Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1598: Who will kill who?

Kistler rushed out of the ancestral tower, floating in the sky above the space, countless golden light rushed out from the strange stone, the waves rolling, the sky was moving, this movement is too big, I don’t know if a monkey will come out from inside. What a big movement.

“There is too much movement, it will definitely attract many people.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was condensed, and then he immediately printed his hands and displayed a large array. He shrouded dozens of miles around him and used a large array to cover the huge movements of Dragon 13. In fact, Jiang Chen The current cultivation is completely sufficient for the Dragon 13 to protect the law, to ensure that outsiders are not allowed to approach him, but in order not to be disturbed by outside factors, Jiang Chen is still careful, it is the most insurance to completely cover it.

Not only that, after the law, Jiang Chen himself has also stepped out of the law. He is cold and cold. Now is the most crucial moment of the Dragon Thirteen. Anyone who wants to come to trouble, Jiang Chen will not There is a bit of politeness. Anyone who tries to disturb the birth of Dragon Thirteen will be killed by Jiang Chen.


During the earthquake, the movements in the strange stone are getting bigger and bigger. It seems that countless nine days of thunder are rolling. The souls of the earthquake are somewhat dull. The golden light is like a silk satin, which is transformed into a heaven. .

This is a very different scene. This is the scene of the birth of heaven and earth. This is the incarnation of the heavens and the earth. It is the embodiment of the air movement. The birth of a Taikoo war spirit is bound to be earth-shattering and attracting attention. The dragon 13 is the most famous here. Good, after all, there are few people here, and the impact on him is small.


The incomparably sturdy Kistler began to make a creaking sound, and the cracks appeared constantly. It soon became like a spider web. It was dense and dense, and the golden brilliance appeared. This space became a golden ocean. That is The breath of the Taikoo war spirit, a peerless enchanting to be born, shocked the world.

"Monkey, are you so big, will you attract the robbery?"

Jiang Chen began to worry a bit. He knows the situation of the robbery. When he was in the Sacred Continent, he was not less thundered, because the law of the immortal world was more solid and more advanced, so he did not go after the fairyland. After the catastrophe, but the monkey's birth is too bad, a sacred war spirit that did not know how long it will take, will be sacred when it is born.

"Do not worry, I am a **** of heaven and earth. I absorb the essence of heaven and earth. It conforms to the laws of heaven and earth and the air transport. It will be recognized and tolerated by the heavens and the earth. There will be no looting. Otherwise, if I am here, even if it is The space left by the Buddha respect cannot be sustained."

The sound of Dragon Thirteen came out of the strange stone. Jiang Chen just let go of his heart. You must know that the sky robbery is not bounded by space. No matter where you are, you can't escape the perception of daily robbery. Imagine, If the catastrophe comes to this space, even if it is left by the ancient Buddha, it will be destroyed by the catastrophe. At that time, the whole space will be completely collapsed, and the consequences are unimaginable.

However, Dragon Thirteen is different from the general anti-sky thing. He combines the creation of the heavens and the earth, absorbs the essence of the heavens and the earth, conforms to the heavens and the earth, and is recognized by the laws of heaven and earth, and he has realized the great self-sacrifice and walked out of the shackles with freedom. Really seeing the sky, there will be no catastrophe.


There are more and more cracks on the strange stones, and there is the possibility of direct bursting at any time. However, Jiang Chen also knows that it takes a certain amount of time for the real stone to burst, and the ancient war spirit is born, and it is not so easy and simple.


Several figures came one after another, even though Jiang Chen had used a large array to cover the momentum of the Dragon Thirteen, but the movement was too big, and it was impossible to completely cover it. So some monks near here are naturally Will be attracted by such a huge movement.

"What is that? A powerful momentum, is that the light of the ancient **** of war? This strange stone must be a rare baby."

"Divine, too divine, I smell the breath of the ancient war spirits. There are powerful creatures in this stone that are gestating and seem to be born."

"Okay, this is a peerless treasure. I didn't think there was such a strange stone in the fairy tales of the ancient Buddha. I don't know how many years have been born. If I can get this stone, I can let the souls in the stone obey." For me, even I can refine it directly and get endless benefits."


There are six or seven people here, standing in different directions, one by one, the eyes are hot, and the eyes show greedy light. They don’t know that this strange stone was released by Jiang Chen, thinking that it has always existed here. It is ancient. The treasures left by the Buddha, and they are not fools. They know the horror of this ancient war. This is the birth of the heavens and the earth. If you can get it, you can get the recognition of the creatures inside, and you can use it for yourself, even if you can't. When the other party is not completely born, it will be refining and refining, and absorbing the essence of a heaven and earth, it is absolutely unimaginable. At that time, there will be a substantial improvement.

Therefore, everyone has a very strong interest in this strange stone. Some people are already ready to move. It seems that they are ready to shoot on Kistler. As for the existence of Jiang Chen, no one cares. In their view, standing outside the strange stone. The young people in white are just like them, but they have come earlier than them. The heavens and the earth are spiritual, and the energetic people live. In the face of the baby like Kistler, it is natural to rely on means to fight. Jiang Chen is only in their eyes. However, it is only a fairy king. Naturally no one has to look at him more. This kind of cultivation is not even the qualifications of their opponents. If you really want to shoot and rob them, it is also self-seeking. Cannon fodder was killed directly.


Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold and screaming, and the singer took out the Tiansheng sword. The dragon sword sent a shocking sword and screamed, and the demon was in turmoil. The dragon sword in his hand was constantly turbulent, just like a real dragon that came alive, and the gods were extremely extreme.

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way."

Jiang Chen’s cold eyes glanced in a circle, and the tone was also cold to the extreme. The swordsmanship was almost smashing out the substantive killings. The minds of these people have fallen on the strange stones. This is simply to find death. Now it is At the most critical moment when Dragon XIII was born, anyone who dared to cross the Leichi half-step would be sanctioned by Jiang Chen and died without a place of burial.

Jiang Chen now reminds him that he is giving them opportunities and giving them the last chance. Jiang Chen hopes that they can cherish them, but it seems impossible. The attraction of Kistler is too great, and it has completely inspired their greed and desire. Hope, in this case, only killing.

"Hey! A little fairy, do you want to eat alone?"

"That is, think that you first discovered that this baby is yours? It is ridiculous, it seems that you do not know the rules of gold killing."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him first. I want to set this strange stone today. Whoever dares to stop, whoever dies."


Everyone has been greedy and hopes to stun their minds, simply ignoring Jiang Chen’s reminder, and almost simultaneously impacted on this side.

"The rules of gold killing the domain, I know more than you."

Jiang Chen's black hair is floating, killing the plane and shooting. His body has turned into a dragon-changing state. He doesn't want to be too entangled with these guys. In order to ensure the success of the dragon thirteen, he will hit a shot. Will not give these people any chance to resist.

Jiang Chen moved, he moved like a tiger, Tiansheng sword turned into a sly brilliance from the front of the man's neck, the man made a scream, screaming on the spot, a genius master of the early emperor Even if the chances of reaction are not achieved, they will die immediately.


When I saw it, other people suddenly exclaimed, and each one was wide-eyed. I couldn’t believe what they saw. A fairy king suddenly showed a transformation skill, and the lethality was so strong that even The masters of the early Emperor of the Emperor were all killed and killed. If they did not see it with their own eyes, they could not believe it.


Regardless of the shock of these people, Jiang Chen’s two swords are two geniuses who died under his sword. The whole process is like a chopping melon and cutting vegetables. It’s easy and casual, and the other side is rebellious. There is no chance of reaction. Jiang Chen was completely vulnerable to the situation.

"Not good, underestimate the enemy, this person is too powerful, go quickly."

The rest of the people quickly stopped the body that they were rushing forward. Although the baby was good, it was nothing compared to the life. They all knew that they had looked down on the fairy king before. It turned out to be an extremely abnormal guy, blinking. There are so many people killed in the room. What they have to do now is to escape and save their lives.

"I don't want to go, I have given you a chance before, but you don't know how to cherish."

There is a flame in the river dust dragon. He murders the sky and raises the sword. He directly kills the people. This is a cruel world. There is no rule in the gold killing field. The dead are always It is normal.

Ah, ah...

Along with a few screams, all the geniuses died under the sword of Jiang Chen. Their kits also flew to the hands of Jiang Chen. They killed these people. Jiang Chen’s face did not change a bit. He carried the heavenly The sword is standing in the void, and the body of the dragon has not recovered. Next, who will kill anyone.

Ten minutes passed quickly, no one appeared anymore. After all, not everyone who came in can clearly feel the movement here. Jiang Chen’s formation is still very effective, and the genius who came in this time is not Many, this ancient road is also dozens of people. Now count the previous Huang family brothers, and there are no fewer than ten people who died in Jiang Chen’s hands. It’s blunt to say that the current Jiang Chen’s hands are likely to have identity. The person with the most tips, since the arrival of the gold killing field, all the people who collided with Jiang Chen, died without any accident.

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