Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1635: Peerless creation

The hundred-step fire ladder appeared. It seems to be directly inside the ruins of the palace. It seems to give people a passage on the surface, but in fact, no one dares to step on the fire ladder. The foresight is there, there is no People are not afraid of death. The remains of the Great Emperor are naturally excellent, but they must have the kind of opportunity. Otherwise, it will only be a death.


The fire is raging, the hundred-step fire ladder is burning fiercely, and the space of the entire gold killing field seems to be burning up. The temperature between the heavens and the earth has risen to a very hot height, but it is a genius in the genius. It is a master of the Emperor level, and there is no problem in resisting the temperature of the flame.

"This is a hundred-step fire ladder. It is used to pick up the inheritors. I know that Xiaoyao has not appeared for tens of thousands of years. It just didn't find the true inheritor. It is now born because of the people who came in this time. The characters that Xiaoyao Qin had to wait for appeared, so Xiaoyao Qin came out."

The big yellow dog said.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s eyes once again fell on the body of Wu Ningzhu. At this moment, the dancing bamboo is still in the previous state. Without a slight change, the whole person seems to be immersed in the unique artistic conception. , people can't see how.

"Was the dancer girl is the inheritor who is seen by the Xiaoyao Qin, will the Xiaoyao Qin be specially opened for the dancer girl?"

Yang Bufan asked.

"It's hard to say, but the possibility is great. If it is true, it is the biggest creation of the sister."

The big yellow dog said.

Jiang Chen began to get nervous and nervous about his own affairs. Dancing bamboo is the most important person in his life. Nowadays, this situation makes him have no way to worry, this is no different from gambling. If you let dance When the bamboo is set on the fire ladder, it is very likely that there will be two situations. One is to get the chance to get off the ground, but if the piano is not for waiting for the dance, then the ending is a death.

"The hundred-step fire ladder has already appeared. The remains of the great emperor are in front. I don't think I can really miss it. I have to try it."

"Yes, the two people were unlucky before, because there is no hundred-step fire ladder, it is equivalent to the remnant of the Great Emperor has not really been born, it is not the same now, the hundred-step fire ladder appeared, the relics of the Great Emperor really open, I I think it should not stop us."

"I also think so. I used to go to Xianzang before. When Xianzang was not completely born, I couldn’t get in, because Xianzang itself has great oppressive power, but the passage of Xianzang really opened. Anyone can enter it. I see that this hundred-step fire ladder is the passage into the remains of the Great Emperor. You don't want to be inked."

Many people can't suppress the excitement in their hearts, and they are ready to shoot. There are twenty or thirty people walking toward the hundred-step fire ladder at the same time. In this world, there are always a lot of people who are courageous. There is a saying like this. There is a thought in people’s minds, that is, the first one to enter Xianzang is definitely beneficial. It is very likely that there will be a huge opportunity at the gate of Xianzang. If you enter, you can get it directly.

Today, no one is moving in the face of such a powerful relic of the Great.

Twenty or thirty people did not hesitate. Before they came to the hundred-step fire ladder, they stepped straight on. The eyes on the back looked at them. They were watching. They didn’t want to be the first bird, so they waited to see the ending and watch. Look at these people who step on the fire, will they be directly burned like the two before.

Ah, ah...

The sound of screams sounded the next moment, and the 30 people’s footsteps had just stepped on the first fire ladder of the hundred-step fire ladder, and they were immediately burned into nothingness. There were supreme masters in the middle of the emperor. It is impossible to escape the burning of the sun's fire. The pure sun fire will not be so powerful. At least it will not be overbearing to the point where even the emperor burns directly, but the sun fire here is obviously different. The fire that was 10,000 years ago was something left by the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. It has the seal of the Great Emperor. The lethality is simply unimaginable.


This scene immediately caused an uproar. Everyone was moved. Many people who were already eager to move quickly stopped their own steps and looked at the fierce fire ladder. It seemed to see the most terrible between heaven and earth. Like things, let any creatures in the heavens and the earth retreat.

"How could this be?"

The Dragon 13 was shocked. He originally thought that this hundred-step ladder was the passage into the remains of the Great Emperor. It seems that this is not the case at all.

Countless people are filled with regrets. They are all sighing. The remains of the great emperor are in front of them, but they can only look at them with their eyes, even the fire ladder can not go up, let alone enter the palace.

"I have already said before, this is the Qindi Qindi to find the inheritor, otherwise Xiaoyao Qin will not take the initiative to show up, there must be people who are valued by Xiaodi Qindi, otherwise Xiaoyao Qin is hidden for tens of thousands of years, will not This time suddenly appeared, so, except for those who are valued by Xiaoyao Qindi, others go to die, no exception, monkeys, don't believe you to try."

The rhubarb dog said, and then licked his mouth against the dragon.

"Go to your uncle, why don't you try it."

Long XIII turned his eyes and he was confident, but he was not confident enough to collide with the Emperor. He had just died, but he didn't want to die.

Just as the rhubarb dog’s voice just fell, Wu Ningzhu stepped out of the footstep and walked toward the hundred-step fire ladder.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen grabbed the arm of Wu Ningzhu: "Jing Jie."

Jiang Chen has no way to worry about it. He has already died so many people. The things left by the Qindi Qindi are terrible. If the dance bamboo is also burned by fire, even if he has a ancestral tower, he would like to save the dance. s life.

Wu Ningzhu turned his head and smiled at Jiang Chen: "Little dust, don't worry, I feel a very big summoning power, and the call of Xiaoyao Qin, I must go."

The dance bamboo has returned to normal, but the attitude is extremely firm.

Jiang Chen still wants to say anything more, but sees a golden brilliance suddenly stunned from the Xiaoyao Qin, then Guanghua is like a meteor, the speed is extremely fast, the goal is to dance the bamboo, directly shrouded the dance bamboo. Form a huge golden net.


At this moment, countless eyes have been looked over, making Wu Ningzhu an object of great attention.

"Xiaoyao Qin locked her. It seems that she is the person to be found by Xiaoyao Qin. It is the inheritor of Xiaoyao Qindi."

"A beautiful woman, she did not notice before, there is such a beautiful woman between heaven and earth, but her cultivation seems to be too weak, but only half a step to the emperor, even the emperor does not come, the qualifications can not see How good is it, how can Xiaoyao Qindi look at such a successor?"

"It turns out that the appearance of the original Xiaoyao has a certain goal. It seems that we were all wrong before. The remains of the Great Emperor have been hidden for tens of thousands of years. How could it suddenly appear, and the people who waited for it should wait until now. This woman is really against the sky."

"Looking at whether she can set foot on the hundred-step fire ladder."


At this time, everyone knows what happened. Those who died before are too embarrassed. This is the great choice of the emperor himself. It is useless to fight for it.

"Haha, Xiao Chenzi, this is the peerless creation of Ningjie, and the Qindi Emperor really valued her."

The big yellow dog laughed.

"Cing sister, be careful."

Jiang Chen touched the face of Wu Ningzhu with his hand. Since Xiaodi Qindi valued the dancing bamboo, Jiang Chen naturally could not stop it. He was very excited and happy now. When he came in the golden killing field, Jiang Chen As far as the operation of the big machine is concerned, this dance bamboo will follow, and I will definitely encounter any chances. Now it is fulfilled, but even Jiang Chen himself has never thought that the creation of Wu Ningzhu is so huge.

"I know, don't worry."

Wu Ningzhu gave Jiang Chen a reassuring smile, and then strode toward the hundred-step fire ladder. Her body is golden brilliance, which is simply a fairy between heaven and earth. From her body, people seem to see the Emperor Xiaoyao. Peerless style.

"Block her, can't let her get the remains of the Great Emperor, or we have no chance."

Just then, a big drink suddenly sounded, and it was not the others who spoke. It was the Northern and Southern Dynasties.


When the words came out, the crowd immediately swayed and stopped dancing. Yes, why do you want to watch others get the remains of the Great Emperor, even if you can't get it, you can't let others get it, especially those who have hatreds with Jiang Chen, and the eyes are beginning to become sharp, many people know, dance Condensed bamboo is a woman of Jiang Chen. If it is passed down by the great emperor, it will become extremely terrifying. When Jiang Chen will be unstoppable, they will not kill Jiang Dust. I am afraid that he will die here. The Northern and Southern Dynasties naturally have such an idea.

"A small half-step fairy woman, He Dehe can go to us to get the inheritance of the great emperor. Compared with us, she is nothing, we are the people who really have the air, kill this woman, Xiaoyao Qin The emperor will re-select the inheritors, and we will all have opportunities."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties continued to say aloud, igniting the crowd, lest the world not chaos.


Jiang Chen’s dark road is not good. The relics of the Great Emperor are too sensitive. The North and South dynasties are sinister and sinister. Even in this critical moment, he used people’s jealousy and greed, and they used the hands of the people of the world to kill all of them. This is true. Too much vicious.

"That's right, killing this woman, Xiaoyao Qindi will re-select the successor, and we will have a chance at that time."

"One and a half steps, Emperor, what qualifications are available to the relics of the Great Emperor, our qualifications are above her."

"Kill, kill this woman, we can't get anything, she doesn't want to get it."


The scene was out of control in an instant, and the atmosphere in the Southern and Northern Dynasties completely changed.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, continue to add more today, the third is 12 o'clock, and the brothers who can't wait can see it tomorrow. 】

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