Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1586: War cloud

Those who haven’t really played against Jiang Chen will never understand how terrible Jiang Chen is. It’s like the genius of the big cloud empire. He just saw the repair of Jiang Chenxian’s mid-term, and he did not put Jiang Chen at all. In the eyes, this is a fatal mistake, a very stupid practice, stupid enough to ruin his own life.

It was only rushed up that day, no one blocked it, and even Yun Changyi was like other people, holding the mentality of watching the movie, because they did not understand how terrible Jiang Chen was. In their eyes, Jiang Chen was a jumping clown. When I jumped out at this time, it was the brain that was squeezed by the door and came out to find death.


Seeing this half-step Emperor genius rushed toward himself, Jiang Chen also shook his head helplessly, and his face was helpless. Some people are like this. If you don’t take your own life, it’s too much to take yourself seriously. The direct result of this approach is extremely miserable.

"Jiang Chen, let's die, if you dare to disrespect the seven emperors, then you must die. Since you have to avenge your princes, go down with him."

It was extremely arrogant that day, and it was a punch at the head of Jiang Chen. It was a fist with red light. The lethality is undoubtedly amazing. This punch does not know how powerful energy is carried, if it is solid. In the middle of the fight, the consequences are unimaginable. Of course, this tyrannical is also divided into objects. In front of Jiang Chen, this genius's offense is to spend the same time as the children's family.

That day, the unbeatable punch was extremely fast, leaving a long trace in the void, tearing the space with a punch, and blinking in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen did not move like a mountain, and there was no such thing as a wave in his eyes. He lifted his palm easily and casually, and it looked very chic, but the action was almost at the extreme. The fist that day was not able to reach the head of Jiang Chen, but was Jiang Chen’s palm is caught.


The fist of that day was bombarded on the palm of Jiang Chen, just like a small hammer knocked on a mountain, like a drop of water into the sea, I can't look down on it.


That day, his face changed wildly, and he immediately exclaimed. He looked up at Jiang Chen with incredible looks. He suddenly felt the tremendous pressure from Jiang Chen. Under this invisible pressure, he only felt that breathing was extremely difficult. It seems that the body has been crushed by a giant mountain.

It was not a fool that day. I knew that I was a light enemy. The other party was far more terrible than I thought. I might not be Jiang Chen’s opponent at all.


At this time, the first time I can think of is the retreat. I can only run it. Otherwise, my life will come in. I was ready to go back that day, but I was shocked to find that my arm was completely controlled by Jiang Chen. The palm of his hand is like a pair of pliers. He grabs his fist and lets him struggle with his best efforts. He can't get out of Jiang Chen's hands.

"There is so imposing, how can I run now?"

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a sneer, his arm forced, and a devastating energy rushed out.



Just listening to the bang, under the devastating blow of Jiang Chen, the whole arm of that day was directly broken and turned into a blood fog, which was directly crushed by the power of terror.

On the screaming scream, he screamed from the void, and only used his other hand to smash the broken arm. He was screaming in pain. He is now full of regrets, wondering why he is so impulsive to be the first bird, he is even more I did not expect that the strength of the other party would be so strong that it was not in the middle of a fairy king.

It’s a pity that everything is already late. Jiang Chen’s broken arm is a huge loss for him. Even if he doesn’t die, the future repairs may be stagnant. Of course, this time is not dead for him. A rare luxury.

Since Jiang Chen has shot, he will not keep his hands. His body swayed to the side of the day, and the iron fist slammed out, and he was unbiased and squatted on the other's head.


The ending was almost imaginable. The scream of the day was abruptly stopped. The head was crushed by Jiang Chen’s punch, and it was directly blown out. A identity kit floated out of the other’s body and fell into Jiang’s dust. In the hands.

Spike, this is the real spike, just like crushing an ant, it's too easy.

It was only that day that I could say that it was a tragic death. When he shot, he thought that it was a fist to blow the head of Jiang Chen, and directly solved Jiang Chen, and performed well in front of the Seven Emperors and Yunyi, but did not expect it. Finally, the other side burst into a punch, too ironic.


This time, it was the turn of the clouds, and they exclaimed. The expressions on the faces of their faces have not completely disappeared, and they have been replaced with another kind of horrified expression, which makes the expression on each face extremely complicated.

Jiang Chen’s killing was too fast. It was a matter of blinking. A half-step genius master of the Emperor, there was no counterattack in the hands of Jiang Chen, and he was killed by a punch. This does not mean that the day will not work. The only explanation is that Jiang Chen is too strong and powerful enough to make them shocked enough.

"A good guy."

Yunyi’s eyes turned to Jiang Chen’s eyes completely changed, and there was no previous contempt. Although he still did not regard Jiang Chen as his opponent, a genius in the middle of a fairy king could kill half a step of the emperor, this alone. One point is enough to be shocked. Others have never seen such a genius in such a genius. Once such a person grows up, it is the most terrifying and the most threatening.

At this time, Yunyi also understands why Yun Changyu will lose to such a person and will lose face in the hands of such a person.

"Damn, what kind of ghost is this guy? How is it so powerful? His cultivation is only the mid-term of the immortal king, but the combat power is so terrifying that it is not enough for us to kill."

"Yeah, no wonder the seven emperors will lose their faces in his hands. It seems that the other party is extraordinary."

"It seems that he dared to stand up, it has a certain strength, but even if he can kill the half-step Emperor, it is too arrogant, the seven emperors and Yunyi brothers are powerful masters of the Emperor, especially Brother Yunyi, the supreme master of the immortal mid-term, to kill him is not like playing."


The geniuses of the Great Cloud Empire were shocked. Everyone looked at Jiang Chen’s gaze no longer had the contempt. They were not qualified to despise and despise a person who is stronger than himself. In this world of the jungle, the strong will only Be respected, even if the enemy is the same.

"A good Jiang Chen, I did not expect that you will not only be the alchemy, but also the warfare. The people in the Dagan Empire appear like you. For us, it is really a misfortune. Your existence is ours. The biggest threat of the Big Cloud Empire, but you shouldn’t be rushing out today. This is the dumbest decision you made, giving the Emperor another chance to kill the first genius of the Dagan Empire."

Yun Changyu said, the words do not hide the appreciation of Jiang Chen, although it is an enemy, but Yun Changyi also has to admit that Jiang Chen is an extremely terrible opponent, how to fight for the time, not on the alchemy Yun Chang’s confession was taken by Jiang Chen. When he was in Danfu, he lost his heart and took it. He’s the sacred flame of the ten products. He has never seen it in his life. Jiang Chen gave him an eye-opener. opportunity.

"Yun Chang, I know that you always want to kill me, to wash the shame of Dan House on that day, but unfortunately you will never have a chance, because you are not my opponent now, and you are very bad luck, come across me. I am in a bad mood today, I am unlucky."

Jiang Chen said.

"Haha... I can't say anything, I have to say that you are more arrogant than the Prince. You can say it in this way. Do you think that you can kill a half-step Emperor and you can fight against this prince? It is ignorant. Today, the Emperor will let you see my means, let you know how powerful the real Emperor is, this prince will kill you today, wash the shame of the day."

The seven emperors laughed happily, as if they heard the best jokes between heaven and earth.

"You have too much nonsense, hurry up, I don't want to waste time."

Jiang Chen said that he did not put Yun Changyu in his eyes. With his current combat power, Yun Changyu is not an opponent at all. He now has a number of dragons in his body that has reached 1.19 million. Ten thousand can be promoted to the late stage of Xian Wang, and the cultivation has been stabilized in the mid-peak of the immortal king. It is not a big deal to defeat Yun Changyu.

"Since you are eager to find death, the prince will be yours."

Yun Changyu said, the whole person jumped up and flew up to the sky. He put away the sword in his hand, because in his view, dealing with Jiang Chen, he did not need weapons to help him, his means and power to himself. Very confident, I feel that it is an effortless thing to kill a mid-term.


Yun Changyu released his powerful momentum. He evolved a golden hand and pounced on Jiang Chen. The huge golden hand is like a cage, covering everything, and like a mountain, you can put your opponent. Shoot dead.

"The real dragon handprint."

Jiang Chen also shot, in the face of Yun Changyu, he did not have a bit of politeness, the two sides have long established their enemy relationship, once encountered, it is not that you die or I die, there is nothing to say.

Before Jiang Chen was chased by hundreds of thousands of miles by the Northern and Southern Dynasties, his heart was depressed and he was now refined and refined. The shot was naturally unrelenting. He came up with a real handprint.


The huge blood-colored dragon claws are also like mountains. They are so powerful that they collide with the palms that have evolved from Yun Chang.

[The latest chapter of Fanwai has been updated in the public number. The brothers who have not paid attention havetened up. Tomorrow will send a temperament head of the morning rain on the public number, open WeChat, search for the three words of Su Yuexi, click on the attention, everyone moves Hands-on, very simple. 】

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