Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1636: Defend [plus]

This kind of scene can't stand the excitement. Many people's hearts are fragile. The relics of the great emperor are too attractive to them. The appearance of dancing bamboo has already made them completely dead, but now it is so moving through the North and South. Everyone has a new idea. No one wants the ruins of the great emperor to fall into the hands of others, and it is still in the hands of a person who is not as good as himself. If the remains of the great emperor fall into the hands of people like Xia Xiaotian and Zhang Yulang, they may not appear at all. Instigation.

It’s just because the cultivation of Wu Ningzhu is too weak, but only half a step to the Emperor, and compared with the numerous geniuses present, the qualification of Wu Ningzhu is definitely not on the upper level, so everyone will not be reconciled, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are exactly By grasping this point, it will be able to inspire the turbulent scenes. When the time comes up, it will not only kill the dancing bamboo, but also take the opportunity to kill Jiang Chen and Long XIII. He is the one who wants to kill the most. It is Jiang Chen and Long XIII. The threats of these two people to themselves are too great, especially Jiang Chen. Although Jiang Chen’s current cultivation is not as good as himself, the potential of Jiang Chen makes him feel terrible, if he is allowed to If you grow up, you will surpass yourself in the morning and evening, and it will be your own death.

Jiang Chen’s face became extremely ugly and ugly. He looked angry at the Southern and Northern Dynasties. This guy really angered himself.

"Malle Gobi, this dog day, is really shameless, so critically, he was completely destroyed."

The thirteen temper of the dragon thirteen, the opening is smashed, the iron bar has already appeared in the hands, and the momentum of the ancient war spirits has also been released.

"Everyone shot together and killed this woman."

The North and South Dynasties were like a rainbow. He said that he shot directly. He shattered the void. The horrible energy attacked the past with the dancing bamboo. The dance bamboo at the moment has been fully attracted by the call of Xiaoyao. She must now All the minds are placed on the top of the hundred steps of the fire ladder. At this time, it is no longer able to retreat. The successor chosen by the Emperor Qindi can not retreat. Once retreating, Xiaodi Qindi will soon give up and re-re- Choose someone else.

And Wu Ningzhu is not afraid, because Jiang Chen is behind her, that is her most trusted person, as long as there is Jiang Chen, even if the sky falls down and dances, the bamboo does not care, she knows her man’s skill, will definitely Do everything you can to protect yourself and not let yourself suffer a little bit of damage.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, you actually shot the woman, do not want to face a little bit, today's thirteen brothers will teach you a good time."

The dragon thirteen was violent, and the iron rod was swung out, and the attack of the Northern and Southern Dynasties was immediately destroyed. He was angry and blocked in front of the north and south, and did not let the North and South dynasty approach the dance.

"Dead monkey, kill you today, even if you block me, people here will drown you, the temptation of the relics of the Great, you know better than me."

The mouth of the North and South Chaos overflowed with a sneer, and the effect he wanted had already appeared. He is very satisfied now, and he just took the initiative to kick the curtain for the next fierce battle.

"A shameless dog thing, eat your dog a great."

The dragon thirteen teeth gnawed his teeth and smashed the iron bars against the North and South. The two horrible guys in the sky suddenly fought together.

The influence of the South and North Dynasty’s shots is too great, and many people are ready to shoot.

"Kill this woman and keep her away from the ruins."

Someone screamed and killed the dance to the bamboo.

"court death."

Jiang Chen’s light and coldness directly turned into a dragon-changing state. His speed reached its peak and was blocked in front of the dancing bamboo. The horrible blood-colored dragon claw caught the neck of the person who shot the hand. In the early days of the emperor's cultivation, but in the hands of Jiang Chen, like a chicken, it was hard to beat, and it was stunned by Jiang Chen.

"Stop, do you dare to hurt my Promise?"

Some people were drunk at the rear, and the people who were taken by Jiang Chen were the ones of the eleventh force of the East Xuan domain. They were able to resist the powerful temptation and directly shot.

"The Promise Fairy is a fart, dare to move the cousin, and the people of Xianting are going to die, let's die."

Jiang Chen’s eyes were fierce, and his shots were fierce. A pinch of the neck of the Promise’s disciple, the other party’s screams did not have time to send out and died on the spot. The other’s kite flew to Jiang’s face and was Jiang Chen. A pinch.

"Junk things, Lao Tzu is not rare."

Jiang Chen is mad, he is really angry, this is a dangerous person. For anyone who is unfavorable to dancing, Jiang Chen will not have a bit of mercy, not to mention a Promise, even if it is offensive, Jiang Chen also did not hesitate.

"Asshole, you dare to kill the Promise, you are dead."

Promise Xianzong, a master of the late Emperor of the Emperor, murderous.

"Haha, go to your mother's Promise Xianzong. Today, who dares to sing a manual condensed sister, don't blame me for being ruthless. If I don't accept it, I will kill him." Jiang Chen is killing today."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly. He never feared everything. Even if there were countless geniuses, he couldn't stop his edge, and Jiang Chen didn't have to be polite. He knew very well that the relics of Xiaoyao Qindi were too attractive. Now they have been the North and South. It’s almost impossible to get rid of it. There are only two ways to do it. One is to let Wu Ningzhu take the initiative to give up the inheritance, and the other is to use a powerful means to kill and kill the other party. Get up, Jiang Chen chooses the latter.

"Rheum, monk, Van Wang, block me from the Quartet, **** for the sister, anyone close to one step and die."

Jiang Chen’s hands screamed at the Heavenly Sword, and he arrogantly turned into a god.

Lan Lingji and Hua Xiaoqian were shocked to see Jiang Chen. This is the first time they saw Jiang Chen’s shot, not to mention how horrible the means of Jiang Chen’s, and the overbearing breath that only the man’s body exudes. Dare to face up.


The rhubarb dog is arrogant, his body has become a dozen feet, and he is covered in golden light. The dragon scale is covered with a dragon's horn floating on the top of his head and flies directly to the battlefield.


The monk's hands were together, and his face was solemn. When he stepped out, he came to the side of Wu Ningzhu. The horrible Buddha light continually impacted from his body. He did not sneak a little, and he showed up the Buddha body.


Yang Bufan’s screaming of the long sword, the sinner’s superiors breathed out, and it seems that he has prepared for the war.

That is the momentum of the past, the unstoppable momentum, the domineering of the world, the blue spirit Ji and Hua Xiaoqian are directly infected as a female.

"Get together and protect the dancing girl."

The spirit of the Blue Ling Ji Sheng is filled, and the people who are exquisite and blessed have also followed suit, and they have sacrificed their own soldiers.

"Our lives are saved by them. If you are going to give up your body today, you have to help."

Hua Xiaoqian disdained the group and rushed out. The people in Huanxian Valley did not have a fear of death. They had fallen into the hands of Hehuan Zong, and they had already died.

"Rhubarb, open your mouth."

Jiang Chen shouted at the big yellow dog. The big yellow dog did not hesitate. He was 10,000 yuan trust in Jiang Chen, and immediately opened a big mouth against Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's big hand waved, three drops of earth fairy directly fell into the mouth of the rhubarb dog.

The rhesus dog's expression immediately became excited. He knew everything, and immediately guessed what Jiang Chen had for himself.

"Fairy slate, let's kill it, I want to kill the dog, see who can't open it."

The rhubarb dog is so excited that the violent energy is constantly hitting in his body. The three drops of the earth's milk are swallowed at the same time. The violent energy is only able to withstand the rhubarb dog. With the horror of the rhubarb dog, it will soon be Promoted to the late Emperor.

The blood demon king also ran out, everyone escorted the dance bamboo, and kept her on the fire ladder. The scene suddenly became very hot.

"The shot must not let the woman get on the fire ladder."

Someone shot again, and a dozen masters of the Mid-Emperor’s mid-term hit the ups and downs.


Jiang Chentian's holy sword whistling out, the speed is reaching the limit, he is a sharp killer, a master of the immortal mid-term can not resist, was smashed into two halves by Jiang Chen, the blood splashed on the spot.

"Brothers, killing today."

Jiang Chen’s **** red, in order to dance the bamboo, he wants blood to flow into the river today.


The rhubarb dog turned into a streamer, and his cultivation was constantly climbing. In the blink of an eye, it hit the peak of the Emperor's mid-term. Three drops of earth's milk were being quickly digested by him. This dog is extremely different and progresses rapidly. You can't use common sense to measure.

boom! what!

Just listening to a scream, a master of the Mid-Emperor was directly hit by half of the body of the big yellow dog's dog's head. Even though they are rare geniuses, they are not opponents of the rhubarb dog at all. There is absolutely no comparability between the two sides.


A strong genius master has shot, for a time, the scene is extremely chaotic, everywhere is devastating energy, Jiang Chen they guard a channel for the dance, let the dance bamboo step by step on the hundred steps.


There are constant screams, this is the cruelest killing, almost a war, Jiang Chen they are using their own lives to defend their own rights.

With more and more people participating in the war, the scene is getting more and more popular, and soon there will be a powerful master of the late Emperor of the Emperor, and Jiang Chen is on their side, only Lan Lingji is a master of the late emperor, and the pressure is real. Not small, but the rhubarb dog itself can also be used as a master of the late Emperor of the Emperor, the monk is not too much for the genius of the late Emperor, Jiang Chen full force broke out, still can fight against the late Emperor.

"Eternal fairy wind, the five elements of the field."

Jiang Chen burst into a bang and displayed the combination of the eternal fairy wind and the five elements. The huge field directly enveloped everyone, including their own people, but Jiang Chen could control the perfection of the field, and the eternal fairy wind would hardly It will cause the slightest harm to oneself.

[If the brothers are cool, don't forget to pay attention to the old WeChat public account, WeChat search Su Yuexi, or suyuexi-pmm. 】

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