Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1587: Three arrows

The people of the Dayun Empire can't keep calm. The Seven Emperors are their masters. This time they entered the Golden Killing Field. The top officials said that he would have a good atmosphere. If there is a big chance, he will get great benefits, but at the moment, seven The life of the emperor must be controlled in the hands of others. The cloud wing is also blocked by a evil spirit that does not know where it came from. It seems that there is no way to save the seven emperors.

"Jiang Chen, put seven princes, or you will die very badly."

The cloud wing is extremely bad, but it is impossible to get rid of the entanglement of the blood demon king. The blood demon king is too powerful, and he belongs to a level character. He can be tied with the blood demon king. It is already very good. It’s impossible to come and save the clouds.

Yunyi snorted at Jiang Chen. At this time, he could only use language to threaten it, even if he knew that such threat had no practical effect on Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are brave enough to dare to hurt our seven emperors."

"Hurry up and put the seven emperors, so as not to make a big mistake."

"Damn, Jiang Chen, do you know what you are doing?"

The half-step geniuses of the Big Cloud Empire are also anxious, but they are only sharp in words, but no one dares to take the initiative. Even the seven emperors are not opponents of Jiang Chen, and they are almost kicked. It’s almost unquestionable to step on the death and they rushed up, and the other person could blow them away with a single breath.

"Haha, you are such an idiot. At this time, I dare to speak out threats. I really don't know what your brain thinks. Do you only allow you to kill my prince, I can't kill your prince? You are killing my prince." Do you know what you are doing? You have already made a big mistake. Now is the moment of revenge and the moment to avenge our princes."

Jiang Chen laughed, and his big hand squatted with Yun Changyu and a dead chicken. At the moment, Yun Changyu, in the hands of Jiang Chen, did not even have the strength to struggle, let alone resist, before Jiang The dusty dragon did not ask for his life in five steps, it is already a fate.

"A few of you are still doing what you are doing, and you are not going to save the seven emperors."

Yunyi shouted at the genius of the Emperor of the Big Cloud Empire.

It’s said that the faces of those people have changed wildly, and my heart has started to look at her mother. This cloud wing is really open, let them shoot to save the seven emperors, what is the difference between letting them die, but if they look at the seven emperors If killed by Jiang Chen, then there will be no need to mix in the big cloud empire. If you say it later, it is estimated that Yunyi will not let them go.

"Let's take a shot together and delay the time."

Some people bite their teeth and take out their own fairy soldiers. Several people rushed out at the same time and killed them toward Jiang Chen. They have no way at present. They know that the other side is a fierce tiger or a hand.

"Hey! You are waiting for the goods, even the qualifications that let me personally shoot, blood demon, come out, kill them."

Jiang Chen snorted, and with his order, the ancestral tower once again rushed out of a **** light, followed by an earth-shattering roar, and a **** demon king rushed out, this blood demon king’s repair is not as good as The one that fought fiercely with Yunyi, but it was also the cultivation of the early Emperor of the Emperor, killing the genius of these big cloud empire half-step singer, it is not too easy.

"Mom, another evil spirit, how can this be, how can these powerful evil spirits listen to Jiang Chen?"

"It’s late, this evil spirit has already reached the beginning of the Emperor, we are not opponents at all."


A few people suddenly panicked, they felt a very strong crisis from the blood demon king, it is a threat of life.


The blood demon king can not only panic, but immediately screams and explores the sharp claws, the speed is almost to the extreme, in the blink of an eye rushed to one of them, the disciple made all the resistance, but where is The blood demon king's opponent was torn into pieces by the blood demon king, and died on the spot.


The other two saw the situation, where they dared to be a little bit sloppy, and even could not care about the life of the seven emperors, turned and ran, these two people are also very smart, knowing to escape from different directions.

It is a pity that everything is already late, the blood demon king will not give them a chance, the blood demon king's speed is very fast, I only saw him grab a left and right, respectively, to seize the two, and then make out the brute force, the fierce will be two People collide with each other.


Two screams rang at the same time, two and a half steps of the Emperor's genius collided under the blood demon king brute force, the original physical body, was also hit on the spot into a crush, both tragic death.


The blood demon king is arrogant, his hands are constantly beaten on the chest, it seems that killing three people is not an addiction, like the evil spirits like the blood demon, the natural bloodthirsty, the most favorite is killing, like the boss of the blood demon king, in The ancestral tower has been smashed for too long, and now suddenly it comes out to kill people, naturally it is sharp and fierce.

"Jiang Chen, you..."

Yunyi binoculars have become red, the whole person is angry to the extreme, today is to kill the prince of the Dagan empire, they also succeeded in killing the prince, it is a thing worth celebrating, no matter who In the half step, a Jiang Chen was killed, and the horror reached this level. He was able to surrender the blood demon for his own use. In the blink of an eye, their people were all killed, and the Seven Emperors were also taken. It seems that they want to survive. impossible.


The boss of the **** demon Wang Lian Yunyi did not give the opportunity to speak. He continued to fight fiercely. He got the command of Jiang Chen to deal with Yunyi, then the blood demon king would be desperate to attack, and the target would kill each other, even if he could not kill. Can not let the other party affect their own owners.

Jiang Chen ignored the cloud wing. He did not intend to leave the cloud wing. With the strength of the cloud wing, if he wanted to go, he could not stop it. Even if there is a blood demon king, it will not work unless the monkey When you get out of the stone.

"Jiang Chen, if you kill me, it will directly lead to a war between the two empires. At that time, the entire East Xuan domain will not be peaceful. This responsibility, can you afford it?"

The seven emperors spoke up.

"You killed the Prince, this war can no longer be avoided, and my Jiang Chen does not care about war and no war, I only know that you want to kill me, then I will kill you, this is fair, you say yes? ”

Jiang Chen said faintly, he is bound to kill Yun Changyu today, and let Yun Changyi say what reason to come, can not stop Jiang Dian's determination to kill him, Jiang Chen is absolutely not going to leave an enemy who is deliberately trying to make his own life. This world.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I didn't think that I was a smart man, and I ended up in your hands."

Yun Changxiao suddenly laughed, laughter is extremely sad, he is very reluctant, he has a good future, may be an emperor of the empire in the future, now everything is finished, all dreams have become a bubble, everything Will no longer exist.


Jiang Chen shot ruthlessly, and a slap in the head of Yun Changyu, Yun Changyu died on the spot, his kit also fell into the hands of Jiang Chen, killing Yun Changyu, Jiang Chen is equivalent to getting Yun Changyu And the two people's air transport, but this kind of air transport Jiang Dian still does not care, although these two are expensive for the Prince and the Prince, the air transport is extraordinary, but compared with Jiang Chen, the air transport is still too weak, weak Poor.

"Jiang Chen, you killed the seven emperors, ready to bear the revenge of the big cloud empire, you will die very badly, and will eventually die without a place to die."

Yunyi struggled to open the attack of the blood demon king, leaving a swearword, and then the whole person flew away, disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The blood demon king roared and prepared to pursue.

"No need to chase."

Jiang Chen opened, let the blood demon king stop chasing, the cloud wing to go, chase is useless, Jiang Chen's current purpose has been reached, let the cloud wing go, it is good for him, today's battle can just use the cloud The mouth of the wing spread out, and in order to avenge the prince, he killed the seven emperors of the Great Cloud Empire. After the news came out, it was very beneficial to Jiang Chen and Yang Bufan. When he returned to the Dagan Empire, he and Yang’s status. Will improve again.

Jiang Chen does not care about the identity and status of the Dagan Empire, but he wants to do something for Yang Bufan. After all, the Prince died. The next step is the battle between Yang Feifan and the Peace King, which can be invisibly suppressed for Yang Bufan. Ping Wang's arrogance, to enhance the status of the king, this is what Jiang Chen wants to see.

In the heart of Jiang Chen, the Dagan Empire is just a stop. His future is still very long. He will not stop at a place like the Dagan Empire. But now he is here, what to do for Yang Bufan. He wants to see Yang Bufan’s growth and personally help the Dagan Empire to create an unparalleled emperor.

"Let this guy run, oh! This guy is really lucky, I can't get out of the monkey now, otherwise, it's such a thing, the monkey will send him to the West."

The sound of Dragon Thirteen came out of Kistler, and this guy began to narcissism again.

However, for the words of Dragon Thirteen, Jiang Chen is absolutely convinced that even the mighty Southern and Northern Dynasties are not the opponents of Dragon Thirteen, not to mention the cloud wing of a district.

"Let me go and have nothing to do with me. I just want to use his mouth to preach for me. I will collect the corpses of their princes now. After returning, I can still invite them, hehe."

Jiang Chen smiled and took advantage of the fact that the princes and Yu Yu’s bodies were included in the Zulong Tower. After returning, they just invited.

"Insidious, but I like it."

The sinister behavior of Jiang Chen in the Dragon 13 Kistler is greatly appreciated.

"Okay, killing Yun Changyu, my depression is also out before, where are we going next, monkeys, have goals?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Continue to go in the direction of the past, there is a fairy."

Long XIII said.

[Thanks to the thirteenth and don't scorn the brothers' rewards. It was originally necessary to add more, but the story behind it has to be re-planned, so tomorrow will add more, and today it will not be added. In addition, it will be on the WeChat public account. Sending temperament pictures of male and female protagonists, paying close attention without attention, search for Su Yuexi, pay attention to it. 】

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