Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1634: Hundred-step fire ladder

When the words of the sun fire came out, they immediately stunned a storm in the crowd. Countless eyes fell on the guqin, and they could no longer move. Everyone’s eyes were full of greed and desire. In the face of such a peerless soldier, no one can maintain a basic calm.

The golden Wushen bird itself is the embodiment of the sun. The flame above the guqin, as the rhubarb dog said, is the fire of Jinwu, the legendary fire of the sun. It is no wonder that Jiang Chen feels that the flame above is not weaker than his hand. Three kinds of flames, the fire of the real dragon, the fire of the unicorn, the fire of the thunder, the fire of the sun, each kind of flame is the existence of the primordial yang, but the supreme flame between heaven and earth, one can be proud of the heavens and the earth, Jiang Chen has already got three kinds of flames. If there is a chance to get the fire of the sun, it is the fusion of the four extreme flames, and to what extent it can be ruthless, even if Jiang Chen himself dare not imagine.

"It is really the fire of the sun. It is rumored that the sun is the embodiment of the **** bird Jinwu. It is the fire of heaven and earth. Ordinary people can't have it and control it. I didn't expect it to appear here."

"It is rumored that Qindi Qindi is the most powerful female emperor in ancient times. There are legends that Xiaoyao Qindi and the golden family have inextricably linked relations. Now it seems that it is true that the Xiaoyao Qin of the Emperor Qindi has appeared. The fire of the sun."

"Whoever can get the piano, the benefits can be unimaginable, and not to mention the ability to display the power of the piano, just absorb the sun fire on the piano and the essence of the peerless soldiers. It will benefit people, and even get the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi. From then on, it will become the most powerful genius between heaven and earth, crushing everything."


Who has no dreams, who does not want to laugh for nine days, who does not want heaven and earth alone.

Nowadays, the opportunity is in front of you. The peerless soldiers are there, enough to make many people lose their senses. Many people’s desires and hopes are constantly being eroded. The greed in many people’s eyes has already reached the extreme, a peerless emperor. Soldiers, the attraction is too big to make the world crazy.

The legend about Xiaoyao Qindi has been a long time. Many of them are rumors. There are too many wonderful people in that era. Many ancient emperors have disappeared. Xiaodi Qindi, Qixian Wang, and the emperor of Xianxian are now It can only appear in people's legends.

The body of Wu Ningzhu swayed more and more, and her nephew began to bloom with strange brilliance.

Jiang Chen first discovered the change of Wu Ningzhu and quickly looked at it.

"Ging sister, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Chen screamed, but the dance was so rumored that it could not be heard at all. All her thoughts are now on the piano.

"What happened? Is the dancing girl also attracted by Xiaoyaoqin, lost her mind?"

Yang Bufan said with some concern.

"No, Ningjie is definitely not the kind of people who are interested in the interests, and she is not so determined." Perhaps this Guqin has different meanings for Ningjie."

Jiang Chen shook his head. He clearly saw that the image of the two Xiaoyao was clear in the eyes of the dancing bamboo. This kind of image will appear in the eyes of others, but it is not as clear as the dancing bamboo. The image of the Xiaoqin, seen from the dancing bamboo, is like being in the same place.

"Don't bother her, she may have been summoned by Xiaoyaoqin. This is a big chance. You should remember that when the sister was in the Shengyuan, the warrior was a guqin. I guess she likes the rhythm since she was a child, and she is very proficient in this aspect, maybe not so simple."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

When the words came out, everyone was shocked. They all knew that a peerless soldier like Xiaoyao Qin could not be controlled by ordinary people. Such a soldier was looking for his own master. Now the dancing bamboo has been summoned, and it is very likely It is the person that Xiaoyao Qin is looking for. If it is really like this, it is an unimaginable opportunity for Wu Ningzhu. This kind of opportunity is bigger than the sky.

Jiang Chen also reacted. When he and Wu Ningzhu met for the first time, it was a guqin in hand. The rumor of temperament surpassed ordinary people. Now, with the rhubarb dog saying this, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that dancing Condensed bamboo likes guqin and temperament, and seems to have its own natural meaning.


After the appearance of Xiaoyaoqin, it has been shaking, and the trembling is very intense. It is an expression of excitement. Yes, it is excitement. It seems to be waiting for tens of thousands of years. Now it has finally achieved the same.

"I can't stand it, I have to shoot. If I can get the piano, I will become the world."

Someone has been tempted to hope to completely erode the mind and go crazy to the Xiaoqin.


It is a pity that his body is not close to the Xiaoyao Qin. When the Xiaoyao Qin is a hundred feet away, the body is suddenly filled with fire. In the blink of an eye, it burns into nothingness, and even the **** is not left.

"Hey! A bunch of ignorant people, thinking that Xiaoyao Qin is the Yuanshi on the street, can anyone go to it? It is really looking for death."

The rhubarb dog snorted, his mood swings were also very strong, and the appearance of Xiaoyao Qin seemed to be unable to keep him calm, but Jiang Chen could see that the rhubarb dog is not calm and other people are completely different, others are Because of greed, and the big yellow dog seems to be touched by something hidden in his heart, he seems to be nostalgic.

"The rhubarb can control the sacred swords, making it a funeral fairy. Now, when you see Xiaoyao Qin, you can't keep calm. Isn't he the character of that era?"

The bold speculation in Jiang Chen’s heart was also shocked by his own thoughts.

"Everyone should not be impulsive. The peerless empire has his own ingenuity. He may be looking for his own master. There is no big chance and air, and only go to death."

Someone kindly reminded me.

After listening to this, many people's greed began to converge. Some of the lessons of blood are in front. Although the piano is precious, it is still nothing compared with life. If people are dead, even the peerless soldiers are no better. What is the use?

However, it didn't take long before someone rushed toward the Xiaoyao Qin. The man was distracted and his eyes were red, and he had completely lost his reason. Under the attraction of the mighty soldiers, reason seems to have become fragile. Yes, the worldly emperor The soldier is looking for his own master, then if the master is himself? If you are the one who is in the air, the big chance, so you must try it. Even if there is only one in ten thousand chances, you have to go to Bo. If you succeed, you will fly to the sky.

It’s a pity that it’s too stupid to use one’s own life to go to one of the ten thousandth of Bona’s chances. If such a peerless soldier wants to find a master, there will be some instructions. Even if he doesn’t get a half-point instruction, he wants to get it. A peerless soldier, I am afraid that there is no chance for even one in ten thousand.



There was almost no accident. The man had just rushed to the previous position, and he was immediately filled with fire and burned into nothingness.

This time, many people are waking up again, knowing that they want to get a peerless soldier, it is a daydreaming thing.

"It’s too bad. It seems that the peerless soldiers are not so good."

Blue Ling Ji Road.

"If you want to get a peerless soldier, you must first have the potential to become a great emperor. How many people can become the great emperor in the past and present?"

The rhubarb dog said that the Emperor had two words and a long-term heart.

"All things have a fate, and everything has a fixed number."

The monk has become a serious one. He is the most calm one. Even if he sees Xiaoyao Qin, his eyes have never been half-divided. This is the mind of the monk. He has a deep Buddhist roots and has already reached the point where he is always empty. Otherwise If you do, you can't cultivate the Buddha body.

"Look, there is a change."

Suddenly, someone shouted, everyone looked at it and saw that all the cracks under the Xiaoyao appeared. At the same time, countless fires burst out from the inside, and the fires condensed into a fire with a suspension. Among the voids, it is constantly falling.

The fire was burned, and the void was burned. The fire ladders had fallen down to the bottom, and there were a hundred, 100-step fire ladders, just like the ladder.

After the appearance of these ladders, at the top, an ancient palace appeared. The palace was filled with fire, and people could not see its true color and appearance. But an ancient palace really appeared like this, and the piano was suspended. Above the palace.

"Look, the palace is the remains of the great emperor, completely born, and the remains of the tens of thousands of years of the Great Emperor are simply unimaginable."

"A good and powerful pressure, I feel that the soul is shaking, who can imagine the tens of thousands of years ago."

"I don't know if we have the opportunity to enter the palace. If there is a chance, we will definitely get great benefits. Even if we absorb the power of the great emperor, it will be enough for us to benefit."


No one is not shocked, the appearance of the relics of the Great Emperor has set off a stormy wave. The hearts of many people who have already been silent have floated again. In the face of a truly remnant of the Great Emperor, no one can remain calm, tens of thousands of years ago. Xiaoyao Qindi, an ancient female emperor, must have been a great show of the past, and now appears to be looking for future generations.

"Look at the fire ladders, the hundred-step fire ladder, as if you are summoning anything, but unfortunately I am not the object of being summoned."

"Perhaps not what you think, this hundred-step fire ladder is traction in my opinion. The remains of the great emperor have really appeared. If we can step on the fire ladder, we can walk through the fire ladder to the palace."

"Insane you, it is the fire of the sun, and it is controlled by the happy piano. You have forgotten how the two people died before, and set foot on the fire ladder. Perhaps it is the death. The remains of the great emperor are good, but there must be Go to get it."


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