Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1630: Brothers gather together [one more]

For a time, the entire gold killing area was alarmed. At this moment, no matter where the genius is, it is attracted by this huge movement. The brilliance of the glory is enough to spread the range of millions of miles, and no matter you Wherever, I can clearly see the huge movement.

That is to say, there is no difference between the appearance of the relics of the Great Emperor and the standing and standing outside of a million miles. It is like a illusion, just like the raging sun of the sky. No matter where you are, what you see is the same clear thing, which is undoubtedly a very different scene.

"The relics of the Great Emperor, this must be the remains of the Great Emperor, otherwise it will not explode such a huge energy fluctuation, the entire gold killing field is shaking, I do not know what is happening."

"Let's go, look at it. It seems that it has reached the most central part of the Golden Killing Field. It is said that there is a great emperor in the Golden Killing Field. It was originally thought to be fake. Now it seems that it is true."

"The blood of the ancient gold family was buried here. I heard that this family was very powerful. There is more than one emperor. So it is not surprising that there are relics of the great emperor here. I guess it must be related to the golden family. Maybe it is the great emperor of this family. Remains left behind."


No one is shocked, everyone is shocked, the golden killing field has existed for tens of thousands of years, and there has never been a relic of the great emperor. At one time, people felt that there was a legend in the fall of the great emperor. After all, in the hearts of people, the emperor is too embarrassed. Almost, it is comparable to the gods. It is the highest realm of immortality. It is almost immortal. How can the emperor fall?

But there is another rumor about the gold killing field, that is, the gold family, this family is the descendant of the **** bird Jinwu, has the blood of the gods, has ever born more than one great emperor, so for the legend of the fall of the great emperor, people still believe some of.

Nowadays, the remains of the Great Emperor really appear, and people have to associate them with the Golden family.


The vibration of the gold killing field is getting more and more fierce. The earth, the space, the void, the mountains, all the things are shaking, the whole world is in a huge shock, and a heavy pressure is lingering over the entire golden killing area. The oppressed people are bored.

The golden murder field is in the center of a ruined vein. A dwarf mountain is broken and a very strong figure suddenly flies out from the inside. He has a strong **** in his body, wearing a gold robe and a long blond hair. And moving, he looked up to the direction of the relics of the Great Emperor, and his eyes shot sharply.

"The eyes of the heavens have finally recovered. Jiang Chen, the dead monkey, your death is here. When I collect the remains of this great emperor, I will kill you."

The man squats on his body and exudes a huge atmosphere. He is domineering to the extreme. This blond man is not someone else. It is the Northern and Southern Dynasties that have been closed to the present. At this moment, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when they were defeated by the monkeys, did not know how much tyranny. The whole person has undergone tremendous changes. His cultivation has reached the middle of the Emperor. Compared with the beginning of the beginning of the Emperor, the level of the Emperor has been raised to a level, and the eye of the heavens has fully recovered.

I have to say that the North and South Dynasties are too strong. The eyes of the gods have completely recovered in just a few days, and they have improved a realm. In such a situation, looking at the whole fairyland, I am afraid that I will never find it again. Go to the opponent.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties were able to defeat the ruthlessness of the late Emperor in the early days of the Emperor, and now they are promoted to the middle of the Emperor, and the extent to which their combat power will be ruthless is simply unimaginable.

The North and South Dynasties were unparalleled, and he stepped in a footstep. The whole person turned into a stream of light and disappeared, heading for the direction of the Great Relics.

At the same time, the tyrannical masters of various forces have appeared in different places, flying in the direction of the relics of the Great Emperor. As Jiang Chen expected, the gold killing field at this moment is no longer just when it comes in. Gold kills the domain, many geniuses have got their own adventures, and they have been refined. Many of the former masters of the Emperor of the Emperor were promoted to the late Emperor's late stage. One is stronger than some, and some mysterious places have burst out of half a step. The power of respect, the wizards, can't imagine.


Numerous figures have flew to the remains of the great emperor. The advent of a great emperor's relics is too great. The remains of the great emperor are also in the golden murder. If you put it outside, I am afraid that the whole big field will be alarmed and countless forces. They have to compete for it.

Jiang Chen and others soon came to the hundred miles in front of the relics of the Great Emperor. This place has already suffered an extremely powerful pressure. Before the relics of the Great Emperor did not completely come out, they have not dared to stay close. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will not top. live.

People appear very quickly, and there are many. In the blink of an eye, at least five or six thousand people appear here. There are still a large number of people coming to this side. It is unceremonious to say that the movement of the great relics will be It is the real grand event that brings together the genius disciples of the three great fairy tales and countless forces in various fields.

"Little dust."

Just in Jiang Chen and the monk and Yang Bufan just appeared, two figures appeared on their side, it is the big yellow dog and the dancing bamboo.

"Dahuang, condensed sister."

At the same time, Jiang Chen and the monk exclaimed, and the face instantly showed ecstasy. Since they had been chased by the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they have been separated. It is only until this moment that they can reunite and see each other is intact. The joy of concealing, especially the big yellow dog and the dancing bamboo. When Jiang Chen was chased by the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they were always worried.

"Haha, I know that the Northern and Southern Dynasties can't kill you."

The rhubarb dog laughed. During this time, he and the dancers looked for the baby while looking for Jiang Chen. They only had different directions, so they never encountered it.

It is difficult for Wu Ningzhu to restrain his own surprises and directly hit the arms of Jiang Chen.

"It's okay."

Wu Ningzhu said faintly, a stone hanging in my heart was finally falling.

"How can I have something, condensed sister, you have not improved, you have been promoted to a half step."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, seeing the great progress of Wu Ningzhu, Jiang Chen is naturally very pleased. This time, the dance bamboo is brought in, the choice is undoubtedly correct. If you let Wujingzhu continue to stay in Fanwangfu, I am afraid that it is extremely difficult to make progress.

What really surprised Jiang Chen was that it was a big yellow dog. This guy turned out to be the mid-level repair of the Emperor.

"Rhubarbs, have you had a good meal with his mother? How can it progress so fast?"

Jiang Chen reached out and touched the dog's head of the big yellow dog.

The rhubarb dog bites his teeth and cuts his teeth: "Roll, you only eat cockroaches, how good I am, how good I am, looking for baby is first class."

The rhubarb dog is proud of his face. For this, Jiang Chen is very admired, so he gave the dance to the rhubarb. He was also the most assured, because with the rhubarb dog, there is never a shortage of baby. The dog’s nose can be It is not ordinary, so Jiang Chen does not feel very strange about the progress of the rhubarb dog and the dancing bamboo. After all, in this golden killing field, all opportunities are possible.

"The monk, I didn't expect you to appear too, and there is a Wang Xiaozi. I saw that you have made so much progress. I am very pleased with the dog."

The rhubarb dog said in a serious way, as if he had seen a younger generation, this made several people could not help but squint, but the brothers met, it was indeed a happy event.

"Little dust, I am coming.

At this moment, a loud drink, Long XIII also saw Jiang Chen, they rushed here to meet, and together with Lan Lingji and Hua Xiaoqian, there are a large number of female disciples of two major forces. This time, the confluence came together and it was very lively.

"It seems that you have saved everyone."

Seeing the dragon thirteen, Jiang Chen smiled and he knew that the dragon thirteen shot, nothing is uncertain.

"That is, of course, it also destroyed a garbage force."

Long XIII said, immediately look at the big yellow dog, do not say anything, go up to the ears of the big yellow dog.


The rhubarb dog did not say anything. He bit his hand against the dragon thirteen. Rao was the dragon 13 to avoid, and the rhubarb dog left a few dog teeth on his hand.

"Where, how can you be so dead?"

The dragon thirteen was speechless, and the dog’s reaction was too fast. I didn’t react at all.

"Small man slate, who is your mother, if it is not the dog, my hand, you have to scrap this hand, dare to lick the dog's ear, find death."

The rhubarb dog gnashed his teeth and said to the dragon thirteen, there are not many people in the world who can touch his ears. Now, when a stranger comes up, he will lick his own ears, which makes the rhubarb dog suffer, if not Seeing Jiang Chen and Long XIII know, and the relationship is good, the big yellow dog is not welcome.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and he knew that the two guys would meet in such a scene, and they would open up.

"Rhubarbler, do you still remember that strange stone? His name is Dragon Thirteen, and it is from the inside of the strange stone. The ancient warfare, fighting the dragon, if not for him, I was killed by the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

Jiang Chen quickly introduced the Dahuang dog. As for the Dahuang dog, they did not need to introduce it with Long XIII, because Long XIII knew everyone in the Zulong Tower.

"The trough, the original monkey that came out of the stone, or the battle dragon, grandma, blood is higher than the dog."

The rhubarb dog's eyes wide open, which made him unintentional, but when he thought of the original stone, the big yellow dog decided that the creature inside was definitely not ordinary, but the rhubarb dog did not think that the dragon thirteen was born. It was so fast, at least much faster than he thought.

[I don’t pay attention to the WeChat public account. I will continue to pay attention to it. Everyday, the old Su will give benefits to the brothers. As for the welfare, you are moving, the method of attention is very simple, directly search for Su Yuexi, then click on the attention, In addition, today is four more. 】

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