosphere exploded.


Jiang Chen could not withstand such a large energy shock, and was once again shaken several hundred feet, spurting blood in his mouth.

"Jiang Chen, you will die today, killing you, my Northern and Southern Dynasties is still the best in the world, and my emperor's road is still perfect."

The North and South Dynasties are in a state of turmoil. He wants to smash the river dust and complete his own imperial road. In his eyes, the weight of a river dust is greater than the sum of the numerous talents of the gold killing field. This is an approval. It is the enemy in life.

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