Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1582: Monkey King appreciates you [six more]

The dancing bamboo and the big yellow dog are still in the crowd. Their expressions are not very good-looking. After all, they have witnessed the power of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Now it is impossible to kill Jiang Chen. It is impossible to say no worry.

"Rhubarb, you said that there will be nothing wrong with the little dust?"

Wu Ningzhu asked with great concern.

"Do not worry, the kid means to go through the sky, there will be nothing, even if you can't beat the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it is not very casual to escape."

The rhubarb dog can only comfort the dancing bamboo. In fact, his heart is also extremely worried. He can think that if the North and the South are chasing after him, Jiang Chen will never be better, and even life will be dangerous. Of course, these words are If you can't talk to Wu Ningzhu, it will only increase the worry of dancing and bamboo, and it will not help you.

However, the big yellow dog believes that Jiang Chen will not die so easily. This is a person who has the atmosphere and always creates miracles at the most critical time. In the eyes of the big yellow dog, Jiang Chen is the nemesis of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It’s hard.

"Rhoose, why did the Southern and Northern Dynasties suddenly chase Jiang Chen?"

Xuanzhong puzzled, he really did not know when Jiang Chen provoked the pilgrim, even if he provoked it, the identity and strength of the prince would not put a fairy king in his eyes, but the Northern and Southern Dynasties were defeated. After the ruthlessness, it is true that it is indeed killing Jiang Chen.

"You ask me, who do I ask? Ning sister, let's go."

The rhubarb dog is upset, too lazy to understand the mysterious, leaving with the dance bamboo directly, and continue to wait, there is no meaning, the Southern and Northern Dynasties will certainly not come back, Jiang Chen will not come back.

"Where are we going to find a little dust?"

Asked the dance bamboo.

"I really don't know, I can't figure out where the little dust is now. I don't care about him anymore. Let's go to the golden squad to find the benefits. Don't worry, Jiang Chen will definitely die, he will find us."

The big yellow dog said that with the dancing bamboo, it quickly disappeared into the broken blade cliff.

In the void of gold, the North and South Chaos sit inside the void, and the whole person is completely integrated with the law of space. He has created a small world here, which is difficult for outsiders to discover. At this moment, the eyes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties have already Without blood, and to restore the Qingming, but it is impossible to restore the eyes of the heavens, at least in a short time is impossible.

"The **** gang, it actually destroyed my eyes."

The teeth of the north and south dynasty gnawed his teeth. He was not only wounded by the eyes of the gods. Later, he was dragged to the body by the dragon thirteen. He almost gave his body a broken frame. Now it’s still painful. It’s really a load. The power of destroying the earth and destroying the land, if it was not for his last moment, the display of the armor of the fairy, the consequences are much more serious than this.

"The battle dragons, I did not expect such a different kind of birth between heaven and earth, the powerful Taikoo war spirits really horrible, the eyes of the fire are really powerful, even my eyes of the gods are not opponents at all, hehe! But today's things are impossible So forget it, wait for me to completely recover the injury, repair it to further, to reach the middle of the Emperor, must tear the monkey, if you can get his blood, my cultivation will reach a very terrible point, from Get great benefits, but also the Jiang Chen, staying in the morning and evening is a big worry, you must kill as soon as possible."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties said evilly. As a reincarnation of the great emperor, he has never suffered such a huge blow from birth to the present. This is the first time that this failure has seriously affected the heart of his emperor. It was originally An unbeaten heart that is high above, once experienced a failure, is not perfect, which is extremely unfavorable for the emperor's road of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties closed their eyes and began to repair their injuries. He is proficient in many secret techniques. Although the speed of repairing injuries is not as good as that of Jiang Chen’s wood, it is absolutely not bad, except for the recovery of the eyes of the gods. Not a big problem.

In the thirty-three-tier space of the Zulong Tower, two months passed, and the injury on Jiang Chen has completely recovered. A powerful wave of air spurted out of him and quickly circled in the thirty-three-layer space. Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and two substantial gaze brushes rushed out, just falling on the strange stone beside him, and the strange stone creaking.

"Jiang Chen, your uncle."

The sound of Dragon Thirteen came out of the strange stone, and it looked very angry.

"Sorry, excited."

Jiang Chen’s smile, this time is not intentional, it is completely accidental. This time he not only completely recovered his injury, but also stimulated the potential energy potential because of the injury, which directly increased his dragon pattern by 10,000. Articles reached 1.19 million, and the one hundred and twenty thousand in the late period of Xianwang was only a 10,000 dragon pattern.

The improvement of the 10,000 dragon pattern, although it did not allow Jiang Chen's cultivation to be promoted to the late stage of the Xianwang, but made Jiang Chen's combat power further, even more terrifying.

"Hey, excited, isn't it a recovery? The monkey is still inside."

The dragon thirteen is extremely depressed.

"Thirteen, how can you speak without being born? Reconciliation in the restlessness, nothing to say?"

Jiang Chen stared at the strange stone curiously. He was very interested in this dragon thirteen, and Jiang Chen liked the character of the dragon thirteen. He was also evil, debauchery, decisive and decisive, never dragging the water, one Seeing is the person in temperament, and the natural narcissism, almost comparable to the big yellow dog.

Jiang Chen can imagine that after the dragon is actually born, it will be enough to be live with the rhubarb dog.

"I have nothing to do with the monkeys. Even in the strange stones, I can know everything outside. The time rule here is very different. The thirty times of the law changes. I am not far from being born."

Dragon thirteen narcissistic said.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen nodded, this Taikoo creature is very terrifying, full of divine, can sense everything outside in the strange stone, not a strange thing, after seeing the strength of the dragon thirteen, Jiang Chen I have begun to regret that I did not put the Kistler in the thirty-three-story space of the Zulong Tower earlier. Otherwise, the Dragon 13 was born.

"Since you can talk, why didn't you tell me to throw you into the thirty-three space?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"You know a fart, I have to check out your servant. If your kid is comfortable with the monkey, it is not dangerous."

Dragon thirteen.

"What about your investigation?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Make it up, your kid is good, whether it is cultivation talent or acting style, it is a first-class one, I am going to catch up with the one-tenth of the monkey, I like you very much."

Dragon Thirteen said shamelessly, Jiang Chen’s face was speechless. He thought that this monkey was a boastful person. It turned out to be a way of praise and praise. He really did not let go of any narcissism. This is still in the strange stone, if it comes out later. What does the narcissism look like.

Finally finished writing, back pain, another thing, brothers must remember to pay attention to the WeChat public account, open WeChat, search for Su Yuexi three words on the line, the next two days should be updated, now the public The number of attention is eight thousand. If this month can reach 10,000, I will explode on the day.

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