Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1628: Destroy the city (below)


Ah, ah!

Lan Ling Ji is too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, waving four blue lights, these lights are like a sword, directly piercing the four people's eyebrows, four disciples of Hehuan, died on the spot, even the resistance did not , leaving the last scream.

"The saint."

"It is a saint to save us."


Seeing the sudden emergence of Lan Lingji, the disciples of Linglongfudi showed the color of surprise on their faces. The face that had been completely desperate, once again showed the color of hope. In this dungeon, fell into the **** of Hehuan. In the hands of thieves, they can't do anything but despair.

"Blue Ling Ji."

The sacred girl of Huaxian Valley saw the blue Lingji, but also revealed the color of surprise. The people of Huaxian Valley also moved one by one, and they were held for so long. Finally, they saw the hope, the holy of the flower fairy valley. The relationship between the woman and Lan Lingji itself is not bad, and the relationship between Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley has always been very good, so in their eyes, Lan Lingji is the time.


A big drink, the people who watched the dungeon rushed in at the fastest speed, and saw the four bodies lying on the ground, and the blood continued to flow along their foreheads.

Lan Lingji moved again, and there was a blue sacred sword in his hand. He killed the disciples of the Hehuan sects opposite. With these people, she was too lazy to say a nonsense, feeling more to say to them, that is to lose His own humiliation, this situation is undoubtedly the best. Long XIII is killing the enemy outside, and the attention of the disciples at this attraction makes the dungeon temporarily emptied, so that Lan Lingji ran straight in. Now she is blocking Here, it is difficult for the disciples of the Hehuan sect to want to get close to the disciples of Linglongfu and Huaxian.

Ah, ah...

The screams of screams began to sound from the dungeons. In the blink of an eye, all the disciples of the Hehuan dynasty died under the sword of Lan Lingji. The whole process is almost at the extreme, without any resistance. At this moment Lan Ling Ji, already a master of the late Emperor, the disciples of He Huan Zong, in front of her is the ants, the reptiles, only waiting to be slashed.

"The saint, you are promoted to the late emperor, so good."

The disciples of Linglong Fudi saw Lan Lingji's great deity, and Lan Lingji was also promoted to the late Emperor's Era, making them feel extremely excited. It is necessary to know that in this golden killing field, Lan Lingji is the representative figure of Linglong Fudi. Her power is also representative of the power of the exquisite land.

"I will help you detoxify first."

Lan Lingji’s hands were printed, and a large amount of pure energy was played. All the women in the room were covered by the energy of Lan Lingji. In the blink of an eye, the momentum of all people began to change, and the time before and after the three breaths, The toxicity on them was completely relieved.

The Huanzong sect is well-resolved, and the powerful energy can be directly eliminated. The disciples of Linglongfu and Huaxiangu can be poisoned because their previous cultivation was suppressed by Yan Yulong and completely suppressed. Under the circumstances, let them take poison, the drug will be completely attacked, and the skills are dead, they can not detoxify themselves.

Now that Lan Lingji has appeared, it is easy to help them solve the poison with the method of Lan Lingji.

"Blue sister, today's life-saving grace, we have recorded the fairy valley, owe you a kindness."

The saint of Huanxian Valley came to the front of Lan Lingji and gave a slight gift. The disciples of other Huaxian Valley are also the same. This is a life-saving grace, and they have a few hearts.

"You are welcome, everyone in Hehuan Zong is deserved. Everyone in this ancient city today will die, and one will not live. Let's leave first."

Lan Lingji said coldly, the other women’s faces heard the words of He Huan Zong could not help but reveal a great disgusting color. To kill the people of Hehuan, they would never be soft.

"The Yan Yulong of the Hehuan ancestors was extremely tyrannical. Although the blue sister was promoted to the late Emperor, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

The saint of Huanxian Valley still has some worries, and she also gnawed her teeth when she mentioned Yan Yulong.

"Reassured, at this moment, Yan Yulong is hard to protect himself. Someone else cleans him up."

Lan Lingji smiled and laughed at the strength of the Dragon Thirteen. She simply did not doubt that Rao was how strong Yan Yulong was and encountered Dragon XIII. It was unfortunate that he was going to kill him. A little bit of strength.

Outside, the dragon thirteenth is unparalleled. Yan Yulong just wants to prepare himself, and he hears the screams coming from inside the dungeon. His face immediately changes. How smart he is, just know what is going on, it seems Dragon 13 comes with a helper.

"I will deal with him. You go to the dungeon to see the situation."

Yan Yulong said loudly to the remaining disciples. He is very angry now, and his anger is at the extreme. This ancient city was originally occupied by him. He is the absolute king in this ancient city. He did not expect the situation to change in an instant.

"Yes, Yan brother."

The disciples of Hehuan Zong should be loud and then fly toward the dungeon, and no matter what is happening inside the dungeon, they are unwilling to oppose the Dragon.


A powerful air wave rushed out of the dungeon, only to hear a bang, a palace above the dungeon collapsed directly, and a tyrannical figure rushed out from inside. It was the people of Linglongfu and Huaxiangu. After they came out, Just met with the disciples of He Huan Zong.

"kill these people, one does not stay."

The sage of Huanxian Valley does not say anything. When it comes up, it kills. Other female disciples have also displayed their most powerful offensive. This time, Lan Lingji did not take the shot and dealt with these people. She gave the opportunity to be Those who are detained in the dungeons are a great opportunity for them to vent. During this period of detention, they must be incomparably angry and wronged. The best way to release these grievances is to kill them. These people of Hehuan.


The screaming screams came from the ancient city in an instant. Under the leadership of the flower gods, the female disciples of the two major forces became a fierce tiger, but there was no trace of mercy, how come fierce.

Yan Yulong turned his head and saw such a horrible situation. Since these people all ran out, that is to say, all the Acacia disciples in the previous dungeons were dead, and the remaining disciples at the moment also fell into two major situations. The encirclement of the female disciple of the power, it seems that one can not live, counted before the Dragon 13 was abolished, Hehuan Zong is now only a light pole commander.


Yan Yulong screamed, and the whole person had an impulse to go crazy. This is too frivolous. Hehuan had a great advantage in this ancient city. Many people’s cultivation has been improved. Almost the biggest force, it is very difficult for outsiders to deal with it. Yan Yulong is here as his king. He was originally contented, but where did he think of the change so quickly, just in the blink of an eye, all his brothers and sisters After being killed, there is one left, which makes Yan Yulong suffer.

"Yan Yulong, now it's your turn, but the thirteen brothers give you a chance, as long as you kneel down to give the thirteen brothers a hoe, and then use your weapon to cut off the eggs below, I will consider leaving your life. And don't abandon what you cultivated, how? This is a good opportunity for Tianda, I hope you cherish it."

Long XIII said openly.

"court death."

Yan Yulong has already reached the edge of anger, and immediately released all his own momentum and anger. The folding fan in his hand spread out and spread to the dragon 13 and attacked the past.

"It is better than the previous one."

Seeing the powerful momentum of Yan Yulong, Long XIII couldn’t help but nod. He had to admit that this Yan Yulong was much stronger than the guy just now, even if compared with Ye Peng, it would be tyrannical, but this kind of The tyrannical is also relatively speaking, and it is divided. In front of the dragon thirteen, Yan Yulong’s tyranny is worthless.


The dragon thirteen iron rod was used as a sword, and the face of the impacted Yan Yulong directly smashed into the past. The top of the iron rod exudes a golden brilliance that is incomparably embarrassing, piercing everything, Yan Yulong folding fan to make out the air waves, in the iron rod It’s completely vulnerable, and it’s broken directly.

The iron rod slammed into the Yan Fanlong's folding fan. At the moment, Yan Yulong, the folding fan has turned into an iron fan, and the slap is squeaking. The fan emits a light that is sharper than the fairy, and the space is cut. one period.

However, the gorgeous means is not the opponent of the Dragon Thirteen. Since the birth of the Dragon Thirteen, it has been an iron bar, crushing everything, and the Dragon 13 has not yet had a strong combat skill, so it is absolutely impossible to explain Dragon Thirteen will not fight skills, but only shows that he has not yet encountered an opponent worthy of his skills.

The talents of the fighting sacred family, once displayed, are absolutely terrifying, at least this kind of horror, the average person can not bear.

When Yan Yulong came, he was shaken off quickly. He was shocked by dozens of feet, and the folding fan in his hand almost flew away. His face changed dramatically and he couldn't believe it to the opposite dragon.

Ah, ah...

On the other hand, the voice of screams is still in the ear. It can be seen that one person after another, the people of Hehuan Zong died in the hands of the exquisite blessed land and the female disciple of Huaxian Valley. The two female disciples in the power released their anger wildly, all of them. Shown in the disciples of these Hehuan sects.

"Have you seen it? Your family is dead."

The dragon thirteen smiled.

Yan Yulong looked at it all in the eyes, his face was ugly to the extreme. He knew that everyone in Hehuan was dead today. As for himself, he looked at the opposite dragon thirteen and knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the other party. The only way to escape is to save your life and have a chance in the future.

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