Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1605: Don't give face [plus more]

But the shocking ending appeared. Everyone thought that Ye Peng’s means would inevitably destroy these guardians. However, an attack by Ye Peng did not cause any harm to the guardian. However, Ye Peng, who was shocked, was somewhat uncomfortable.

"A strong guardian, the power of these nine guardians can be perfectly overlapped together. Even if I am, I would like to break their defenses and think about half a step across the fairy pool."

Ye Peng was shocked and his face changed slightly.

"These guardians have experienced tens of thousands of years, but the residual power is still terrifying. It is hard to imagine what kind of situation will be strong when they are first built. The strong fairy, the means are strong, it is not me. Unimaginable."

"Lian Yepeng is not an opponent. Is there no way to break this defense? It is not that you can't get the nine drops of the earth's milk, and there is definitely a good thing in the old temple. We can't be empty." Go back.

"The nine guardians are too strong, and it is hard to get rid of their defenses."


Everyone is embarrassed, especially those masters, watching the nine drops of the earth's milk in the fairy pool, but late is not available, the feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Monkey, these nine guardians, if you shoot, should you be very sure?"

Jiang Chen looked at the dragon thirteen, and Lan Lingji also looked at it with surprise. Although she knew that the dragon thirteen was strong, especially when killing the black wolf, the other party was completely vulnerable, but she did not think about the dragon ten. The ability of the third can be opposed to Ye Peng. Now even Ye Peng can't break these guardians. Long XIII may not want to do it.

"If the monkeys I shot, no one of these guardians can bear me, but I always feel that things are not so simple. If you kill these guardians, there will definitely be a bigger crisis, maybe it will be real. Disaster, so we still wait and see how it changes. Some people want to get the earth's milk more than we do. I believe these nine guardians can't stop them."

The dragon thirteen scorpion shines and says.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen also nodded, Dragon Thirteen has a fire eye, his words can best believe, Lan Ling Ji also chose to believe in Dragon Thirteen, after all, Dragon Thirteen saw the existence of nine guardians, even her Nothing is noticed.

Ye Peng’s gaze continued to sweep back and forth around the nine guardians. After measuring the strength of both sides, he then said to the crowd: “You, the nine guardians are too tyrannical, even with my ability, can’t destroy them. Now, the earth's fairy milk is in front of us. We can't just look at it like this. I want to invite the masters in the mid-term of the Emperor, I have already seen it. The nine guardians can be connected as a whole, as long as we When you shoot from different directions, you can break their union, and the guardian's defense will not break."

Ye Peng’s words immediately caused incitement, especially those in the middle of the Emperor’s mid-term, and they looked at each other. They all thought that Ye Peng’s words were the most correct choice. For the sake of the present, I wanted to break the guardian’s defense and successfully get the earth. Fairy milk, this is the only way and the best way.

"So, how is the earth's fairy milk distributed, and you Ye Pengxiu is tyrannical, we can't beat you. When we get out of force, you take all the earth's fairy milk, we are not busy."

Someone asked, this is the most critical issue, and it is also the most concerned about all the immortal masters on the spot. After all, Ye Peng’s means are too powerful, even if they join hands, they can’t beat Ye Peng, once they help Ye Peng break the guardian. The defense, then the land fairy milk they also have no share, Ye Peng when the face turned ruthless, they also have no way.

"You can rest assured that as long as we jointly break the guardian's defense, when you are one drop of the earth's milk, the rest of it belongs to me, my Ye Peng is the person of Xianting, speaking and speaking, absolutely will not Respond, if you don't shoot, we can't get anyone."

Ye Peng said, he looked at it and counted Lan Lingji and Long XIII in the field. There were a total of six masters in the middle of the emperor. Six people shot together. It was enough. When he was nine, he could still get it. Six drops, although not all available, are better than nothing.

After listening to Ye Peng’s words, the four masters of the Mid-Emperor’s mid-term were obviously moved. I think this sale is still very cost-effective. It’s not bad to get a drop of the earth’s milk. It’s better than nothing. Ye Peng is definitely the most powerful one, so Ye Peng has the most land fairy milk. They have no opinion. After all, this is a world of strength and respect. Ye Peng’s ability is bigger than them, and of course he gets more.

"Well, I promise you."

"I also promised."

The masters of the four immortals in the middle of the emperor agreed, they entered this fairy, this time the purpose is the earth fairy, they are not so greedy, after all, there are too many masters, want to give all the earth's milk It is also impossible to get it. Now that there is a chance to get a drop, they can achieve the goal.

As for other people, they can only watch Ye Peng's self-distribution of the earth's fairy milk, even if they have complaints in their hearts, they dare not say it because they are very clear, and it is useless to say it. The earth's fairy milk has nothing to do with them. Now I am only looking forward to some good things in the old temple. When the meat is not eaten, it is good to drink some soup.

Later, Ye Peng looked at Lan Lingji and Long XIII and said, "What about you two?"

"We are not interested in the earth fairy milk, you can solve it yourself."

Long XIII said.

After listening to the words of Dragon Thirteen, Ye Peng’s face suddenly became cold. In his opinion, it is not important for Dragon XIII to have a fairy breast. The important thing is that the other party does not give face to himself in the presence of so many people. He Ye Peng and other figures, he wants to come out of the plan, others agree, only this dragon 13 does not agree, which makes his face no light, Ye Peng naturally angry.

"You can't participate, but you are not qualified to replace the Virgin of the exquisite land."

Ye Peng said coldly, his eyes immediately turned to Lan Lingji.

"I am the same, I listen to him."

Lan Lingji’s attitude is as determined as that of Dragon XIII. How proud the Virgin is, is not a Ye Peng can oppress.

"Hey! You are not giving me Ye Peng face."

Ye Peng snorted.

"What face do you have? In front of the thirteen brothers, your face is not even."

What are the characters of Dragon Thirteen, who will put Ye Peng’s role in his eyes, and with his temper, even the other unfriendly eyes can’t stand it. In fact, if it’s not Long XIII, there’s still a problem with this guardian. If this, the earth's fairy milk gets Ye Peng here to gesticulate.


The words of Dragon Thirteen undoubtedly angered Ye Peng, a strong anger rushed out of his body, and there was a strong murderousness. He Ye Peng and other figures, at a young age, reached the late Emperor, which was in the genius. Genius, and he is the person of Xianting, representing the high court of Xianting, no one dares to talk to himself like this.

"Kid, you are looking for death."

Ye Peng's eyes are extremely indifferent, and it seems likely that he will shoot for the Dragon thirteen.

"Do you want to do it? I advise you to think clearly."

The dragon thirteen is calm and will not put Ye Peng in his eyes. If Ye Peng dares to shoot himself, Dragon 13 will never mind sending him to the West.

"Well, you are the first one to dare to talk to me about Ye Peng. I don't care about you now. When I get the earth's fairy milk, you will die without a place to die."

Ye Peng left a swearword. In his opinion, he would definitely do what he said. This kid who dared to fight against himself, he killed, he believes that if it is not because of the earth's fairy milk, Dragon 13 is now A dead person.

Later, Ye Peng’s gaze once again looked at the four people on the opposite side and said: “They don’t shoot, we’re five enough, you just need to cooperate with me.”

Ye Peng is very proud.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go."

The black youth who had shot before had already been a little waiting.

"Together, you choose from one of four different positions, each of whom is guarded, so that they cannot integrate energy."

Ye Peng said openly.

The four people are not scornful. They are extremely fast. They appear in four different directions in the blink of an eye. Everyone has released their own powerful momentum. Some people directly sacrificed their own celestial soldiers. From then on, they attacked one of the guardians.

The four attacked guardians, like the ones before, were threatened by the enemy, and immediately launched their hands and shot a powerful Buddha's seal, which collided with their opponents.

"it is good."

Upon seeing it, Ye Peng shouted a good voice, seized the opportunity, and made a decisive shot. He shot several powerful fists in a row, golden giant fists, and targeted the defender he attacked before.


Ye Peng's attack power is too strong. This is his best effort. The purpose is to directly smash a guardian. As long as one guardian is destroyed, the other is not broken. It has not constituted any threat.

Ye Peng’s timing is just right. When he shot, the nine guardians were fighting each other. It was the time when they could not be merged. Because of the confusion of the other four people, the guardians wanted to complete the alliance in an instant. Possible things.


The golden body of the guardian attacked by Ye Peng suddenly appeared cracks, and the cracks continued to expand, and the eyes were directly broken.

"Ha ha..."

Upon seeing it, Ye Peng laughed and laughed again. With such a strong attack, the guardian finally couldn’t hold it. The body banged and shattered. A guardian was broken and accompanied. The other guardians also suffered a great fight, the body began to violently shake, and the four guardians who played against the other four also had cracks.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, plus more. 】

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