Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1600: Hero saves the beauty [fill yesterday]

"Oh... Lan Ling Ji, my black wolf said, you are my woman sooner or later, you have to resist, then I can only use strong, this time in order to deal with you, I am doing all the means, all The cards are displayed, and you can see the true strength of my black wolf. The corpse yin can temper three corpses, but there are really few."

The black wolf smirked again and again. He deliberately chose to enter the ancient road with Lan Lingji. The purpose is very clear, that is, for the sake of Lan Lingji. After entering this space, the black wolf has been looking for Lan Lingji. Traces, as for the baby here, he is not interested at all, he is hateful of anything in Buddhism.

Not long ago, the black wolf noticed the breath of Lan Lingji, and he followed it up, and then there was a scene in front of him. It can be said that the Emperor did not pay attention to it.

In the eyes of the black wolf, there is a greed of desire. Hope, it is the taste of sinfulness. In his view, Lan Lingji is already his own prey. Today is such a great opportunity. It is absolutely impossible to let go of the sacred woman who is exquisite and blessed. That is the goddess in the minds of thousands of men, the famous genius in the East Xuan domain, no one dares to swear, has always been high, and now, this high-ranking saint, will soon belong to their own, will fall into In your own hands, let yourself be at your mercy.

For any man, being able to get a peerless saint like Lan Lingji is a kind of pride and a great sense of accomplishment. In addition to the evils of cultivation and practice, the black wolf is also a sinister person. In the East Xuan domain has long been on the heart of Lan Lingji, but because Lan Lingji is the sacred woman of Linglongfu, so there has been no chance to start, this time into the gold killing field, and just happened to meet alone, for the black wolf Say, it is a good opportunity for a lifetime.


Lan Lingji's face is ugly, and the look of the black wolf is also full of disgust. Even when she hears the voice of the black wolf, she will feel disgusted. The blue spirit is a saint, high above, and the leader of the younger generation. After such a dilemma, she has already suffered a certain injury at this moment. The combination of the black wolf and the three corpses has completely blocked this battlefield. It is difficult to escape.

"Hey, Lan Ling Ji, you don't want to resist, you are directly from me, and later I am a woman of my black wolf, isn't it fast."

The black wolf laughs and does not care about Lan Lingji’s dislike of himself. He only needs to achieve his own purpose.

"Hey! Black wolf, do you think that my blue Ling Ji is so good to deal with it? Even if you are dead with the net today, you can't think about it."

Lan Lingji snorted, she is also a strong woman, even if the price of life, will not let the black wolf taint her innocence, and her Lan Lingji is not so much to deal with, if it is really desperate, she Dead, the black wolf has to pay a very heavy price.

"The fish is dead, I am afraid you don't have this opportunity, Lan Lingji, since you don't eat and drink fine wine, then don't blame me for being a black wolf."

The black wolf smashed evil. Under his command, the three corpses groaned and slammed toward the blue spirit. Now the whole scene has been controlled by the black wolf. Lan Lingji wants to escape and watch. It is already impossible.

Lan Lingji's face is slightly changed, and there is a blue long sword in his hand. The sword is extremely indistinct, revealing the brilliance of blue, and instantly fighting with the three corpses. If the corpse of the corpse is singularly fighting alone The disease is not so horrible, but the most fearful is the cooperation, especially with the master, can reach the perfect level at any time, just like now, the black wolf personally controls, the cooperation between the three bodies has reached The degree of seamlessness, Blue Ling Ji itself suffered a certain injury, dwarfed in the fierce battle, and may fall into crisis at any time.


Not long after, Blue Ling Ji mouth spurted a blood, his face is even more ugly.

"Blue Ling Ji, you can't escape today, you must become a woman of my black wolf, haha..."

The black wolf laughed, and today he decided to take a blue Ling Ji, and he would never give Lan Ling Ji a chance.

"Hugh thinking."

The spirit of Lan Lingji was completely inspired. The beautiful scorpion burst into flames. It seemed to be completely stunned. Her body began to have horrible energy. Even if she paid the price of life, she would not let black. The wolf has to win.


The fierce battle is very fierce. Lan Lingji is a saint of the exquisite blessings. There are still some means, but it seems that it will not last long.

This scene happened to be seen by Jiang Chen and Long XIII, who had just arrived in the distance. Jiang Chen had not responded yet, and the Dragon 13 did not do it.

"Mother's mother, bullying a woman, what kind of skill, Laozi is the most uncomfortable."

The dragon is extremely angry.

"The black wolf is indeed damn. The grievances of me and the corpse yin can't be resolved. Since I met it today, I have to kill the black wolf. The blue spirit is the holy woman of the exquisite land. I have no grudges with the exquisite land. You can make friends with it, and having one more friend is better than one more enemy."

Jiang Chen said that when he was shocked, he was ready to shoot.

"Let me come, heroes save the United States, you still stand by you, your little wife is so much, leave one for the brothers."

Dragon Thirteen grabbed Jiang Chen’s arm and said.

"Haha, it turns out that your kid is a fancy to the saints. I just don't know that the saints can't see you as a dead monkey."

Jiang Chen laughed, the gentleman did not win the love of people, such a good thing Jiang Chen will naturally give the monkey, after all, he does not feel anything about Lan Lingji.

Long XIII has just shot, is trying to perform well, and there are beautiful women in front. This is a great opportunity. A beautiful woman like Lan Lingji, thousands of men must be coveted, and the monkeys look at her. Very normal.

"Grass, this is seen by you, the brothers have not done."

Dragon thirteen glanced at Jiang Chen.

"You still have to take the shot, and if you don't shoot, Lan Lingji can't stand it."

Jiang Chen reminded me.

"The monkey is coming."

The body of the dragon thirteen rushed out, and the red gold iron rod appeared in his hand. He was so powerful that he was seen as a creamy scholar, but once he fought, the momentum of fighting the dragon was completely exposed.

Above the battlefield, Lan Lingji was frequently injured. She was worried, and she was ready to use the same tricks. At this moment, a very sturdy figure suddenly came in and came to her side.

"Beauty, the thirteen brothers come to save you."

Dragon Thirteen directly throws a wink at Lan Lingji.

Lan Lingji Yi Yi, did not think that there will be a person at this critical moment, but Lan Lingji is not a cold eye for Long XIII. If it is normal, some people dare to wink at themselves. Lan Ling Ji slaps and goes up.


The black wolf looked at the dragon thirteen, and his heart was somewhat surprised, because this battlefield had been set by the enchantment itself, and it was closed by himself and the three corpses. The average person could not enter, but the boy was so relaxed. I just came in and saw that the other party’s skills are extraordinary.

However, when the black wolf saw that only the middle of the emperor was repaired, the heart was relieved. As long as the other party is not the master of the late emperor like Ye Peng, the black wolf does not care at all, by his own means, any The existence of the level is not in his eyes.

"I am a dragon, thirteen, black wolf, you a big man, bullying a woman here, be a bird."

The dragon thirteen opened his mouth and did not give the black wolf a half face.

"Haha, it seems that a hero saves the beauty, boy, you are too impulsive, and don't measure your own skills before you shoot. If you come, then die together."

The black wolf laughed and did not put the dragon thirteen in his eyes. He controlled the three corpses and attacked the dragon thirteen.

"Be careful, these corpses are very powerful, and they are extremely acquainted with each other."

Lan Lingji quickly made a reminder.

"The ones that are careful are them, eat your thirteen brothers."

When the Dragon 13 burst, the iron rod in his hand flashed against one of the corpses and hit it.


The speed is too fast, this stick is like the top of the mountain, even under the precise control of the black wolf, the corpse can not escape this stick.

The dragon thirteen sticks, and it is knocked on the head of the corpse with precision. The corpse of the tyrannical body bursts instantly, and it is directly blasted by a stick and becomes a powder.


The black wolf and the blue spirit Ji exclaimed at the same time, and looked at the eyes of the dragon thirteen completely changed, because the black wolf and the blue spirit Ji are too aware of the horror of the corpse, the black wolf knows in his own heart that the corpse was originally It was also his own hands, and Lan Lingji personally played against the corpse, and was severely wounded. Naturally, he also knew the horror of the corpse, but the dragon thirteen came up with a simple stick and killed one. The whole process was easily reached. It's like having to kill an ant.

This is definitely not an accident, because there is absolutely no such accident. The only explanation is that this guy who appears in front of him is too strong.

"What the **** are you?"

The tone of the black wolf has also become dignified.

"The person you can't afford."

In the eyes of the dragon thirteen, the glare of the glare is shining. His black hair is open and his iron stick is shining. It seems to be a heavenly artifact. He doesn’t say anything, the iron rod sweeps across and slams toward the second corpse. past.


As before, the powerful corpse itself has the mid-term cultivation of the Emperor, but under the iron rod of the Dragon Thirteen, it is impossible to achieve a little resistance. It is said that his resistance is insignificant and cannot be evaded. Under the circumstances, he was killed by the Dragon 13 and became a powder.

The black wolf had not reacted yet, and the iron rod in the hands of the dragon thirteen went to the last one.


The black wolf was shocked. Where did he dare to be a little slow, and he quickly shot, hoping to **** the corpse from the dragon's iron rod, and how much it would cost and hard work to temper a corpse, only himself. know.

[This chapter is a multi-day, the new community equipment is not perfect, live in and come back several times, and will update the fourth chapter of the external chapter on the WeChat public account. 】

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