Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1627: Destroy the city (on)

Although this man seems to be exaggerated, but the repair is also not weak, has reached the horror of the late Emperor, next to him, still standing a late Emperor of the Emperor, Long XIII will complete their repair Seeing thoroughly, I want to come to Yan Yulong, and I am among them.

"Who is Yan Yulong?"

Long Thirteen asked not to be salty or not.

"I am, you know me?"

The young man with the folding fan looked at the opposite dragon thirteen with a compelling gaze. The anger in his eyes did not hide it, and he couldn’t hide it. Looking at the other side’s appearance, he actually came for himself.

Long XIII glanced around and found that there were about 20 people present. It was the dozen who had been killed before. The people of Hehuan Zong should have more than a dozen. It is estimated that they are in the dungeon, but as long as the dungeon There is no master of the late Emperor, no one can stop Lan Lingji, for Lan Lingji, saving people is completely out of the question.

Now the action of Dragon Thirteen has completely attracted the other people of Hehuan Zong, especially Yan Yulong, who would not have thought that someone would quietly sneak into the dungeon at this time.

"It seems that people are not even enough. Let's say, do you want to die or want to become eunuchs like them?"

Long XIII asked, as if to say a matter of course, look at him, as if he had eaten these people, and today will die.

"A man who is so arrogant, for a long time no one dared to speak to us in such a tone. In the middle of a little fairy, I simply don't know how to live and die."

Yan Yulong’s master of the late Emperor’s late stage said coldly, he took a step forward, and his body was cold and murderous. This person’s length is extremely glamorous, but it always reveals a disgusting atmosphere. At least the dragon Thirteen is very annoying to this person, the people of Hehuan Zong, Long XIII is not annoying.

"The people of Hehuan Zong are really disgusting. Can you be able to get involved in the exquisite blessings and the flowers?"

Long thirteen said coldly.

"It turned out that it was for the gangsters. Unfortunately, if you don't shoot, I might give you the opportunity to join Hehuan, and enjoy the fairies together, but now, you have no chance at all, you hurt the Hehuan With so many disciples, even if there are ten lives, they are not enough to die."

Yan Yulong said faintly, he opened the folding fan and kept fanning on his chest.

"I don't have interest in Hehuan, then see if your life is enough to die."

The Dragon Thirteen lifted the iron bar and pointed it at Yan Yulong. His manners were full of provocations.

"kill him."

Yan Yulong folded his fan and closed it. His eyes spurred two cold awns, and he gave instructions to the master of the late emperor. The man was also the late Emperor, but it also looked like a Yan Yulong horse. Yulong’s instructions did not dare to be slow.

"it is good."

The man’s momentum was shocked, and suddenly he found a big hand and went to the dragon thirteen for a fierce attack. When he saw it, the dragon thirteen shook his head, and the person’s momentum was light, obviously it was just after the promotion of the emperor, and Ye Peng has a huge gap compared to the dragon. The 13th killing Ye Peng only used three sticks. To deal with this guy in front of him, he only needs one stick.

"I don't know what to do."

The face of Dragon Thirteen’s cold smile, his movements are very simple, the iron bars are engaged in lifting, and the acacia disciple is savage.


The violent wind and the wind screamed like a mad dragon roaring. The void was directly smashed into two halves. The energy overflowing from the iron rod was directly intertwined into a large net. The big net poured down and directly shrouded the disciple of the Hehuan ancestor. Live, so that it can't escape.

"not good."

The disciple was not a fool. He immediately felt the horror of oppression from the dragon thirteen. It was an extremely dangerous atmosphere. He was sure that he could threaten his life. But now he wants to avoid being late, only to be hard.


The iron rod of the Dragon Thirteen is invincible. When the two sides collided, the attack of the Acacia sect will be crushed, and then the iron bar will be unstoppable and will reach the head of the Acacia disciple.


The master of the late Emperor of the Emperor sent out a scream of screaming, the head broke under the iron bar and turned into a blood fog, leaving the headless body falling from the sky, the gap between the two sides is too big, not at all On one level, the Acacia sect is a late Emperor, but the foundation is really bad. It should be promoted after getting the baby in the ancient city. The foundation is not stable, it can only be regarded as a better than the master of the mid-peak of the Emperor. And Ye Peng simply has no way to compare.

Moreover, the master of the Hehuan sect had not shown his full strength because he had looked down on the dragon thirteen before. When he realized that it was not good, it was already late, so he was killed by the dragon thirteen. No counterattack.


This scene made Yan Yulong directly exclaimed. The expression of the original calm face suddenly became very difficult to look. Although his younger brother was not as good as himself, his fighting power was much worse than himself, but it was also the late Emperor. There is no master, and the other’s cultivation is only the mid-term of the Emperor, but in such a situation, if oneself goes up, it will be tragic. If it is not seen by the eyes, he will not believe it. But now, the facts are in front of us, and I can't let him not believe it.

"How could this be? How could this guy be so powerful, Master Liu is the supreme master of the late Emperor, but he couldn’t beat a mid-Emperor."

"Is this person a enchanting singer? It is so powerful that even the brother Liu has been killed by him. What should I do now? This may be a super metamorphosis of a certain strength, or it may be a super genius of Xianting. Otherwise, it won't be so horrible. It seems that even if Yan brothers personally shot, it is not necessarily his opponent."

"Mom, how come you come to such a comet, but we don't want to be afraid of him. Yan's method is powerful. It's not that Liu's brother can compare. It's not him. It's not a problem to kill the other person. It's a big deal. We are united, so many people, don't believe it. Can't beat him one."


The disciples of the Hehuan ancestors were all shocked. Such scenes are unimaginable in their dreams. In their view, there are two masters of the late Emperor of the Hehuan ancestors who can sit in the gold. No one can manage it even if it is misbehaving, but now, their confidence and superiority are gradually disappearing, and they disappear quickly, completely because of the sudden appearance of the yellow robe youth.

"Don't be surprised, this is just the beginning. Since this ancient city has been occupied by your Hehuan ancestors, there is no need to continue to exist. You must die, and one can't escape."

The dragon thirteen said that it was not salty or light, and it seemed that killing these people was just like killing a group of ants, and it could not cause his mind to fluctuate.

At the same time, inside the dungeon.

More than a dozen disciples of Hehuan Zong are at the gate of the dungeon. This dungeon is very large, and it is very cold. There are more than 20 people in the custody, all of them are glamorous women, but their faces are very unsightly, and some Already kneeling, it is powerless.

Hehuan Zong has a medicine. After taking it, people will lose their skills for a short time, or they will not be able to use their skills properly. These exquisite blessings and female disciples in Huaxian Valley are obviously such a poison. Among these women, one of them The woman in white looks like she is in her twenties. Even if she is a little pale, she can't hide her proud figure and exquisite appearance. The women around her are quite pretty, but when compared with her, Suddenly bleak.

This woman is inferior to Lan Ling Ji, but it is also a rare stunner in the world. She is the saint of Huanxian Valley and is trapped here.

At the moment, in addition to the dungeon, there are more than a dozen disciples of the Huanzong sect, but the faces of these disciples are not good, because they can see clearly in the outside situation. The two leaders are the masters of the immortal mid-term. The two strongest dungeons, through the dungeons, see the outside situation clearly.

"Which is what the Huangpao youth is, how can it be so powerful, even Liu’s brother died in his hands, so that we have a heavy loss."

"It's too powerful. He came for the exquisite blessings and the women of Huaxian. In my opinion, let's take these women to be a beggar, and we can reduce a lot of losses for us."

"You don't have to worry about it, Yan brother has not yet shot, Yan brothers are tyrannical, not Liu brothers can compare, I believe that Yan Shixiong will be able to deal with the Huangpao youth, after all, the other party is only the mid-term cultivation of the Emperor."

"Yes, just now, Brother Liu is too impulsive, and too lightly enemy, so he will die in the other's hands. Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to kill Liu."


A dozen people, you said a word, the outside situation they all see clearly, the strength of the yellow robe youth has caused a very strong blow to their hearts, this kind of blow makes them simply unacceptable, the only thing that can be done now is to be optimistic These women, waiting for Yan Shixiong to kill the other side, if Yan Yan brothers are not opponents, these women, is their last card.

"A few of you go to optimistic about those women. Once the situation outside is not good for us, immediately pull out all these women."

A young disciple of the Emperor of the Emperor ordered a command from several other disciples.


The four responded and turned and walked toward the dungeon. Only when they walked to the dungeon, they were surprised to see that a beautiful woman in blue suddenly appeared without warning.


One person shouted, and they were very shocked. After all, they were not fools. They knew that they could enter the dungeon silently, which is enough to show that the other party is a terrible person.

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