Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1606: Destruction

The nine guardians themselves are built, the defense is very single, coupled with long-term consumption, their strength is no longer strong, so it is not difficult to break them, just like now, Ye Peng, five of them Mutual cooperation, only one move will break the guardian, now a guardian has collapsed, and the other four guardians have also been injured, and there are serious cracks in the body. If you continue this way, I am afraid it will not last long, nine guards. All of them will collapse.

"Look, a defender was killed by Ye Peng, and their defense will soon be broken. It is amazing."

"It’s a pity that nine drops of earth's fairy milk seems to be in hand. Unfortunately, we have no share."

"Don't think about it, after all, we have no strength. In my opinion, there are benefits and treasures in the old temple. If you are lucky, you may still get something. In that case, this 趟仙藏There is no whiteness in the line."


Many people can see that the guardian has been broken, all the guardians are about to be broken, and the earth's fairy is about to fall into Ye Peng's hands. This is almost unquestionable. The end, although many people feel regret, but after all, the guardian's defense is broken, they can not get the earth's fairy, but also have the opportunity to enter the ancient temple, there must be something simple in this ancient temple.

"Get together and break all these monks."

Ye Peng is imposing, and powerful energy is attacking toward another guardian. It is a devastating energy. After the fusion and overlapping of defenses are broken, the guardians are still the opponents of Ye Peng. They have no spirit. Wisdom, just relying on an idea to guard the fairy pool, even the action of the shot is single.


There was no accident, and a guardian died in the hands of Ye Peng. At the same time, the other four talented masters also shattered a guardian. At this point, the nine guardians were broken six, leaving The last three, but their endings are almost imaginable.

In the distance, Jiang Chen brows slightly and can't help but say: "I always feel that they are breaking up these guardians. It is a very unwise choice and may cause unnecessary trouble."

Jiang Chen's practice of refining the soul and the big heavenly machine will have a certain perception of the bad things that will happen. In his perception, killing these guardians is definitely not a good thing.

“Is there any horrible existence hidden?”

When Lan Lingji was a little surprised, her initial thoughts were just the same as Ye Peng. As long as they broke the guardian, they could successfully get the fairy pool. These nine guardians are the last defense of the Xianzang Center, tearing. They can get everything, but before the words of Dragon Thirteen, there is now Jiang Chen’s words, and her thoughts have changed a bit.

"It's hard to say that there is always a bad feeling."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and as the guardians were killed more and more, the potential bad feelings were getting stronger and stronger.

And in the sky, Ye Peng, they are completely in the middle of excitement. They have never thought about killing these guardians and there will be more horrible existence. For them, the earth fairy is the most important, the guardian killed. After that, the earth's fairy milk is theirs. In their eyes, now there is only the earth's fairy milk.

"let me do it."

Ye Peng was murderous, and the violent energy was hit by him like a sea. In the blink of an eye, the remaining three guardians covered and lost the cooperation of other guardians. These three guardians seemed to be vulnerable. Under the strong attack of Peng, the three guardians were instantly blasted, and the nine guardians were now completely killed.

The nine guardians turned into nine brilliances and rushed into the old temple.

Xianchi appeared in front of everyone, and it seems that there is no longer a little defense. The nine white jade-like radiances have a deadly appeal.

"The earth's fairy milk, finally got it."

Ye Peng was very bright, without any hesitation. The big hand grabbed the past toward Xianchi, and his face suddenly changed when his big hand was about to reach Xianchi.

"not good."

Ye Peng is not good. He is a master of the late Emperor. He feels more dangerous than ordinary people. At this moment, he smells an extremely dangerous taste. It is a danger he has never experienced before and can endanger his life. .

Ye Peng reacted very quickly, and quickly retracted his hand. At the same time, the body retreated toward the rear. The whole process was almost at the extreme. The other four geniuses in the middle of the Emperor were still in a state of arrogance. I don’t know what happened, Ye Peng immediately To get the earth's milk, why did you suddenly withdraw your palm and step back.

But the next moment they knew why, but unfortunately everything is already late.


A golden giant palm suddenly came out from the ancient temple below. The big hand was like a fan, and it was turned into an indestructible cage.

The four people were horrified, and they were extremely scared on their faces. They tried their best to escape the control of this huge palm, but unfortunately they could do nothing. Their power is too weak in front of this big hand. That is simply The power of ants is not worth mentioning.



Suddenly, a devastating force spurted out from the huge hand. The genius masters of the four immortals in the middle of the immortal screamed, and the body completely collapsed under the impact of this force, turning into a **** fog.


This sudden change happened to be too astounding. The crowd was stunned, and everyone’s face became extremely ugly, especially Ye Peng. He still has a lingering fear. If he didn’t react quickly, now It has become a dead person.

Lan Lingji’s horrified Zhang Da mouth, and then looked at the Dragon 13 and Jiang Chen with admiration, and her heart was also very gratified. Long XIII and Jiang Chen saved their lives, she can almost imagine, if it is appropriate Without Jiang Chen and Long XIII, she would definitely agree with Ye Peng’s opinion and work with the four men on the guardian. If that is the case, then the four people may be the end of her Lan Lingji.

"What happened? Why is there a strong presence, too strong, and the genius of the immortal mid-term is directly smashed."

Countless people were exclaimed, and the scene was terrible, and they were frightened.

In the old temple, a roaring sound suddenly came out. Then, a golden brilliance flashed through, and a figure floated out of the old temple like a ghost. It was a golden scorpion, not right, it was an ancient Buddha, a powerful ancient Buddha.

The ancient Buddha appeared, and the whole body was strong, and he stood there. Everyone felt as if they were standing there in a big mountain, and they couldn’t breathe.

The ancient Buddha was born, but the discerning eye can see that the ancient Buddha's eyes are empty, and there is no life in the ancient Buddha. This is a dead man, a dead body. I don't know why I can stand up again.

"This is the ancient Buddha statue. This piece of fairy tales is what he left. It has been dead for tens of thousands of years. Now that the body has changed, it is not evil spirit, but it is terrible."

The face of Dragon Thirteen is also slightly changed.

"The powerful ancient Buddha, even if he died for tens of thousands of years, is still invisible. The ancient Buddha has been changing and has been hiding here. Perhaps he will experience another thousand years. He can live again and see that he can change like this. The nine drops of the earth's fairy have helped."

Jiang Chen also said that tens of thousands of years of ancient Buddhas will come to the world, even if they are only a body, they can not resist.

"How can a terrible ancient Buddha be alarmed by him? If the ancient Buddha is angry, all of us will be buried here."

"Yes, tens of thousands of years old Buddha, no one knows how strong he is, even if it is just a body, it is shocking. The four geniuses just now are examples."

"What do we do now? There is such an ancient Buddha, I want to get the earth's fairy milk or walk into the old temple, I am afraid it is impossible."


Everyone's face has changed. Someone has come to this time and thinks about the earth's fairy milk and the baby in the old temple is also drunk. This kind of greed will really kill people.

Ye Peng stared at the ancient Buddha, his face was very ugly, and the depth of his eyes was full of fear. He had personally experienced the horror of the ancient Buddha. If he did not react quickly, he would definitely be the same as the four, even if he was a fairy. The same is true for the emperor's later period. For the powerful ancient Buddha, there is no difference between the late emperor and the middle period. The ants are the ants, and the larger ants are only weak representatives.

The ancient Buddha reached out to the palm of his hand. On the palm of his hand, nine golden sleek and flowing, and some people recognized it, then the brilliance, which was the nine guardians who had been broken before, saw these nine brilliances. The empty scorpion of the ancient Buddha suddenly burst into a dazzling light, which is the light of death, and it is a strong killing.

"No, everyone is going, the death of the nine guardians angered the ancient Buddha, we have to finish."

Some people exclaimed, and the scene was in a big mess. If the ancient Buddha shot, it would be a disaster for so many people present.

The ancient Buddha moved, his face was expressionless, his throat was very cold, and he suddenly found a big hand and grabbed it against the crowd below.



Screaming in the sky, there are blood and flesh splashing everywhere, the ancient Buddha shot, to kill all the creatures here, he was irritated, he is now just a body, did not produce too much intelligence, but no A little bit of compassion, his only idea now is to kill everyone here.

At least 20 people died in this fight. In front of the powerful ancient Buddha, they were too weak and vulnerable.

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