Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1583: Narrow road

The current state of Dragon Thirteen has basically been fixed. If it was not forcibly shot against the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it might have been completely born now, but in his current state, it is not far from the birth, in the 33rd floor space. Inside, the time has passed too fast, it is no wonder that the first sentence of the Dragon 13 comes out, and Jiang Chen is stupid. If the thirty-three-layer space is just formed, the stone will be placed here. Born out.

"Monkey, what are you calling for thirteen? Who gave you the name?"

Jiang Chen curiously asked, a creature that has just been bred, never walked out of the strange stone, how can he know his name, such a creature is said to have no name.

"I don't know, this name is in the subconscious. I have the golden blood of the ancient golden dragons in the body, so there are dragon characters in the name. As for why it is called thirteen, I don't know it myself."

Dragon XIII said, but it is clear that he is not so concerned about his life. Anyway, it is just a title, but it can be heard from the tone of the dragon thirteen. Dragon Thirteen also feels that his own name, There should be some origins, but he does not know what the specific origins are.

"The powerful Taikoo war spirits, fighting the dragons and dragons, so against the heavenly creatures, there will be no secrets on the body."

Jiang Chen secretly, he is very interested in Dragon Thirteen, but he also knows that all the information about Dragon Thirteen may not even know him, but Jiang Chen knows that when Dragon 13 was born, it indicates this world. There is another anti-day existence, a enchanting genius character, destined to be wonderful.

The blood of the golden dragon is not to be said for a long time. Long XIII completely inherits the inheritance of the battle of the holy sacred, and the eyes and the iron rod show everything.

"Okay, you will continue to stay here to brew, when you want to die, don't forget to say hello in advance. My ancestral tower has been hit hard, and there have been many cracks. You can't stand the monkey and you can toss it again." I retired for two months, and the gold killing field has been open for eight or nine days. It is time to go out."

Jiang Chen stood up from the ground and took a shot of his butt. He did not forget to remind Long XIII. This monkey against the sky is also the master of a mad world. When it is really born, it may cause much movement. In the unlikely event that this monkey was born in the thirty-three-story space of the Zulong Tower, it would not turn the ancestral tower to the sky.

"Go northeast, there are good things over there."

Dragon Thirteen reminded.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen’s eyes are bright, and it seems that he has got another baby. This monkey, like the big yellow dog, is a **** of heaven and earth. It is a place of greatness. The big yellow dog is very powerful for sensing baby. Now, it seems that this monkey can also be ah. Since the monkey said that there is something good in the northeast, Jiang Chen absolutely believes that anyway, he does not know where to go, simply follow the dragon 13 and go northeast. .

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded. His body walked out of the ancestral tower and set the direction according to the dragon thirteen. He flew away directly.

In front of it is a huge wilderness, and there is no limit to it. Jiang Chen doesn't know where it is. Anyway, it is far away from the Broken Cliff. He and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are chasing each other. Miles has long since departed from the scope of the Broken Blade.


Suddenly, at the end of the wilderness, the earth-shattering roaring sound was heard. Even if it was far away, it could feel extremely intense fighting fluctuations. The impact of the energy shocked the sky and the sky was shaking violently.

"Someone is fighting."

When Jiang Chen’s light trembled, he immediately flew away in the direction of the battle. Anyway, he was free to do nothing. He also wanted to see who was fighting.

Jiang Chen’s speed is very fast. The effort between the blink of an eye goes to the end of the wilderness. I saw the front of the wilderness. Eight or nine people are fighting each other. It seems that they have been fighting for some time. Now it is at the last moment, and five of them will have four more. The siege is in the center.

Jiang Chen looked at it and immediately saw some familiar figures.

"Cloud long, Prince."

Jiang Chen saw two acquaintances, one is the seven princes of the Great Cloud Empire, Yun Changyi, and the other is the Prince. At this moment, the four people who were besieged are the people of the uterus, one of them is the uterus of the uterus. At the beginning, Yu Yu wanted to enter Danfu, but because of Jiang Chen’s reason, Danfu directly canceled the qualifications for recruiting disciples, and his heart has always been worried.

However, at this moment, the uterus is obviously at a disadvantage. In addition to the prince, Yu Yu and the other two are only half-steps of the emperor. The four people have serious injuries, especially the prince, the most serious injury, one arm. It has been smashed, and there are blood on the body.

It is said that the Prince is not so bad, only because the other side's camp is too strong, the other five people, in addition to Yun Changyu, the other three are half-step Xianhuang, if this is only such a camp, can not cause the Prince What a big threat, but the real threat to the Prince is another person, the man is so imposing, the hair is black and white, the momentum is extremely powerful, and more importantly, his cultivation has reached the middle of the horror of the Emperor. Yang Lang of the Dagan Empire is a level.

Jiang Chen is not a fool. Naturally, he can see what is happening in front of him. The Dagan Empire and the Dayun Empire are in a hostile relationship. They have been fighting for many years. In this golden killing, they are naturally endless, not to mention each other. It is also the prince of the Dagan Empire, who is Chu Jun. If he kills, the benefits to the Big Cloud Empire are undoubtedly very large.

For the Prince, it is undoubtedly very unlucky. His cultivation is only in the early days of the Emperor. If he meets with Yun Changyu, he is not afraid at all. In fact, at the beginning, he did indeed meet Yun Chang, both sides. After a fierce battle, they did not win or lose. They were ready to close each other and search for their own opportunities. However, they did not expect that the Mid-Emperor of the Great Cloud Empire appeared at this time. Let go of such a great opportunity to kill the Prince.

The last time I lost someone in Dan, Yun Changyi was always depressed. He didn’t have a good impression on the people of the Dagan Empire. He secretly vowed that this time he entered the Golden Killing Field, as long as he met the Dagan Empire, no matter Who is it, see one kill one, see two to kill two, have been killed in his heart balance, out of this depressed gas.

"Haha, Prince, your luck is really bad, but this is your life, killing you today, this prince is also a depressed gas.

The seven emperors Yun Chang smirked and laughed. In his eyes, the prince was already in the middle of the shackles. He must die, and he could not escape.

"Yun Chang, the last thing that made you shame is Jiang Chen, not me. You should kill Jiang Chen. In fact, we can cooperate with each other. The existence of Jiang Chen is also a big worry for me. Today you put it. I am, we can unite in the future."

The Prince said, thinking of Jiang Chen, he seems to have found a breakthrough. He wants to find a chance to survive from Jiang Chen. He is very clear about how hateful Yun Changyi hated Jiang Chen.

When the name of Jiang Chen was mentioned, Yun Chang’s face suddenly became cold, and the whole person gritted his teeth.

"Hey! Prince, look at your present appearance, what qualifications are there to cooperate with me? As for the **** Jiang Chen, as long as he comes to the Golden Killing Field, then he will die, and he will not escape the palm of his hand. Killing you first in a few days, to seize your gas and fortune, the next time you meet Jiang Chen, the prince wants him to die."

Yun Changyu snorted. For the cooperation proposed by the Prince, he did not care or be interested at all. In his eyes, Jiang Chen was going to die, the Prince would die, and the people of the Dagan Empire would die, as long as there were opportunities. He will kill.

"Yun Chang, you don't want to be too much. With your ability, it is not the opponent of this Prince. You just rely on others. You have something to be proud of."

The prince said wickedly, he has already seen it. Today, I am afraid that I will be fierce and fierce. The other side has a master in the middle of the Emperor, and he has been seriously injured. He has no chance to escape. His injury is defeat. The master of the middle of the emperor was given by the master.

The Great Cloud Empire Cloud Wing is a rare genius of the Great Cloud Empire. It reached the middle of the Emperor in the middle of the Emperor. It is a level of existence with Yang Lang, and his relationship with Yun Changyu is very good. Always support Yun Changyu as the prince of the Big Cloud Empire, and he will steer the entire empire in the future.

For Yun Changyi, who once lost his temperament in the genius, he once comforted Yun Changyu. Now it’s hard to meet the prince of the Dagan Empire, and let Yun Changyu catch the ventilated place. He naturally has to make every effort to help. Yun Changyu.

"Do not talk nonsense, death is death, defeat is defeat, there are not so many reasons and excuses, Prince, you come to my hands this sunset, indicating that your anger has been exhausted, your luck, in the midst of it should be The clouds are long."

Yun Changchun is also a person who kills and decisively. He has a long sword in his hand, and he is carrying a cold killing, step by step toward the Prince.

"Little dust, this Prince is a man of the Dagan Empire. Can you not save it?"

Inside the Kistler, the sound of the Dragon Thirteen came out. This guy was inside the Kistler, but he was able to perceive everything that happened outside.

"Do you want to save? Do you want to be a living Bodhisattva? Don't you hear that this **** is dying and still wants to join hands with the other side to kill Laozi. Even if Yun Chang does not kill him, I still want to kill him, but Now, if I am going to kill the Prince, I will have a lot of troubles in the Dagan Empire after I pass it out. Now I am killing the Prince with the help of Yun Chang’s hand. Then I will kill Yun Changyu and avenge the Prince. If you go out, you still have a great job, 桀桀"

Jiang Chen laughed very embarrassed.

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