Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1577: Eye of the heavens

The strength of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is too strong, so Jiang Chen feels tremendous pressure. With his current cultivation as the upper and south of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, only the escape, and looking at the front, it is not an easy thing to escape, the Northern and Southern Dynasties To kill yourself is not an opportunity to escape.

The aura of wood and the rapid operation of the dragon, the damage of Jiang Chen is also recovering rapidly. The dragon wing behind Jiang Chen and the red fire wing, together with the shadow of the wolf, constantly shuttle through the void, has already The speed was cast to the extreme, but it still couldn't keep the North and South dynasties that also used the secret technique.

The repair of the Southern and Northern Dynasties was in the early days of Emperor Xian. With the current cultivation of Jiang Chen, the masters of the early Emperor of the Emperor of Lingdu were able to deal with them. The full force shots can perfectly suppress them, but the same level of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is completely Not the same.

"This **** is only in the middle of the immortal king. It has such a strong combat power and speed. The talent is still above me. It seems that if I give him time to grow up, it will become my enemy sooner or later. No one has ever been alone. The figure can come to my mind inexplicably, he is the only one."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties are extremely surprised. The killing in the eyes is getting more and more intense. Today, Jiang Dust is killed anyway. He feels the fate of Jiang Chen from his body. Jiang Chen’s figure has inexplicably appeared in his subconscious mind. Second, this situation has invisibly predicted the importance of Jiang Chen in his life.

"Wisdom King Boxing, crushing space, Jiang Chen, you can't escape."

The North and South Dynasty had a great momentum. All the voids were broken. He shot the wisdom of Wang Quan from the inside of the void, and Jiang Chen, who fled quickly toward the front, smashed the past. The huge golden fist, with the taste of wisdom, exudes the breath. It gives people a feeling of suffocation.

One fist blocked a space, and the airflow inside the void was trembled by the earthquake. Jiang Chen slammed into a real blood-colored dragon, and the dragon sword merged. At the same time, he exerted the eternal fairy wind while fleeing and fighting against the wisdom of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Wang Quan.


The void exploded directly, and the shaking was extremely powerful. The wisdom of Wang Boxing destroyed all the attacks of Jiang Chen, shredded his eternal fairy wind, and once again seriously injured Jiang Chen. The dragon scales outside his body were picked up. The blood rushed out, it can be said that it has suffered an unprecedented heavy blow.

The gap between the two sides is too great. Jiang Chen is not his opponent at all, but he can not die under the attack of Wisdom Wang Quan. Jiang Chen is also proud of himself. If he is replaced by other people, even the genius of the early Emperor I am afraid that it will be dead, and it will be beaten into a powder by a punch, and the body will be completely crushed.

"Eternal fairy wind, you will actually display the eternal fairy wind of the son, damn, the eternal fairy wind is supreme, you can be smothered by these ants, this is a shame to the eternal fairy wind, Jiang Chen, by virtue of this alone At one point, this son has a reason to kill you 10,000 times."

Seeing that Jiang Chen had even displayed his own unique skills and eternal fairy winds, the anger of the Northern and Southern Dynasties immediately raised a grade. In his eyes, the eternal fairy wind is the same as himself, the supreme, in the noble, the whole world, No one but himself can display the eternal fairy wind, which is disrespectful to the eternal fairy wind, but also disrespectful to himself.

Jiang Chen did not speak, but he fled in a layer of space, trying to get rid of the chasing and killing of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If it was a last resort, he could only rely on the Zulong Tower.

I don’t know how many miles I have escaped, I still can’t open the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but the state of Jiang Chen has become worse and worse. His body has been cracked by the continuous attack of the North and South Dynasties. This is an unprecedented blow to Jiang Chen’s encounter. If you switch to someone else, you will die.

"No, this is not the way to go. It must also rely on the ancestral tower. Although the aura of the dragon and the wood are horrible, the speed of repair is not as good as the destructive power of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If it continues, it will probably hurt me. The source, when the loss can be big."

Jiang Chen’s face is ugly, and it’s powerful in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It’s almost impossible to escape easily today. The North and South dynasties have opened the mystery. I can’t take advantage of it at the speed. The only means now is only Zulongta, this is his last card.

As for the two blood demon kings in the Zulongta, Jiang Chen simply did not dare to release it. Even the powerful boss, the blood demon king, would only be killed by the North and South, and could not even help him to delay. The effect of the blood demon king is also his bottom card, can play a big role in the gold killing field, he finally surrendered it, if it was up, it was destroyed by the North and South Dynasty, it is not a big loss.


Jiang Chen's body swayed, opened a gap in the Zulong Tower, and then evaded entering.

"It's gone."

The north and south dynasties that are rushing suddenly disappeared, and the face of the North and South Dynasty changed. His scorpion fell in layers of space, extremely sharp.

"Hey! No one can disappear in the face of this son without any reason. It seems to rely on some magic weapon, eternal fairy wind."

The North and South Dynasties screamed coldly, and the body blew up the eternal fairy wind, completely blocking this large space. The eternal fairy wind was used as a unique means of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it was integrated into the South and North Korea. Once it was displayed, it was compared to the field. To be much more powerful, you can block even the space enchantment.

"Jiang Chen, in my eternal fairy enchantment, you can't escape."

The North and South dynasty blonde danced, he was too strong, and the eternal fairy wind formed a wall of wind, completely isolated into a closed area, a sacred rune rushed out of his body, runes drifting, in the eternal fairy In the wind enchantment, these runes are like flying snakes, and any subtle changes can be perceived.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties were a very intelligent person. They guessed the means of Jiang Chen at the moment when Jiang Chen disappeared. He concluded that Jiang Chen was hidden by some magic weapon and did not escape at all, so he established an eternal enchantment and let Jiang Chen became the shackles of the shackles. Only he found the location of Jiang Chen, then it was the end of Jiang Chen.

There is nothing wrong with the North and South Dynasties. Jiang Chen is now hiding by the Zulong Tower. The Zulong Tower is turned into a dust, turned into a stream of air, and completely merged with the void, even those runaways released by the Northern and Southern Dynasties. I can't feel the existence of the ancestral tower.

After a few minutes, the Southern and Northern Dynasties had to put away the runes. His face became a bit ugly. It was already very depressing to let the ruthlessly escape him. If Jiang Chen’s middle-aged Jiang Chen escaped from his own hands, then Today, for him, it is simply a shame, a shame and a shame.

"Zhulongta is really different. It is a means of life-saving. But unfortunately, the ancestral tower is far from perfect, and it can't be used for attack. Otherwise, this real dragon will not know how terrible it will be. To the point."

Through the ancestral tower, Jiang Chen clearly sees the outside situation, and his heart is also relieved. The North and South dynasties are naturally strong. This is unquestionable, but it is still not strong enough to explore the Zulong Tower. The point of the trail.

"It seems that I have to enter the thirty-three-story space to recover the injury. This time I have suffered unprecedented damage and must be restored as soon as possible. Looking at the Southern and Northern Dynasties, I will not leave for a while."

Jiang Chen’s dark road, the body swayed into the thirty-three-story space. The thirty-fold time rule here is very beneficial to Jiang Chen’s recovery of the injury. In the previous collision with the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Jiang Chen was injured and some origins are now. What I have to do is to recover the injury as soon as possible. Anyway, I can’t get out now. The Northern and Southern Dynasties will not leave so easily, and the Zulong Tower will not be able to move. Now the Zulong Tower is completely integrated with the Void, so the Northern and Southern Dynasties can’t find it. However, if you move the Zulong Tower, the traces of the Zulongta movement are likely to be noticed by the North and South.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, you have fallen into the eternal enchantment of this son, you can't escape, I advise you not to waste time, or come out by yourself."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties said loudly.

Inside the Zulong Tower, Jiang Chen’s laughter, joking, this time let yourself go out, isn’t that stupid? This kind of completely impossible thing, Jiang Chen is not going to do it. The place where the Zulong Tower is so safe, he is comfortable.

Ten minutes later, the Southern and Northern Dynasties still did not find a trace of Jiang Chen. He almost searched every inch of space in the eternal enchantment, but there was no abnormal discovery. It seems that Jiang Chen has disappeared completely. This situation also makes the North and South directly Do you suspect that Jiang Chen has really disappeared, but the Northern and Southern Dynasties are very confident about their own strength. He absolutely does not believe that Jiang Chen can escape from his own without a sound, and the volatility here is normal, without experiencing big fluctuations. Therefore, the Northern and Southern Dynasties concluded that Jiang Chen must have been hidden here.

"Jiang Chen, do you think you can really escape the palm of your son? You are too high to look at your own means, the eyes of the gods."

The momentum in the Southern and Northern Dynasties suddenly changed. He was determined to find out Jiang Chen. He explored his index finger and made a rune against his own eyes. Suddenly, his eyes changed and became empty. In the color of the light, two rays of light with a scent of scent are shot from his eyes, and they are constantly sweeping in the void.

"No, this guy actually has such a horrible card and got the legendary eyes of the gods. It is rumored that the eyes of the heavens can see through the illusion and insight into the past and the present. Although the Northern and Southern Dynasties did not cultivate the eyes of the gods to the peak, my ancestors The Dragon Tower is still in the middle of a sling, and I am afraid I can’t hide the eye of the heavens."

In the Zulongta, Jiang Chen, who was recovering from the retreat, suddenly felt the gods of the eyes of the heavens, and his face changed dramatically.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, it became the first gold fairy in this book. Today's six more, each three thousand words, equivalent to the previous nine, the dragon pattern came, thank the brothers for their continued support. 】

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