Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1622: One can't think about

Chapter 1622, a wish to go

The scene shook again. The strength of Jiang Chen once again refreshed the shock of the people to another height. Before the strong shot, Cao Yu, who had repulsed the late Emperor of the Emperor, was already shocking enough. Now a trick has broken the body of Cao Yu. Hey, can this be a little more crazy?

You must know that Cao Yu’s corpse is not as simple as a normal cockroach. This corpse itself has the strength of the late Emperor. Even if you don’t cooperate with Cao Yu, the battle alone is strong enough. Where do you think of such a powerful corpse? It was broken directly by Jiang Chen, and the scene was shocked to the extreme.

"How could this be?"

"How can Jiang Chen be arrogant to such a point?"

"It is the flame in his hand. His flame is extremely powerful. I once heard the Seven Emperors said that the genius of the Dagan Empire was defeated in the hands of Jiang Chen because his flame was too powerful. I want to be sure that his flame has greatly suppressed Cao Yu, just like the previous monk's burdock. Under this restraint, Cao Yu could not exert all the fighting power during the battle. It will not be the opponent of Jiang Chen."

Lingdu and Lengqiu couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. Yunyi thought of the key. When Yun Changyu went to the Dagan Empire to challenge him, he asked for the genius of Danfu to be compared with the trial of Dan, which was lost to Jiang Chen. Or, it was lost to the flame in Jiang Chen’s hands.

In the battle between Jiang Chen and Cao Yu, he saw clearly that Jiang Chen’s flame was just to the sun, but it was the fusion of three kinds of supreme flames. This kind of flame is the nemesis of the corpse, the restraint, the monk. The restraint is still much more powerful, so it will happen that Cao Yu was killed when he just released the corpse.

But no matter what the reason, it seems unrealistic to rely on Cao Yu to kill Jiang Chen today, and Jiang Chen’s growth rate is beyond their imagination. With Jiang’s current combat power, even Cao Yu is not Opponents, not to mention them, this situation makes the three people extremely uncomfortable, and missed a chance to kill Jiang Chen. If you can’t kill it today, the next time you meet, Jiang Chen may grow up to fear. To the point, when it is time to fight, I am afraid that is their last day.

"Blood demon, you go to kill other people, these three inferior to deal with."

The monk saw that Jiang Chen’s exhibition had killed the corpse and knew that Cao Yu would die today. According to Jiang Chen’s habits, the people who were present in the three major forces would definitely not let go. Today, they all want to leave, and Yang Uncommonly besieged by the masters of the early seven emperors, has been in trouble, and some can not support.

If it was during the heyday, these people were not enough Yang to slap the teeth, but now the situation is different. Yang Bufan was seriously injured, and even one tenth of the combat power could not be seen, and the more fierce the battle, the more serious the injury. It will also affect the rest of the recuperation. The genius of the seven or eight immortals was a fierce tiger, and they continued to attack Yang Bufan. If this continues, Yang Bufan still has the worry of his life.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to let the blood demon shot at this time. The blood demon is powerful and fierce. Once the shot is taken, it is the end of the seven or eight people. As for the Lingdu side, the monk is enough to deal with the three of them, to the monk now. The strength to an enemy three is not a problem at all.

When Jiang Chen killed Cao Yu, the blood demon basically killed the masters of the seven or eight emperors. By that time, it was difficult for the three people of Yunyi to escape.

In fact, the situation in front of him is just as the monk expected, because he knows the power of Jiang Chen too much. As long as Cao Yu is dead, everyone will be finished. If Yunye and Leng Qiuyi want to live, they will now flee directly. Have the opportunity.

It is a pity that the three people do not seem to have to leave at this time, because they are still very confident, confident in their own strength, and confident in Cao Yu, at least they feel that Cao Yu can not be killed by Jiang Chen.

However, this self-confidence will ultimately harm themselves.


After listening to the monk's words, the blood demon screamed, directly rid of the Lingdu, and killed others in the past.

"Where to go?"

Lingdu screamed and screamed toward the blood demon. At this time, the blood demon must not be allowed to deal with other people. Otherwise, it is the real end of the day for those people. He personally played against the blood demon for so long, against the blood demon. The strength is very clear, once killed, it is the tiger into the flock.


The monk's hands are in ten, and the body is blocked in front of Lingdu, completely cutting off the path of Lingdu, so Lingquan has no way to block the blood demon.

"Dead monk, find you dead."

Ling Duo’s face was fierce and overbearing. He came up to the monk and then yelled at Yunyi and Lengqiu: “Split one person to deal with the evil spirit.”

Needless to say, Yunyi has already rushed toward the evil spirits. They are not fools. They know the seriousness of the situation. They want to kill the blood and smash the past. Those people will die. For the major forces of the East Xuanyu, the early Emperor The master is also a rare genius, and death is a great loss.

"Hey! Daoguang Buddha body, the kingdom of Buddha."

The monk snorted and the whole person was completely stunned. He instantly displayed a powerful body of Buddhism. The whole body was stretched several times. The scorpion was a dazzling golden light. It looked like a supreme Arhat. At the same time, the monk played the kingdom of Buddhism. It was a skill equivalent to the field. Numerous pure Buddhas formed a huge field, directly shrouded the three people, and then used the Daoguang Buddha body to forcibly suppress it. It is a great pressure.

"Mom, how is this monk so terrible."

The cloud wing is awkward, and there is an impulse to vomit blood. He is now forced to be enveloped by the kingdom of Buddhism, and he is oppressed by the Buddhism body. There is no way to free up his hands to deal with the blood demon. He can only stay and fight with the monk.

"Together together, killing this monk, I don't believe that he can be as powerful as an enemy."

Leng Qiuyi also completely released his powerful momentum. The iron fan in his hand was alive and well, and he played a powerful wave of energy and rushed to the monk.

At the same time, Lingdu and Yunyi are divided into three groups. The masters of the three great emperors in the middle of the immortality will exert their own solutions. The horrible energy is intertwined into a large net, and it looks beautiful to the extreme. However, this energy is definitely not for appreciation. Because this is fatal.


In the face of the tyrannical attack of the three men, the monk Wei Ran was not afraid. He slammed out a string of beads in his neck. Each time the beads were branded with the ancient Sanskrit, they became directly under the urging of the monk. Weapons, the beads become bigger and bigger, like a circle of the sky, the void of the vibrations are all cracks, and the energy network that is united by the three people has smashed the past.


The world was shaken, the void was shot one after another, and the black air flow continued to float from the inside of the void. The scene was astounding. What is even more shocking is that the monk did not fall under the circumstance of an enemy. wind.

"My God, to what extent this monk has gone against the sky, I have seen the sorghum of the White Dragon Temple, absolutely no such horror."

"This is definitely the enchanting Buddha's enchanting. It is a rare genius of Bailong Temple. The Buddha's edge is very incomparable. There are many powerful Buddhist martial arts skills. You can see that the powerful Buddha body is almost the same as the legendary golden body. ”

"This is really a shocking reversal. The masters of the three major forces are bent on attracting Jiang Chen. Now the situation is completely reversed. Cao Yu does not seem to be the opponent of Jiang Chen. The monk does not fall into the wind, the evil spirit. When you shoot, other people have a life-threatening worry. Now it seems that today’s ending is not good enough to predict."


No one is shocked, all the people watching the battle are shocked by the big mouth, they are all geniuses, and they have seen many people who are against the sky, but today they have seen two, and the monks are better. After all, they are high, Jiang Dust is really incomprehensible and acceptable, because Jiang Chen is only a repair of the late Xian Wang. It seems that the direct control of the late Emperor Cao Yu, which is a level of competition in the battle, I want to I think it makes people feel numb.

Even if Jiang Chen has a strong transformation skills, he can improve his combat power. Even if Jiang Chen has a flame to restrain Cao Yu, such a leap-level battle is too horrible.

On the other hand, the powerful Blood Demon King rushed into the battlefield, and the horrible claws caught up with the head of a genius in the early days of the Emperor.

"Do not……"

It was only exclaimed that day, and the screams were horrified. It was a fear from the bottom of my heart, because he was shocked to find that he was controlled by the blood demon king, and there was no chance to move the bomb. As long as the blood demon king would like, his head was ready at any time. Can be pinched.

The blood demon king did not disappoint him, because the next moment, the blood demon king really pinched his head, and the last scream was made that day, blood raging, leaving the last dazzling color in the world.


The blood demon king roared again and again, and left and right to open the bow, did not give the other party a chance to respond, came up and killed two people, killing the master of the early Emperor, like killing the ants, is completely vulnerable.

Eight people were killed in the blink of an eye, and the remaining five people reacted. They were frightened and frightened. Where there was still a little bit of fighting spirit, Yang Bufan couldn’t even take care of it, and immediately fled, where dare A little bit slow.


The blood demon king is violent, and the infinite blood is released from his body, forming an energy network, and this battlefield is directly blocked. This is absolute suppression, no one can escape, and five people seem to have fallen into Struggling like a quagmire, it didn’t help.

In the sky, Cao Yu looked at it all in the eyes, and the color of the vibration on his face did not hide.

"Cao Wei, today you all want to go, all to die here."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion is like a violent yang, and the murderous gas is almost condensed into essence, shouting loudly at Cao Yu.

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