Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1599: Seeing the road


Suddenly, there was a bursting sound inside the strange stone. Jiang Chen saw that the top of the strange stone had broken open, and an extremely violent energy suddenly came out from the impact. The top of the stone shattered and shattered directly.


A roar from the wilderness was heard from the strange stone. The head of the dragon thirteen was also revealed. The golden eyes of the fire glanced at the square. The golden monkey hair on his head was like a sharp sword. Just pull it down. , can pierce the space.


The dragon thirteen made an earth-shattering roar, his body began to swell, and countless golden lights continued to flash, like a sharp sword, from the crazy outward impact of the strange stone, the strange stone constantly screams, above The cracks continue to spread, and they will burst and collapse directly.

"Okay, I’m going to rush out soon."

Jiang Chen’s eyes brightened and he knew that there was nothing to stop the birth of Dragon Thirteen. He immediately felt relieved. He took up the body of the dragon and became the original.



With the bang, the strange stone burst completely and became a myriad of fragments. The dragon thirteen was completely born. He excitedly screamed and screamed. His body continued to grow and he became a golden giant in the blink of an eye. Just look at it. The shape is at least a few dozen feet, just like a mountain.

This is the real battle dragon, all of them are golden monkey hair, a root, like a sharp steel needle, sharp to the extreme, just pull out one, you can create a weapon of the gods, his chest There are golden scales, which are dragon scales. This is the biggest difference between fighting dragons and fighting wars.

"My dragon thirteen finally came out, came out, haha..."

The dragon thirteen pairs of fists continue to beat the chest, excited and screaming, his laughter is earth-shattering, drifting in the void, delaying disappearing, echoing constantly.

Jiang Chen looked up, this is really a giant scorpion, standing there to make people look up, there are countless golden brilliances on his body, it is a violent taste, the muscles on his arms are like hills, full of explosive energy, one in his hand Iron bars, bursting out of endless brilliance, to give the heavens a hole.

This is the great demon of the world, the spirit of heaven and earth, and the combination of creation and gas transportation.

"Monkey, don't be too arrogant, and quickly take your body."

Jiang Chen shouted, this guy is too excited, the deity is terrible, too violent.

"it is good!"

The dragon thirteen promised, the momentum began to converge, and the huge body began to shrink. In the blink of an eye, the body of a few dozen feet was reduced to the size of ordinary people. Then, the dragon thirteen turned into a human figure, one looks and Jiang Chen, a young man of almost the same age, has a thick black hair floating in the wind, his eyes are bright, his face is extremely beautiful, and his body is covered with a clean yellow robe, which is just a creamy appearance.


Seeing the shape of the dragon thirteen adult, Jiang Chen’s foot is awkward, and there is almost an impulse to faint the past. This **** is so handsome, like a scholar, where is like a fierce Taikoo warrior, just like the previous image. The difference is 100,000 miles. If you look at it from the outside, you can't connect with the previous giants.

"I will call me thirteen brothers later."

Dragon Thirteen said with great arrogance, but although this guy looks long and handsome, but his speech is as domineering as ever. Every move reveals the arrogance of the past. It is the arrogance that comes out of the bones. It can't be concealed. Just like Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen does not worry, no one will regard this handsome young man as a god.

In particular, the dragon's nephew is extremely bright, and there is a golden light flowing out of it, which adds a strong color to him.

"Thirteen brothers? I still call you a monkey."

Jiang Chen snorted, although this guy became a human figure, but the essence is still a monkey, the name of the thirteen brother let this guy keep his narcissism.

"His grandmother, Laozi finally broke through the shackles and came out. This period of time, you see that you are in the golden murder field, I can't stand it for the thirteenth brother."

The Dragon 13 put away the iron bar, complained that it was rude, even if it became a scholar, the nature could not be changed.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing, it seems that you have to deceive many ignorant people."

Jiang Chen shook his head. This guy looks weak and can't be ignored by the enemy. It's too deceptive. Who can think of this guy who looks like a weak wind, can burst into a storm, any contempt for his existence, Will eventually eat his own fruit.

"You are still not the same, a super metamorphosis, deceiving how many people are ignorant eyes."

Dragon Thirteen dismissed Jiang Chen, these two guys are actually the same kind of people, all super metamorphosis, super enchanting, there is a outside that is not very powerful.

"I am born, right, what do you do now? Looks like the middle of the emperor?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the dragon thirteen and then said.

"Yes, my current repair is indeed in the middle of the Emperor, but the so-called geniuses are in the hands of the monkeys, not all of them."

Long XIII said that he is extremely overbearing and arrogant, but Jiang Chen knows that he is only telling a try. With the skill of Dragon Thirteen, even the genius in Xianting in this gold murder is not his opponent. If the role of Ye Peng and the Dragon 13 are paired, I am afraid I will be beaten as a shit.

"Well, now that you have been born, our brothers have to do a good job in this golden field."

Jiang Chen took a shot of Long XIII's shoulder, and then the two flew side by side, heading towards the center of the space. The time to enter this ancient road was not short, and it was impossible to delay the time. Otherwise, it would delay the trip. After all, There is also a peerless medicine such as Dadi's milk, nine drops of fairy milk, if you can get it, the benefits are endless.

The most important thing now is to find the entrance to the center of the golden killing area, that is, to find the passage connecting this ancient road with the inner space. As for the space in front of it, it is completely unattractive for Jiang Chen and Long XIII. Force, you must know that although the ancient Buddha statues are rich, but after all, there are eighty-one spaces here. The Buddha’s savings and treasures are completely dispersed. This ancient road has already appeared like a big heart. Buddhism is a treasure, and there will be no other treasures. It is impossible for the ancient Buddha to store all the treasures in this space.

Therefore, Jiang Chen and Long 13 all the way, do not pay attention to what baby, get a big heart, they are quite satisfied, according to the previous idea, Dragon 13 at least to get the earth fairy can be truly born From the inside of Kistler, and now relying on the big heart to pass out in advance, for the two, that is a good thing.


Suddenly, powerful fighting volatility spread from one direction of the void, and both Jiang Chen and Long XIII were alarmed. It was the fluctuation of the battle. It may be far away, so the fighting fluctuations emitted are not very strong. However, the perception of Jiang Chen and Long XIII can still be clearly felt.

"Someone is fighting, let's see it in the past."

Long XIII said.

"They beat them, what matters to us, we still have to hurry."

Jiang Chendao, the gold murder field is fighting everywhere, Jiang Chen is not interested in the battle of others, he is only interested in the earth fairy.

"Let's go, take a look, the monkey is just born, to see who is fighting."

Long XIII also disagreed with Jiang Chen, and the arms of Jiang Chen flew in the direction of the battle fluctuations.

Jiang Chen is speechless, but it is also understandable that this guy has just emerged from the stone after all, and any movement can arouse his interest.

Soon, Jiang Chen and Long XIII came to the battle place, and the volatility of the battle became stronger and stronger.

The front is a void, surrounded by airflow, seems to be closed, the center of the air is a battlefield, several figures are fighting.

If you look closely, there are five figures in it. Four of them are trapped in the center. The besieged is not someone else. It is the sacred girl Lan Lingji who is standing in the black robe. The evil man, not the black wolf or who.

The other three, the eyes are empty and empty, but they are just shackles. They are the corpses created by the corpse yin. They lively and say that they are the corpses of the black wolves. Every corpse is the mid-term cultivation of the emperor, and black. Like a wolf.

At this moment, Lan Lingji was trapped in the center, the corner of his mouth had overflowed with a trace of blood, and the beautiful face was pale. Obviously, she had suffered a minor injury and fell into a real crisis.

"Black wolf, I didn't expect you to refine three corpses."

Lan Lingji said coldly that her own combat power is similar to that of the black wolf. If she is alone, she will not care about the black wolf. Even if the black wolf has a haze, she wants to defeat Lan Lingji. It is almost impossible.

But what Lan Lingji didn't think was that the black wolf's card had three corpses, and the strength of each corpse was in the middle of the Emperor, and it was perfected by the black wolf. The three corpses were perfect. Cooperate, the blue Ling Ji was completely trapped, and almost formed an airtight encirclement, making Lan Ling Ji become the real shackles.

That is, Lan Lingji is a powerful man. If he is replaced by others, he will be so imprisoned by the black wolf. I am afraid that he will die long ago and he will not be able to maintain such a long time.

This is the horror of the corpse yin sect, and it is also the reason why outsiders are unwilling to collide with the corpse yin sect, because their means are too horrible, and almost every corpse of the corpse is accompanied by a powerful corpse, and they Fighting, not just fighting with one person, there are three corpses around the black wolf, the same level of genius, whoever hits him will be unlucky.

[Thanks to the red envelope of the thirteen brothers, continue to add more at night. 】

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