Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1579: Change [three more]

The hand of the Great Emperor broke through all obstacles and rushed to Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

"Fire unicorn, don't blame me, your life is your master's own kill."

Jiang Chen’s fire unicorn threw the past toward the hand of the great emperor.

"Do not……"

The fire unicorn snorted, and the voice was filled with despair. It was full of unwillingness. He knew that he was finished. No one knew his horror better than him. The hand of the emperor was acting on his own body. He was absolutely divided, and he must die. There is no hope of survival.


The North and South dynasties were ruthless, and the radiance radiated to the extreme. The horror of the Emperor’s hand was heavily bombarded on the fire unicorn. The fire unicorn could not achieve a little resistance. The body was smashed and the death was extremely miserable.

As Jiang Chen said, the existence of the fire unicorn is a tragedy in itself, because he did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the hands of his own people and died in the hands of his most loyal master. This cannot be said. Not a mockery.

The idea of ​​the last moment of Fire Kirin should be full of resentment. He has a reason for hate. Although Jiang Chen is ferocious, he only took his blood and did not want his life, but the Northern and Southern Dynasties only regarded him as an obstacle. Usually directly wiped out, leaving no traces.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, your ruthless beast, even the sacred beast that has been with him for so long, is killing and mad."

Jiang Chen casts the dragon wing and turns to run. This chase battle is destined to continue. At one and a half, Jiang Chen can't get rid of the pursuit of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"A waste, nothing can stop my footsteps in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen, you are not qualified to be my old enemy, with my enemy in the North and South, have not appeared yet, do not be as noble as you think."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties followed suit, and his imposing manner was like a rainbow. The void could not cover up his anger. The hand of the Emperor was bombarded again. The huge golden palm was like a cage of the world. If it was hit, the consequences would be unimaginable. De-skinned.

"Five elements of the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen played five elements of the battle against the dragon, and fifteen colorful dragons roared out and collided toward the rear of the Emperor. At the same time, Jiang Chen still fled quickly.


The void was once again smashed, and there was devastating energy everywhere. The layers of space enchantments were destroyed. It is hard to imagine how powerful the attack of the Northern and Southern Dynasties carried. The mad dragon that Jiang Chen hit was torn on the spot. crack.


The huge anti-seismic force hits the body of Jiang Chen like a mountain. The dragon's body of Jiang Chen immediately cracked, and there were cracks in the road. The blood rushed and instantly covered the body of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are already at the end of the strong, this son is not rushing to kill you now, I will torture you well, torture you to death, let you experience the taste of death a little bit, I want you to know what is called despair, fire unicorn The account is also counted on your head."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties laughed wildly. He was like a King of the World, and he was constantly devastated by Jiang Chen. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he was the escape of a dog, and his heart was really happy. Jiang Chen killed his own body, captured the blood of the fire unicorn, and made himself The road of the emperor could not be completed. All the Southern and Northern Dynasties had to find it back a little. He didn’t want Jiang Chen to die too easily, because it would be too cheap, and he would let Jiang Chen die without a place to die. Let Jiang Chen experience the feeling of death a little bit. Let Jiang Chen die in despair. Only in this way can he solve the hatred of his heart. Only then, the Emperor’s hegemony will be completed again.

"His mother, this is not the way to go, my body is constantly suffering, we must find a way as soon as possible, otherwise, today is really dangerous."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but screamed. Today, the monster in the Southern and Northern Dynasties is unlucky enough. He has already exerted all his efforts and still hasn't smashed the North and South. This is the biggest problem that Jiang Chen has encountered in history. It’s all down the wind, and it’s never been chased by people. The genius of the younger generation, I’m afraid only the Southern and Northern Dynasties have this ability.

"Jiang Chen, you can't escape, don't waste your efforts."

The North and South Dynasties were in full swing and continued to bombard the river dust. Jiang Chen was repeatedly vomiting blood, and there was a great rift in the flesh. Such a heavy injury, even if he escaped now, is enough for him to repair it for a while.

"Zulong Tower."

Jiang Chen burst into a bang and directly shot the ancestral tower. The huge golden pagoda exudes a simple light. The sound of numerous dragons and rumors came out from the ancestral tower. The ancestral tower became the essence and was sacrificed by Jiang Chen. Come out and be a weapon.

It is a pity that the ninety-nine-story pagoda is only thirty-seventh floor is bright, and the rest are in a dark state and cannot be activated. This is Jiang Chen’s last refuge, and his greatest reliance, less than the most necessary time. Jiang Chen will not sacrifice the Zulong Tower.

The Zulong Tower is indestructible. For the sake of the present, only the Zulong Tower is used to block the strong attack of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and then they are looking for opportunities to escape.

"Good baby, exudes the atmosphere of ancient supreme, even the son of the family feels the pressure, Jiang Chen, you are a low-ranking person, how to have such a good baby, it is a kind of defilement, today I received you this baby I will be mine later."

The gaze of the Southern and Northern Dynasties fell on the ancestral tower, and suddenly it burst into a ray of light. It was a kind of greed. It was a conquest. With the eyes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was natural to see the strength of the ancestral tower. If such a baby can According to myself, it is really a very happy thing.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties once again displayed the hand of the Great Emperor, and shrouded the past to the Zulong Tower, trying to collect the Zulong Tower. Unfortunately, the Zulong Tower was too heavy, even the Emperor’s hand could not get it, and Zu Long The tower is extremely repulsive to him.

"damn it."

When the North and the South saw the failure of charging, they couldn’t help but screamed. He knew that such a weapon of the gods had their own spirituality. This baby has been completely recovered by Jiang Chen, and it is integrated with the source of Jiang Chen. Inciting, even if he killed Jiang Chen, there is no way to get such a baby, which makes the North and South Dynasty feel uncomfortable and regrettable.

"Hey! Since I can't get it, then the son will destroy it. I can't get anything, Jiang Chen, don't even think about it."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties were cold and screaming, and they slammed the wisdom of Wang Quan, the golden fist of horror, and directly traversed the space, and slammed into the ancestral tower.



Huge vibrations, horrible waves are like the ocean, it is unbearable power, and the wisdom of Wang Quan is heavily bombarded on the Zulong Tower. Even with the sturdiness of the Zulong Tower, it has been shot. Cracks come.


Jiang Chen exclaimed, his face changed wildly, he was connected with the ancestral tower, and the ancestral tower was traumatized. He himself was also uncomfortable. The north and south dynasties were too strong, and even the ancestral tower could not resist. This situation exceeded the river. Dust imagination, if the Northern and Southern Dynasties break the Zulong Tower, it will bring him unimaginable losses, and even life will be lost here.

But for the situation at hand, Jiang Chen is really helpless. He has already displayed all his powerful means, but the gap between the North and the South is too great, and everything is not helpful.

"Smart three punches."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties fired again, and directly shot the three punches of wisdom. They prepared to crush the Zulong Tower in one fell swoop. He has already seen it. This is the last card of Jiang Chen. As long as the Zulong Tower is crushed, Jiang Chen will be completely finished. At your own discretion.


Three fists squatted on the ancestral tower, and the ancestral tower swayed violently. The cracks on the top were getting denser and denser, and the golden light was dimmed. It seemed to be completely fragmented at any time.


Jiang Chen spurted blood again. Although the attack of the Northern and Southern Dynasties did not hit his own body, he was closely related to the Zulong Tower. The Zulong Tower was hit hard and he himself was traumatized. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

In the void, the Zulong Tower is crumbling, and there is a danger of collapse at any time.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, I broke your pagoda and saw what else you have."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties laughed wildly. In his eyes, Jiang Chen was already the end of the strong, completely became the shackles of the shackles. As long as the pagoda was broken, he could step on Jiang Chen at any time. Killing him is as simple as stepping on an ant.

"The hand of the Great."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties did not give Jiang Chen a chance to breathe. He came up again to play the hand of the Great Emperor. Jiang Chen’s face was ugly to the extreme. This is the most critical moment. If he withdraws the Zulong Tower, he may be killed in the hands of the Emperor. Next, he does not want to be born again, but if he does not close the ancestral tower, the ancestral tower will be completely broken, and the efforts he made on the ancestral tower before will be wasted.


The hand of the horrible emperor can tear everything at random, and the North and South Chaoyang smirk with a smile. He seems to see the smashing of the ancestral tower under the hands of his own emperor, a treasure, it is a pity to be destroyed. But he has to do this, the things that are not available, only the destruction is the best, much stronger than falling in the hands of the enemy.


When the Emperor's hand touched the Zulong Tower, the Zulong Pagoda, which was about to be crushed, suddenly swayed violently, emitting a very strong humming sound, as if there was a great change.

Jiang Chen’s face changed, and the Zulong Tower had any change. He could perceive it in advance, but the change in front of him was too sudden. Jiang Chen had no omen, and his gods quickly infiltrated into the Zulong Tower. It was found that in the bottom of the tower of the Zulong Tower, in the first layer of space, a strange stone exudes endless brilliance, and a red-gold ray is ejected from the top of the strange stone. It is obvious that the ancestral tower has changed. It is caused by this strange stone.

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