Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1621: Killing the corpse [ten more]

Because Jiang Chen is terrible, Yunyi and Lingdu need not say it. Even the cold autumn has deeply felt the horror of Jiang Chen. All the previous things about Jiang Chen were learned from Ling Dukou. One can be said to be dismissive. After all, hearing and seeing are completely different things. They are two completely different concepts.

Now, Jiang Chen’s shot against Cao Yu, let Leng Qiuyi feel that he must kill Jiang Chen. Such people grow too fast, and they must be too enchanting. If they don’t get rid of this time, the next time they meet, Jiang Chen It is a bit of a terrible degree of growth. If Jiang Chen has been allowed to grow up, it will become a threat to their martial art sooner or later. They are very clear.


For a time, all the masters released their own powerful power, and a brutal battle will begin soon.

According to the previous arrangement, Yunyi and Lengqiu attacked the monk about a minute, Lingdu confronted the blood demon king, and the remaining masters of the Emperor began to besiege Yang Feifan. Now Jiang Chen has been attracted. Then, killing Yang Bufan, they will not be a little more polite.

"Grandfather and grandfather sent you to the world of bliss."

The monk said solemnly that he saw the two masters attacking himself. His face did not change a little. His eyes burst into the light of battle. His hands waved at the same time, and the Buddha’s Supreme Dharma was up. Do not move the law of the king.

The two great Supreme Seals erupted extremely powerful waves, which were directed toward the cold autumn and the cloud wing.

"A good monk."

The faces of the two men changed slightly, and they really knew the horror of the monk. They finally understood why the burdock was killed by the monk. This powerful Buddhist seal, even if they resisted, is somewhat dwarfed, not to mention Said to be restrained burdock.

The two did not dare to neglect, and they showed the most powerful fairy skills to fight against the monks.


The violent energy shocks directly blasted the void, exploding one big hole after another, and the cold breath was horrifying.


Under such a strong attack, Yunyi and Lengqiuyi were both shaken back a dozen steps to stabilize their bodies. The faces of the two were extremely ugly. They were also shaken back under the condition of two enemies. The extent to which the monk has been strong.


On the other side, the blood demon king, also the perfect suppression of Lingdu, in addition to them, the masters of the Emperor who combined to want to kill Yang extraordinary, it seems difficult to get close to Yang's body, the so-called dead camel Compared with Ma Da, Yang Bufan is still injured, but it is still not something that these people can deal with.

"Good guys, this group of people are too abnormal. Look at this, Cao Yu, they want to kill a few people in Jiang Chen, it is very difficult."

"I have already seen that the monk is extremely horrible. Even if Yunyi and Lengqiu are not their opponents, the evil spirits are also very powerful. Ling seems to be suppressed, unless Cao Yu kills Jiang Chen. Otherwise, the consequences are not good."

"Yeah, it's too abnormal, it's terrible."


Those who watched the game and watched the drama were shocked and couldn’t speak. There was a battle without suspense, but now there are signs of reversal. How is this not surprising.

"Cold brother, this monk is terrible, don't have reservations."

Yunyi said that there was an extra sword in his hand immediately. There was also an iron fan in the hands of Leng Qiuyi. They were all powerful soldiers. After they realized the horror of the monk, they dared not have any more. In the slightest scorn, they showed their full strength and once again killed the monk.

In the sky, Jiang Chen and Cao Yu’s battles have reached a feverish level. Jiang Chen has raised the sword and continued to kill Cao Yu. His sword is like a dragon, and the sword is full of fire, enough to burn everything, even Cao Yu’s The momentum can be burned, Cao Yu casts out all the horrible means of corpse yin, can not stop Jiang Chen's sword, so that Cao Yu was beaten back and fell into the wind.


Cao Yu was shot out of the real fire and couldn’t help but scream. This kind of battle is extremely unrecognizable to anyone. His own strength is firmly restrained and he can’t fully implement it. The raging fire seems to be The same thing that restrained him, made him feel uncomfortable.

What makes Cao Yu even more uncomfortable is that with his own cultivation and strength, he will be beaten by a fairy king. This is like a dream, even if it is a dream dream.

"Cao Wei, you will die today, there are any powerful means to quickly display it. Otherwise, you will not even have time to show it."

Jiang Chen is unparalleled in strength, and Tiansheng Jianhua is a dragon. He is holding the dragon's tail and screaming at Cao Yu. Every attack and void will leave a deep trace.

"The corpse, come out."

Cao Yu’s eyes were red, and he was bent to the extreme. He had to release his own body. This was what he had just received not long ago, and he was tempered. Now, even if he does not want to admit it, he can’t beat it. Jiang Chen has also become a fact, but he can't be defeated. If today is really defeated in the hands of a fairy king, there will be no face back to the corpse, and no face will be mixed in the East Xuan domain.

An extremely tyrannical corpse appeared, and it was also the cultivation of the late Emperor. After it appeared, it swooped toward Jiang Chen. In Cao Yu’s opinion, he and the corpse joined forces and did not believe that they could not beat a river dust.

"It’s good."

Jiang Chen burst into a bang, and the unicorn arm slammed out. His footsteps were fascinating, and the speed reached its peak. The blink of an eye came to the front of the corpse.

"Don't play with you, go to hell."

The unicorn arm is completely transformed by the fire, the fusion of the three supreme flames, the perfect blend of the real dragon handprint and the unicorn arm, so the fierce and strong attack, slammed into the body of the corpse.


The fire was burning, and the corpse and the rebellion had not yet done it. It was killed by Jiang Chen’s unicorn arm and burned into a powder.

When he saw it, Cao Yu was so dumbfounded. He had also joined forces with the corpse to deal with Jiang Chen, but where did he think that Jiang Chen’s movements were so fast that he did not give himself and the corpse a chance to cooperate, so that he could not think of it more, In addition to the sword in his hand, Jiang Chen had such a powerful attack, which led to the tragic death of the corpse.

"Asshole, you killed my corpse and destroyed my efforts."

Cao Yu was furious. No one knows how much effort it takes to temper a corpse of the same class. Cao Yu can bet on all his energy on the corpse. This corpse is his greatest pride, now for the first time. When he went to war, he was killed. How could Cao Yu suffer? More importantly, the death of the corpse also had a certain impact on Cao Yu itself, and his combat power was even worse than before.

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