Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1580: Eyes of the fire eye [four more]

"It's a strange stone. It's a big movement. Is it because the creatures inside the stone are going to be born?"

Jiang Chen was shocked. This strange stone was obtained in the tomb of the first-line sky. At that time, many people could not shake this strange stone. Later, they used the power of blood to get the recognition of Kistler, and then they collected the Kistler. Later, The immortal order that I got at the tomb saw a woman who was exactly the same as the morning rain and was lying in the funeral fairy.

This strange stone contains extremely powerful creatures. However, after Jiang Chen took the strange stone into the ancestral tower, he never took it anymore, because he did not know when the creatures inside the stone would be born, so they let them put it. There, for a long time, I almost forgot this strange stone. I didn’t think that the most critical moment of today, the strange stone has changed, and the living beings are ready to be born.

Intuition tells myself that the creatures inside Kistler are not simple. When you are born at this time, you may bring a big turn to yourself. Maybe he is chased by the North and South, and now he has reached the most critical moment. At this last moment, any Any change may bring a turn to Jiang Chen.


Suddenly, a golden light took the lead from the top of the strange stone. Jiang Chen saw it clearly. It was a weapon. It was a long stick. It was an iron rod. The stick was engraved with a different rune, iron. At the moment when the stick appeared, it rushed directly from the inside of the Zulong Tower and collided with the hand of the Emperor of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.


The brave rod to the extreme, suddenly penetrated the tyrannical hand of the great emperor, the hand of the invincible emperor, under the iron bar, seems to have become a vulnerable existence, destroyed by the scene, the turmoil of the aftermath Come, the iron bars poke the space out of a big hole.


After destroying the hand of the Great Emperor, the iron rods turned back and forth in the void, shining an endless gods. Under the condition of no control at all, the iron rods began to grow bigger. In the blink of an eye, they became the gods of the hundred feet. Standing between the heavens and the earth, the golden gods emanating from the iron bars cover a large area.


The surface of the iron rod is engraved with a spiraling golden dragon. The golden dragon is alive and well, and seems to be living soon, emitting a dull sound of dragons.

"A good **** of iron, this absolute heaven and earth, contains a strong ancient atmosphere. This weapon must have a great origin. How can there be such a terrible weapon in the strange stone? No, the creature inside the stone has not appeared yet. Just a weapon appeared."

Jiang Chen was shocked. Not only did he shock the gods in front of him, but he was even more shocked by the horror of the inner stone. He just smashed out the hands of the great emperor of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"Good-looking baby, this kid's body is really a lot of baby, this iron rod can actually destroy the hands of the Emperor's hand."

The North and South Korea also vibrated, and a pair of eyes fell on the iron bars, and they could not move them. It was the extraordinaryness of the iron rods that the individual could see. The interior contained a strong source, which was a unique weapon of the heavens and the earth.


After the appearance of the iron rod, the movement in the strange stone was even bigger. Jiang Chen always noticed the strange stone. He felt that the strange stone might burst open, and then there were creatures coming out, but the strange stone seemed unbreakable, and there was no crack on it, but it seems It does not stop the birth of internal beings.


Another golden light emerged. After the golden light appeared, it also rushed out of the Zulong Tower. But this time, this golden light is no longer a weapon, but a creature.

Next to the iron rod, the shadow of a living being gradually solidified, and soon became the essence. At this moment, the eyes of Jiang Chen and the Southern and Northern Dynasties fell on the creature, and they did not know what to do.

Numerous golden light entered the body of the creature, was absorbed by the soul, and the appearance of the creature was finally revealed, turned out to be a monkey.

Yes, this creature is indeed a monkey, but the monkey is brave enough to see that he is eight feet long, with a strong body and a golden armor. He does not know the bravery outside the North and South. How much, this armor alone is a rare good baby.

He is in a place where the armor can't cover it. The roots of the golden hair are like steel needles, and they are full of dazzling gods. Every monkey hair seems to be a weapon of the gods, and people dare not face it.

The most noteworthy is the monkey's eyes. His eyes are too bright, the golden urns are constantly flowing, and the substantial golden gaze, the emptiness of the earthquake, trembles.

The monkey stood there, just like a sky **** of war appeared, and became the only one between heaven and earth. He was too strong and bloody, and he wanted to make a hole in the sky. Even the Southern and Northern Dynasties, in front of him, seemed to It seems a little dim.

"This is a powerful Taikoo creature, so terrible, the rhubarb is right, the stone is not simple."

Jiang Chen was shocked. This ancient spirit is too strong. Just after birth, it made such a huge movement. However, the appearance of this monkey made Jiang Chen extremely excited. It seems that the monkey should stand with himself. In that case, the North and the South are today. If you want to kill yourself, it will become very difficult.


When the monkey moved, he explored the palm of his hand and grabbed the iron rod next to him. The iron rod seemed to be called by some kind of call, fell into his hand, became a size, and was smashed by a monkey. Handy and skilled.

The monkey raised the light and did not go to see the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Instead, he looked at Jiang Chen and then spoke up. He almost did not mad at Jiang Chen.


This is the first sentence that the monkey saw Jiang Chen said. Jiang Chen’s foot was awkward. He almost didn’t fall out of the space. If it’s not too much blood spurt today, it’s estimated that he will have another squirt. Without such a greeting, the first sentence came up and began to swear. Jiang Chen carefully recalled that he did not seem to have provoked the uncle.

"If you put the monkey in the thirty-three-layer space, the monkey is already born."

The monkey said angrily.

I heard that Jiang Chen’s glimpse, but there is nothing to say, because the monkey said yes, if his own strange stone is placed in the thirty-three-layer space, it must have been born for a long time, and it is no longer necessary to wait for such a long time. No wonder. The monkey said that he was stupid, so that he was really stupid.

However, when you get the Kistler, the thirty-three floors have not yet been opened. When you open it, you will completely forget the Kistler.

What surprised Jiang Chen was that although the monkey has been in the strange stone, it seems that he fully understands what happened outside, otherwise he will not know the existence of the thirty-three layers of space.

Later, the monkey turned to look at the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the sharp dawn suddenly burst into endless anger and killing.

"You idiot, almost destroyed the monkey's retreat, it is a sin to die."

The incomparable arrogance of the monkeys seems to be at least more arrogant than the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"War Fighting, Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to hide a battle sacred beside you."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties saw the origin of the monkey, showing the color of shock. The battle of the Holy Ghost is the ancient war spirit, the extremely rare beast, the essence of heaven and earth.

"I didn't expect that there was a fighting sacred sacred inside the Kistler. In the ancient times, there were two different kinds of scorpions, fighting sacred wars and fighting konjac. I didn't expect to see them. In the secret space of the genius, Yang Junlong was old. The predecessors sealed a fight against the konjac, and now there is another battle sacred."

Jiang Chen was shocked. He heard about the legend of the battle against the holy shrine. It is rumored that the first battle of the holy shrine was from the stone, and later broke into the Buddha’s door, becoming the ancient Buddha, the former, with a complete fight. The blood of the war is a rare descendant.

"War fight holy sorrow? Hey! You are too young to see the blood of the monkey, and with this alone, you will die.

The monkey snorted and suddenly there was an anger that was despised.

"This body of the ancient war spirit seems to be more than just a blood, let me use the eyes of the **** to see his truth."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties immediately displayed the eyes of the gods, and they swept them on the monkeys, and suddenly their faces changed dramatically.

"It is a battle of dragons and dragons. It combines the double blood of the ancient times and the golden dragons. How can such a heterogeneity be born between heaven and earth."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties were shocked. The eyes of the gods saw through the monkeys' reality. This was the case. It shocked him. As a reincarnation of the Emperor, he knew a lot of things, so he could see the monkeys through, but immediately, the shock on the face of the North and South The color of excitement.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to give this son a big gift before you die. This battle dragon will also be killed by me. I will extract his blood and get endless benefits. This monkey is A huge treasure, the golden blood of the golden family is weaker than him. Haha, my Northern and Southern Dynasties really is the most prosperous between heaven and earth. This monkey will be the biggest gain and significance of my entry into the Golden Killing Field. ”

The Northern and Southern Dynasties laughed. He felt that he could control everything. Now the attraction of the monkey has even surpassed that of Jiang Chen. As long as he surrendered to this ancient war, he will be able to get endless benefits from it. This time, the gold killing field will not come.

"Laugh, laugh at your paralysis, a pair of broken eyes dare to look at the monkey body, it is simply looking for death, fire eyes."

The monkey looked very bad temper, and the eyes of the heavens of the Southern and Northern Dynasties swept over him, as if he were looking at Kuibao, which made the monkey extremely annoying.

Just listening to the monkeys, his eyes suddenly turned into two flaming mountains, directly squirting two fires, or that it was the flame that the red mans became, just two eyes, it was enough to destroy everything. The eye of the heavens that the North and South dynasties are proud of, under the glare of the eyes, suddenly bleak.


The glare of the eyes of the fire, destroying the light from the eyes of the gods, caught the eye of the North and South dynasty.

[Brothers don't worry, the six will definitely not be less, the fifth is even twelve, the sixth is estimated to be a little bit to get out, the brothers can stay until tomorrow. 】

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