Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1587: Step on death

Under the strong impact of the real dragon handprint, Yun Chang’s attack has become vulnerable, and it has been destroyed on the spot. The powerful real dragon handprint has erupted with the sound of the earth-shattering dragon, and the cloud Chang’s retreat is back. Only when I was able to stabilize my body, only one collision, Yun Changyu was numb by the shock, and the blood was overwhelmed, and the unspeakable uncomfortable.

"No, this is impossible."

Yun Changzhen was completely horrified. I couldn’t believe the result. I was shocked by Jiang Chen’s move. This is more frightening than the genius of Jiang Chen’s headshot killing half-step Emperor. This is not a concept at all.

Horror, it’s too horrible, how can there be such a terrible thing in heaven and earth.

In fact, Yun Chang is an alchemy teacher. His own combat power is not too dominant. In this world, everything is proficient, alchemy and combat power are super powerful. There is really no one. Jiang Chen is only one. Alien, so the strength of Yun Chang’s battle is not enough in front of Jiang Chen.

"Little dust, even the monkeys have to say, you are really fierce, and you are about to catch up with one-half of the monkeys."

Inside the Kistler, the sound of Dragon Thirteen was transmitted to the ears of Jiang Chen.

"Monkey, are you shutting up with his mother? I am fighting, so thrilling scenes are not suitable for your narcissism."

Jiang Chen said silently, this guy is too narcissistic, but his grades are constantly improving. He is continually praised by the monkey three times. One time is one tenth of him, one is one fifth of him, and now it is two points. One of them is that progress is not small.

"Up, make a big move directly, kill him with your most fierce attitude."

Dragon Thirteen is extremely excited in Kistler. Jiang Chen thinks that if it is not because of lack of time, this guy will be estimated to have rushed out with iron bars.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became extremely dignified. The shock was not just Yun Changyi. Everyone in the Great Cloud Empire was stunned, including the Yunyi in the middle of the Emperor. They already knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, but how I did not expect to be strong to this extent. After all, killing half a step of the Emperor and defeating the early Emperor, it is two completely different concepts.

"Yun Changyu, I didn't expect you to be like this. I can still resist the threat of killing Laozi. I really don't know where you are from. I don't want anyone to go here today, all of them will die."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is unparalleled, and his murderous appearance is exposed. He is definitely not going to have a bit of mercy.

"One can't live? The tone is really not small. Are you when I am a cloud wing?"

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Yunyi was the first to stand it. No one ever dared to despise him. Jiang Chen is indeed a powerful person. He is the most powerful genius he has ever seen. It is absolutely enchanting, but genius does not mean invincibility. Yunyi has already seen from Jiang Chen’s previous shots. Although Jiang Chen’s combat power can defeat the seven emperors’ Yun Chang’s early Emperor, it is definitely not his opponent.

"You are right, I really think of you as a display. I am going to kill Yun Changyu now and see how you block it."

Jiang Chen said that he stepped out of the Canglong five steps directly. Every step was as heavy as hundreds of millions, and the speed was extremely fast and he killed the past.

"Cloud wing, you don't have to shoot, this prince does not believe that a small fairy king in the middle."

Yunyi just wanted to move, but Yun Changyu was blocked. This is a very proud person. He pretended to be high and high. He did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes from the beginning, and Jiang Chen once gave himself great Disgrace, if you can't kill Jiang Chen yourself today, how can this shame be washed away? What's more, if you still want to kill Jiang Chen by cloud wing, it will add another shame, because just now Collision chapter, he is defeated, alchemy defeated, and now the battle is also defeated, even if Jiang Chen died, it will leave a lingering shadow in Yun Chang’s heart.

More importantly, Yun Changyi does not believe that his own strength is really not the opponent of Jiang Chen. The attack just now is only tentative. It is because the enemy is defeated, if it is defeated, if you Seriously, Jiang Chen is definitely not his opponent. This is a long-term confidence.

Unfortunately, people tend to be overconfident at times. Once they are overconfident, the outcome will often be miserable.


Yun Changyu is not hiding. In the face of Jiang Chen’s strong attack, he displayed the unique skills of the Great Cloud Empire. Both sides continued to make complex French seals, and then they played a vast sky. The huge palms of the palms were not known than the palms that had just evolved. To be arrogant, with unparalleled destructive power, shrouded Jiang Chen.

At this time, Jiang Chen’s five steps have stepped on the fourth step. The five steps of Canglong are powerful as the powerful attacking dragons. Every step is exhaustive and the void can be crushed at any time, just like now. Jiang Dust stepped out in front of the three steps, and the void was trampled out of three big holes. The power of the fourth step almost carried the sum of the previous three steps.


Jiang Chen stepped on the palm of his hand, and the unique skills of the great cloud empire in the face of the five steps of Jiang Chen's Canglong were also vulnerable, and they were crushed on the spot.

The palm of the sky was destroyed. Yun Changyu himself was once again subjected to a certain amount of anti-seismic force. He stepped back a dozen steps. At this time, even if he is confident, he knows that he is not an opponent of Jiang Chen at all. He cannot understand. Why is Jiang Chen strong enough to this point, but this is no longer important. What is important is that his goal of killing Jiang Chen himself today is impossible.


After breaking the palm of the sky, Jiang Chen’s movement did not stop. He had already stepped out of the last step of the five steps of the dragon. In the blink of an eye, he came to the top of Yun Chang’s. If this step was solid, he would not be able to put the cloud. It’s almost like a long squatting, and it’s not good to die.

"not good."

Yun Chang’s dark road is not good. He was exclaimed on the spot. He could feel the horror of Jiang Chen’s move. In his current state, he was not an opponent at all, or he could not bear it at all. He was from Jiang Chen’s body. Feeling the threat of death, in the case of this threat, he feels his soul is shaking, it is a feeling that has never been seen before.

Although Yun Changzhen is the genius of the younger generation of the Emperor of the Emperor, but he is best at alchemy after all, in terms of combat power compared to Yang Bufan and Prince, such as the master, there are still some inferior, now on Jiang Chen, It is completely vulnerable.

"The clouds are long and dead."

Jiang Chen's black hair is swelled, and the dazzling golden light is shining like a **** of war. The horrible big foot that has been evolved is a few dozen feet in size. It seems like a big mountain, pressing down to Yun Changsheng.

"Cloud wing saves me."

At this moment of life and death, no matter what face can't be taken care of, Yun Changyu, this time only Yunyi can save himself, and can only rely on the cloud wing.

Without the cloud long shouting, Yunyi is already ready to shoot. He can't watch the seven emperors being killed by others. In that case, after returning, he has no way to explain, and the seven emperors are still in a big position in the big cloud empire. The young king, himself is a genius alchemy teacher, is famous in the East Xuan domain, can be said to be the pride of the younger generation of the big cloud empire, if nothing unexpected, the future Chu Jun is him, if killed by Jiang Chen If you want, the loss of the big cloud empire can be big.


The cloud wing shouted, and the whole person turned into a streamer and killed the river dust.

"I said, you can't save him, blood demon."

Jiang Chen coldly screamed, the portal of the ancestral tower was opened, and then there was an earth-shattering roar. A **** demon king with a majestic to the extreme appeared like a ghost, standing in front of the cloud wing.

The blood demon king roared again and again. Since he was surrendered by Jiang Chen, he has been staying in the ancestral tower for a long time. He has been crazy for a long time. Now he has the opportunity to come out and kill him. Naturally, he must be depressed. The violent breath is released.

"What the hell?"

Yunyi was stunned on the spot. This sudden change was unexpectedly unexpected before him. What shocked him was that this big guy who didn’t know where to pop out suddenly turned out to be powerful and amazing. In almost the same way as myself, I reached the middle of the Emperor.

"Step aside."

Yunyi blasted and slammed his hand and shot it toward the blood demon king. He didn't expect this palm to kill the monster in front of him, but he had to push it back. Otherwise, Yun Changyu would be really dangerous. That Jiang Chen is obviously not a good thing, and there is no such thing as a soft heart. As long as this is delayed for a while, Yun Changyu may die in the hands of Jiang Chen.


The blood demon king violently screams, picking up his fist and attacking the cloud wing. The body of the blood demon is too strong, and the **** demon king swallows a blood dragon fruit. The combat power is even more terrifying. Even if you can't beat a powerful person like Yunyi, you can definitely guarantee unbeaten.


Yunyi and the blood demon king are fighting together for a moment, regardless of the outcome.


With such a delay, Jiang Chen’s big feet have fallen heavily on Yun Chang’s body. This is the five-step peerless power of Cang Long. Yun Chang’s own fear has already frightened, and he thought that Yunyi could save himself, so He did not even do effective rebellion, so he slammed the five steps of the dragon.


The screams of screaming resounded through the sky, and Yun Chang’s arm was directly crushed by Jiang Chen, and all the blood was under his body, and the eyes were about to burst.

However, Yun Changyu is a master of the Emperor, and he has not been trampled to death immediately. But there is no difference between death and death. The whole person has become the end of the powerful, and it is like a dead dog caught by Jiang Chen. general.

"Seven princes."

Upon seeing it, Yunyi and the genius of the big cloud empire suddenly exclaimed.

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