Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1629: Great ruins

"Dragon XIII, today's thing, we have a record of Acacia, this account will be counted sooner or later."

Yan Yulong gnawed his teeth and left a word, then tore the void with bare hands, and the body shook away when he swayed. For Hehuan Zong, the loss today is too great. This time, the people who came to the gold field did not have much. Most of the people are in this ancient city. Now all of them are dead. It is all annihilated. It is unceremonious to say that this time, hundreds of big forces have come in to kill the land, and the loss of Hehuan is the biggest. Because most of the other powerful disciples, most of them are scattered, and the Hehuan ancestors are so dense, so they will be dumped by the monkeys.

"When I want to escape at this time, is it too late? If you let me escape, then where will my thirteen brothers go?"

The dragon thirteenth is unparalleled, and he will give Yan Yulong the opportunity to escape. With his ability, even if Yan Yulong has already fled to thousands of miles at this moment, he can't escape the tracking and killing of Dragon XIII.


The dragon thirteen iron rods were thrown away. The huge iron rods shattered the space directly. The powerful force smashed the interior of the void. Yan Yulong, who had already broken into the void, could not find the direction immediately. Being able to fly out again from the void is not so much that he himself came out, but it was forced out by the iron rod of the Dragon Thirteen.

"Put it with you."

Yan Yulong passed his eyes and shouted. The folding fan in his hand suddenly enlarged and turned into a fan with a size of more than a dozen feet. He didn’t know how much devastating force he carried and pressed against the dragon thirteen. If the bedding is strong, the average person will be crushed into a powder.


The dragon thirteen screamed, and the eyes were so strong that the iron rod in his hand was lifted up again by him. From the sky, the void was immediately torn into two halves, and the horrible iron rod seemed to be invincible. Like a sword, a blow is enough to destroy everything, and a bang slams over Yan Yulong's iron fan.


Countless energy is destroyed under this rod, and countless waves are rolling. Even the powerful iron fan Xianbing can't resist this blow. The iron fan is directly crushed by the dragon thirteen, leaving only One end is left in the hands of Yan Yulong.


Yan Yulong spurted blood. He looked down at his own hand, his fiercely fighting hand, blood everywhere, his hands were completely numb, and he was unaware. The dragon thirteen not only shattered his brilliance. He almost shattered his palm.

"Impossible, how could it be so strong?"

Yan Yulong constantly shakes his head. He can't imagine that there is a lot of metamorphosis in this world, but the metamorphosis like Dragon Thirteen is the first time he saw it. He is very confident in his cultivation and strength, and he is defeated in a fairy. The genius in the middle of the emperor was already a great humiliation for him. It was a shame that could not be erased. But now, even if he can't even escape, this is a big blow to Yan Yulong.

Not far away, the disciples of Hehuan Zong have been killed by the female disciples of the two major forces. The scene of the battle between Dragon Thirteen and Yan Yulong was just seen by them. One by one is a thrilling open mouth, even a flower fairy. The saint of the valley is also afraid to believe such a scene. She was personally captured by Yan Yulong. She deeply understands the horror of Yan Yulong. Now I don’t know where to come out from a young man in the yellow robe. The repair is a complete counterattack. If it is not seen by the eyes, she can't believe it.

"Blue sister, who is this person?"

Huaxian Gusheng couldn’t help but ask, he knew that this person must have come with Lan Lingji. If it wasn’t for this person who had restrained the master of Hehuan, Lan Lingji could not be so easy. Enter the dungeon to save them.

"His name is Dragon Thirteen. Before I saved my life, I was a Wizard of the World."

Lan Lingji said that the name of the dragon thirteen is full of pride in the tone, and the look of the dragon thirteen is full of pride.

On the other side, Long XIII looked at Yan Yulong with a contemptuous look, and said indifferently: "Unspeakable."

Dragon thirteen step by step toward Yan Yulong did not hide the killing sent out from the body.

Yan Yulong’s face has changed completely. He has always been alive and well. He has never known how many women have played in his life, and he has not played enough. His life is still very exciting. He still doesn’t want to die, but now he It is indeed the smell of death, deeply felt that death is approaching a little closer to yourself.

"Don't kill me, killing me is not good for you. Hehuan will definitely not let you go."

Yan Yulong said with a trepidation.

"Do not worry, if you have time to go to the North Xuan domain, even if you do not want to trouble me, I have to go to He Huan Zong, destroy all your unnecessary strength."

Long thirteen said coldly, then waved out and beat on Yan Yulong's head.

Yan Yulong died tragically.

At this point, all the people in the ancient city of Hehuan are dead. No, there are still more than a dozen people who are not dead, but they are even more painful than death. They have suffered the cruelest torture in the world, not only losing the dignity of men. Lost the most important thing for men, and they have been abolished, and they have no strength to heal themselves.

In their current state, even if they don’t kill them, they can live for up to three days at most, and in the extremely tenacious situation in their lives, even if they survive, the golden killings in this piece full of cruelty and crisis are difficult. The final result is only one, that is, death, casually come out with a evil spirit, can completely eat them.

Lan Lingji took everyone to the Dragon 13 and said, "Thirteen brothers, what about these people?"

"Let them fend for themselves."

Long XIII said in an understatement that for these people of Hehuan, Long XIII did not have a little sympathy, and even gave them a happy mind.

"It is time for them to bear such torture. The people of Hehuan Zong are damned, let them die directly, it is too cheap."

A female disciple of Linglong Fudi said with a strong voice, the anger in their eyes still did not disappear. I thought about the experience of their time in this ancient city. They hated their teeth.

"Okay, let me introduce you, this is Dragon Thirteen. I was in danger before, and it was the thirteen brothers who rescued me. I was able to stand here well. This time I got the news and came together to save. you guys."

Lan Lingji introduced it again, and then said to Dragon XIII: "Thirteen brothers, this is the sacred flower Xiaoqian of Huaxian Valley, and the others are disciples of Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley. We are exquisite and blessed. I have always had a good relationship with Huaxian Valley, and the masters Ling Ling and Xianu are also the best."

"Hua Xiaoqian thanked Long Gongzi for saving, this kind of great grace, we will not forget the flower fairy valley. After that, the dragon son is the guest of our flower fairy valley."

Huagu’s pair of dragons and thirteen squatted a little, and expressed their gratitude. Her heart was very clear. If there is no such thing as the dragon thirteen in the eyes today, I will rely on Lan Lingji alone to save them. I am afraid that even I have to break down here. Of course, Lan Ling Ji has now been promoted to the late Emperor, and Yan Yulong wants to leave her is not an easy task.

"Thank you for the dragon son to save."

All the female disciples of Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley expressed their gratitude to Long XIII.


The dragon thirteen coughed twice, facing so many beautiful female disciples, even a little embarrassed, he reached out and scratched his head, and laughed twice, but did not know what to say.

"Dry, my thirteen brothers are so handsome and handsome, even when there is a jealousy, it is really a shame in front of a bunch of women."

Dragon thirteen hearted himself.

"Thirteen brothers, where are we going now?"

Lan Lingji saw that Dragon 13 was uncomfortable and quickly changed his mind to avoid a problem.

"Well, let's go to the center of the Golden Killing Area and go to the small dust."

Long XIII said.

For the words of Dragon Thirteen, everyone has no opinion. Anyway, their purpose is to go to the center of the Golden Killing Area, just to go together.

And just after the Dragon 13 took the crowd and left, suddenly the entire gold killing field violently swayed.


The roar of heaven and earth, this is the shaking of the whole golden killing field. As long as it is in the golden killing field, no matter where it is, it can clearly feel such huge fluctuations. The face of Long XIII and others is slightly changed, only in the distance. In the void, a glimmer of light flashed, and the void continued to burst, and it was obvious that such a huge movement came from there.

"A good and powerful movement, what is there? The light is getting stronger."

Hua Xiaoqian said with amazement, everyone’s eyes are looking there.

"With such a huge movement, the entire gold killing field was alarmed by a single move. Is it the relic of the great emperor?"

The Dragon 13 was also amazed, and he immediately turned his eyes on the fire, and he could not fully see through the truth.

"Go, let's go, this time is very big, I am afraid that everyone will be alarmed. The little dust will definitely go. Where are we going together, it is probably a relic of the great emperor, even related to the secrets of the golden family."

Long XIII said, then followed a group of fairies and flew in that direction.

At the same time, Jiang Chen and the monk and Yang Bufan were also alarmed by the momentum on the other side. Yang Bufan’s injury has just completely recovered, and the cultivation is also stable at the peak of the mid-period of the Emperor. It is a very strong time.

"A good and powerful momentum is much louder than when the ancient Buddha Xianzang appeared before, and it alarmed the entire gold killing field. It is likely that the remains of the Great Emperor appeared."

Jiang Chen’s expression was a little moved, and there was still a little bit of scorn, and the three men immediately flew away there.

[Today is even more, I would have given up my brother to reward me. I have to update at least three chapters, but from yesterday to today, I have been transferring my wife to my husband. I am busy now, I can’t write it. Today is two More, I will make up all tomorrow, and at least four tomorrow. 】

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