Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1601: To make friends

The black wolf realized that this seemingly scholar-like guy was very unusual, but it was too late to grab the corpse at this time. Whether it was strength or speed with the Dragon, he was not an opponent.


The dragon thirteen will not take the black wolf as a matter of course. For the black wolf that swooped over, he didn’t even look at it. The iron rod in his hand squatted on the head of the last corpse again. The accident, this corpse is not much worse than the previous corpse, was crushed by the dragon thirteen.


The black wolf was angry, and there was a cold black knife in his hand. He came over to the dragon thirteen. The dragon thirteen iron rods slammed into the air and collided with the black wolf's big knife. It really collided with the dragon thirteen. Only when I felt the horror of the Dragon Thirteen, the black wolf felt the energy of the liberation released from the body of the Dragon. It was the devastating energy that broke out at will. Even with his own skills, it was not an opponent at all. gap.


The big knife smashed on the iron rod of the dragon thirteen. The black wolf received a powerful anti-shock force. The whole person was beaten, flying out a few dozen feet, vomiting blood, and the dragon thirteen was just a casual one. The trick is to make the black wolf seriously injured and have no counterattack.

"As for you, you want to fight with your monkey, it’s really hard."

Long XIII looks at the black wolf, his eyes are full of contempt and look down, it is a kind of natural arrogance, but the dragon thirteen has arrogant capital, like the black wolf, it is indeed not qualified to become the dragon thirteen The opponent, and the powerful Taikoo warfare, are not at the same level.

On the side of the blue Ling Ji directly horrified Zhang Da mouth, delayed, she was shocked and broken, looking at the figure of the dragon thirteen, the beautiful color bloomed in the beautiful, blue Ling Ji is the exquisite of the exquisite land Female, what kind of genius has not seen, but like the dragon thirteen, it is really the first time to see, the black wolf what strength she is most clear, after all, she just had a black wolf against the warring country, almost life is accounted for Here, the dragon in front of the thirteen is also the cultivation of the immortal mid-term, but the gap is too big, she can see that the powerful black wolf in front of the dragon thirteen, is completely vulnerable.

"This is the enchanting genius of the big forces, and it is terrible to this extent."

Lan Lingji’s heart is shaking. When he is shocked, he can’t help but be fascinated and attracted by the charm of the dragon. A powerful man can always attract women. What's more, the current dragon thirteen is the savior of Lan Lingji, only With this in mind, Lan Lingji has enough reason to have a good impression on Dragon Thirteen, at least not to be disgusted.

It is hard to really pay attention to a man like a sacred saint like Lan Lingji, but now, the appearance of the dragon thirteen is really seen by her, and she has begun to pay attention.

"You, who are you?"

The black wolf said with awkwardness that he lost three corpses and suffered a lot of damage to him. It was his life’s hard work, and he was destroyed in this way. He now hates Dragon 13 and only has his own heart. Clearly, if there is a chance for him to kill Dragon XIII, he will not let the other party die so easily.

Unfortunately, the black wolf knows very well that it is almost impossible for him to take revenge. The other party is too strong. If you look at it like this, you can save your life today. It is already very good.

"The person who wants you to die."

Long XIII was too lazy to talk nonsense with the black wolf, and smashed the iron wolf against the black wolf. He was very fast, and he reached the black wolf in the blink of an eye.

"And slow."

The black wolf was frightened. Today, I met a sly character who was more embarrassed than myself. When I came up, I killed it. I didn’t give myself a half face. It’s really bad luck. If this stick is smashed down, I’m afraid I have to The corpse is the same, and it is certain that it will be killed on the spot.

"What are the last words, hurry and say."

Dragon thirteen.

"Don't kill me, you and I are not enemies. As long as you let me go, I promise not to find you trouble later. My black wolf is the most genius of the corpse, and killing me is not good for you."

The black wolf said with trepidation that he is frightened now. He has always killed others. He has never experienced the feeling of death. Now he has smelled the death, it is a kind of cold like ice. Terrible, he didn't want to die, a genius who grew up in the corpse of the corpse, and would be willing to die, he would also get the earth fairy.

"you're right."

The dragon nodded at thirteen, so he meditated.

Upon seeing it, the black wolf’s face immediately revealed the color of surprise. It seems that the identity of his corpse is still very effective. The successful shocked the other party. As long as he escapes his life today, he will definitely kill each other. Report today's hatred.

"Well, as long as you don't kill me, we can still be friends."

The black wolf said quickly.

"Dragon son, don't listen to this person, this person is sneaky and strange, and staying is a big scourge."

Lan Lingji said.

"You are right, I killed you. It is really not good for me, but someone can kill you, but you can get benefits."

The dragon nodded at 13 o'clock, then turned to look at Jiang Chen, who was watching the battle in the distance, and said loudly: "Little dust, come over and kill him."

The words of the black wolf undoubtedly reminded the dragon thirteen, but the dragon thirteen is definitely not kind enough to let go of his life, because he thinks that he has no identity kit, and there is no advantage in killing the black wolf. If Jiang Chen kills the black Wolf, it is not the same, you can directly get the black wolf's kit, this guy has no baby in the kit, not to mention, gas transport at least to be absorbed by Jiang Chen.

Hearing the words, Lan Lingji and the black wolf looked at the direction of the Dragon 13 at the same time. They saw a white-shirted young man with one hand and a lighter pace, and soon came to the battlefield.

Jiang Chen mouth with a smile, there is no extra nonsense, Tian Shengjian appeared in the hand, directly stab the head of the black wolf.

"He is right, I am going to kill you, and there are many benefits."

Jiang Chen said, the Tiansheng sword slammed into the black wolf's eyebrows, and the blood shot, drawing a bright red brilliance.

"you you……"

The black wolf's eyes are wide, even before the death, the face is still awkward, the change of things is too fast, and there is no chance to give him a reaction. The big joy is also too fast. He thought that the dragon thirteen had already bypassed. His life, but did not expect to kill a process of biting gold halfway, and directly kill him without saying anything. He didn't even know who the white guy was. He didn't know what kind of hatred and holiday he had with the other party.

"Forgot to tell you, my name is Jiang Chen, so I will kill you directly, in order to save you from threatening me with the identity of the corpse, because this threat does not have any effect on me. It has long been inconsistent."

Jiang Chen said, let the black wolf die.

"You, you are just Jiang Chen..."

In the eyes of the black wolf, the last trace of surprise light flowed out, and then completely closed, and the vitality was cut off. The body's kits also floated out automatically and fell into the hands of Jiang Chen. The black wolf knew that he was dead, because if Jiang Chen Falling into his hands, he will certainly kill Jiang Chen, then Jiang Chen will kill himself, and it will be well explained and understood.

"You are the raging Jiang Chen in the East Xuan domain?"

Lan Lingji looked at Jiang Chen, and was very surprised to ask, Jiang Chen’s reputation is still very large in the East Xuan domain. In addition to being famous before, he also made some major events in this golden killing field. As a member of the East Xuan domain, it is impossible to hear the name of Jiang Chen.

At this moment, I finally saw Jiang Chen himself. Lan Lingji was still a little surprised. I didn't expect the other party to be so young, and it seemed handsome and handsome. The legendary evil means were completely extreme.

"In the next place, Jiang Chen, today our brothers passed by this place, just happened to encounter the saints trapped by the black wolf, so they only rescued."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Wen Yan, Lan Ling Ji couldn't help but think of the crisis before. He couldn't help but have some feelings. She looked at the dragon thirteen and softened it a lot. Today, if it is not the dragon thirteen, he will take the initiative to save himself. The consequences are really unimaginable.

"Ling Ji thanked Long Gongzi for saving, and later you are friends of Lingfu Fudi."

Lan Lingji said, sincere thanks.

"It doesn't matter if you don't be friends with Linglong Fudi. Let's be friends."

Long XIII smiled at Lan Ling Ji, and he never forgot to throw a wink at the crucial moment.

Seeing the Dragon Thirteen, Lan Lingji bowed his head and there was a blush on his face. This dragon was frivolous and thirsty. He also had a temptation to himself. If he changed to someone else, she had already shot a beat, but at the moment The blue Ling Ji not only did not have the slightest resentment, but gave birth to a strange feeling.

When Lan Lingji noticed this, she was very surprised. It was a feeling that she couldn’t tell, but she knew that she didn’t hate Dragon XIII. Even if she was frivolous, she was very happy. Lan Lingji told herself that this is because Dragon XIII saved her own sake, but in fact she is also clear, perhaps related to this, but it is definitely not because of this.

"Dragon son saved the spirit Ji, we are naturally friends."

Lan Lingji quickly returned to the normal state. After all, she is a saint of exquisite and blessed, and her heart is not comparable to ordinary people.

Lan Lingji's heart is even more shocking to the strength of the Dragon Thirteen, such a horrible peerless genius, she has never heard of it, this is a strange thing in itself.

As for Jiang Chen, she is also slightly heard, but after all, Jiang Chen seems to be only the cultivation of Xian Wang, so Lan Lingji did not care how much she is now, only the Dragon XIII.

"I don't know if Blue Girl has any gains in this space?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"No, there seems to be no baby here, and there is no big crisis."

Lan Lingji shook her head, she naturally would not have thought that the biggest crisis and baby here were met by Jiang Chen and Long XIII.

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