Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1585: Big heart

Yu Yu’s sudden performance made the Prince stunned, but immediately, the prince’s gaze showed an extremely strong anger, and the prince could not be angry.

"Haha, Prince, see no, how failed you are, and when you die, there are people who betray you. The genius alchemist of your great empire is going to rely on our big cloud empire."

Yun Chang laughed and laughed, not letting go of any chance to attack the Prince, but he did not look at it more, but the disgust and disdain on his face was very obvious. Obviously, like the wall grass He is the most annoying.

"You are right, I am a failure to be a man."

The prince smiled bitterly. He shook his head. Suddenly there was a feeling of loneliness. He was a prince, not even a person who was willing to die with him. Yu Yu was the one he trusted the most. He didn’t think of it at the end. At the juncture, Yu Yu will make such an unpleasant move.

For the Prince, this is itself the biggest ridicule.

"Prince, don't blame me, I still have a good future. I don't want to die in the gold killing field. I hope you can understand. From then on, I am no longer a big empire, I am relying on the big cloud." The empire is going to work for the seven emperors."

Yu Yu said to the Prince very solemnly, such a person can do anything to survive, almost no dignity and the bottom line.

"Mal Gobi, this **** is too shameless, I can't stand the monkey, if the monkey can go out now, give him a good day."

The dragon thirteen in the strange stone can't stand anymore.

"Without your shot, he can't live today. Do you think Yun Chang will want such a person?"

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter. Yu Yutai took himself seriously. He thought that he was a genius alchemy teacher and he was able to let the other party pay attention to it, but he ignored Yun Chang’s own strong alchemy teacher. In front of Yun Chang’s, All the advantages of Yu Yu are gone.

And is there a person who betrays the master at a crucial moment, will Yun Changyu want it? If Yun Changyi didn't feel anything about 皓 at the beginning, then now it is disgusting and very disgusting.

"Hey! Yu Yu, do you really think you have enough weight to survive?"

The prince snorted, so close, he could shoot directly and smash it, but the prince did not shoot, because he knew that even if he didn’t shoot, Yu couldn’t live, he would be more thorough than Yu Yu’s understanding of Yun Changyu. He wants Yu Yu to know how stupid his choice is.


Just as the voice of the Prince just fell, Yun Chang’s long sword slammed into the skull’s head, and the blood splattered until he died. Yu Yu didn’t know why this was, he clearly surrendered, and he felt that his identity Wherever you go, you should be valued. A young genius alchemy teacher is a fortune for any big power. He doesn’t know why Yun Changyu wants to kill himself, and the first one kills himself. Instead of killing the Prince.

"Hey, garbage."

Yun Changyu snorted at the body of Yu.

Yu Yu’s ending tells the world that he should never put his position too high, and don’t always think that he is so important. He is alive, life and death are all relying on air transport, not to die, but also a reputation of garbage, let people disgust.

Yu Yu is mortal today, but he chose the most deadly method of death. He could have died very strong. Just like the two before, the name will be remembered by the Dagan Imperial Genius, but now, Your name will also be remembered, but it will be objectionable and resentful.

"Prince, now it's up to you, what else do you have to say?"

Yun Changyu looked at the Prince. For his long-time rival, he is now killing each other. Yun Changyu is still very excited. At least this is an opponent that he can afford.

"Come on, this prince is in your hands this sunset, there is nothing to say."

The prince closed his eyes and gave up the resistance directly. With his current combat power, he was no longer the opponent of Yun Changyu. Moreover, he stood behind a more powerful cloud wing. In this case, he could not possibly Escape, since there is no way to escape, then only accept the fate.

"Well, Prince, you are also a person I admire from Yun Chang, and when I kill you, I will tell the world that your prince is dead in the hands of Yun Chang."

Yun Changyu said, the long sword in his hand rushed forward, and in the case of the Prince without resistance, he slammed into the eyebrow of the Prince, which was a fatal injury, almost a sword.

"Stop, I dare to kill my Dagan empire as a prince."

Just as Yun Chang’s long sword had just pierced the eyebrows of the Prince’s eyebrows, a loud drink suddenly sounded from a distance, and then a man in white fluttered and rushed to kill.

"It's shameless."

The dragon thirteen in Kistler couldn’t help but say that Jiang Chen’s time was so good, just in the moment when Yun Chang’s father had just killed the prince, he created an illusion of his own rescue, not only to achieve his goal. Also let the Prince see the arrival of Jiang Chen before he died, and then die in depression.

Not to mention the hostile relationship between Jiang Chen and the Prince. For the Prince, there is no one to save and save the person who is half a step late. It is a completely different feeling. The former is desperate. I don’t have any illusions of life, but the latter one can live, just because the other party is late, and it’s too late to lose.

The Prince did not know whether Jiang Chen was deliberate or really rushed to save himself at a critical moment. Anyway, his mood is very depressed, and he is desperate to die. Of course, he is also dying.

"Grass mud horse!"

The prince turned his eyes and blew a swearing squad before he died. Then he lay down straight and lay down.

"Prince, Prince, bad, Prince is dead, Yun Changyu, you actually killed us as a prince, it is a big dog, and Jiang Chen is going to avenge the Prince today."

Jiang Chen first exclaimed two sounds, then yelled at the anger, and showed his own dragon change. It was a painful affair. To revenge the prince’s hatred, look like that, the prince is like Like his brother, if the Prince is not dead now, I don’t know if he will be moved to cry.

"Shameless, too shameless, I can't sigh with the monkey."

The dragon thirteen in the strange stone is full of capitalized clothes. I have seen shamelessly. I have never seen such shamelessness. By killing people with a knife, I can be so confident. What is called a double-edged sword? This is not only the removal of the Prince, but also the excuse to kill. Yun Changyu, can also leave a good reputation for self-discipline and solidarity, this is his three arrows.

"Jiang Chen?"

This sudden emergence of the big killings also made Yun Changyu stunned. This reaction is too much, as if he killed the other relatives, but when it is clear that the person is Jiang Chen, Yun Chang Blinking eyes instantly widened, and even the excitement was excited.

"Haha, it’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s not a waste of time. Jiang Chen, you come across this prince, don’t slip away, but take the initiative to come out, is your head kicked?”

Yun Changxiao laughed and said with great interest.

"Yun Changyu, just because you want to kill me? Do not sneak in the urine to take care of your virtue, you dare to kill my empire Prince, daring, my Jiang Chen now revenge for the Prince."

Jiang Chen’s sound is very strong. It’s a bit of a painful look. If it’s unknowing, I think Jiang Chen and the Prince are what they live and die. This is the place where Yun Chang’s words are the most talkative. Others don’t know, he is clear. This Jiang Chen and the Prince are themselves hostile. Jiang Chen is the king of the king. Just now, the Prince also thought about joining forces with him to kill Jiang Chen. Now Jiang Chen has ran out to avenge the Prince. What is this ghost? ?

"Jiang Chen, are you sick? Prince just killed you, you are now coming out to avenge him. Prince is dead, shouldn't you be happy?"

Yun Changyu has no words.

"Happy to be a fart, the Prince regards me as an enemy, but in this golden murder, our great empire is the most united, you are my real enemy, you killed the prince, and I happened to be met by me if I If you don’t take it, you are not looked down upon."

Jiang Chen said seriously, feelings are still a hero.

Yun Changyu rolled his eyes and almost spurted out an old blood. Even he didn't know if Jiang Chen said it was true. The so-called unity, it was shit, the fairy world was full of battles, once there was a chance to kill the enemy. If anyone is unwilling to let go, he does not believe that Jiang Chen will have such a heart.

However, these are not important. He does not care what Jiang Chen’s purpose is. Since he is here, he has to stay. He wants to say who he hates the most. He is not a prince or a king. In front of this Jiang Chen, when Danfu, Jiang Chen let him lose his face, this thing has kept him in his arms, a depressed gas, if it does not come out, see what is not pleasing to the eye, this is with Jiang Chen by the Northern and Southern Dynasties The pursuit of **** urine flow is a nature.

"Is that the Jiang Chen?"

Yunyi looked at Jiang Chen and asked in an understatement to see Jiang Chen’s cultivation. His eyes were directly filled with contempt and despise. In the mid-term of his immortal, he would see a fairy in the middle. .


Yun Chang’s gnashing teeth said.

"Seven princes, you have lost to such a person, it really makes people wonder."

Yunyi laughed, this joke-like sentence, no doubt once again stung the Yun Changyu, uncovering the scars in his heart.

"When I kill him, I can wash away the shame of the past."

Yun Changqi hated and said.

"Seven princes, to deal with such a small person, do not need you to personally let the subordinates directly kill him."

The Da Yun Empire, a half-step disciple of the Emperor level, said, killing directly toward Jiang Chen.

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