Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1638: Fight against the law [one more]


The secretary of the Dragon 13 exhibition and the Southern and Northern Dynasties slammed the palm of the hand, and the heavens and the earth were almost smashed. There was still no victory or defeat. However, the Dragon Monk saw the following monk’s memorial, which basically stabilized the situation, at least the five elements. The big array can still be supported for a short time. As long as it can support the dance bamboo, it is enough to step on the fire ladder. Therefore, Dragon 13 is not concerned about the following things, and concentrates on dealing with the Northern and Southern Dynasties. After all, he has a big yellow dog against Jiang Chen. The strength is very confident, and now there are new helpers to join, the overall combat strength has been improved.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, today is going to have a winner."

The dragon thirteen fans danced wildly, the momentum of the ancient war spirits filled the air, and the emptiness of the void was very powerful. He seemed to be a source of energy, and he could unleash the inexhaustible energy.

"Hey! Monkey, even if you are a powerful Taikoo warrior, you can't be the opponent of this son. I am adhering to the heavens and the roads of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is necessary to step out of my own emperor's road. Whoever is in front of me, who will die, you think Once I beat me, can I beat me again? It’s ridiculous. I can’t beat the North and South dynasty. Today, let’s see how much the horror of my emperor’s technique is, and what the ancient war spirits are not enough to see. It is the reincarnation of the great emperor, I will eventually become the great emperor, kill you today, take your ancient blood, and take it for yourself."

The North and South dynasties are incomparably arrogant. His gestures are all overwhelming. He is like a dynasty emperor. No color can hide his light. This is the true pride of the sky. He said that he does not seem to brag because of the heavens. The North and South dynasties have long been known. Think of yourself as the Son of God, to be the master of this world, his ambition, everyone is underestimated.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties are undoubtedly a terrible figure. The general peerless genius is a rare defeat in life. So once you experience a failure, you will form a great shadow in your heart, leading to difficulties in progress, even stagnation, and ruin in your life. However, before the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they lost in the hands of Dragon XIII, and they were destroyed by the eyes of the gods, but they did not have the slightest temperament, and they recovered the eyes of the heavens at the fastest speed, successfully promoted to a level, and the fighting power was even more terrifying.

In the heart of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there is no failure, failure, then kill the opponent and fill the vacancy on the road of the emperor.

"Emperor? Great Emperor? Haha, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, you are a ridiculous guy. I thought that I was on this high point. How can a great reincarnation be proud? I fight the ancestors is the supreme god, I am too ancient, blood, You are a little reincarnation of a great emperor. What is your pride in front of me?"

The dragon thirteen uttered irony, the pride of the Northern and Southern Dynasties wanted to be used on his body, that is to find the wrong object, the blood of the ancient war, more noble than the blood of the emperor.

The general Taikoo war spirits, such as the genius demon who was imprisoned in the genius house, although it is also the ancient war spirit, but the blood in the body is not pure because of the time, so it is not considered how noble, but the dragon is different. In his body, he has the blood of a complete fighting family, inherits the magical powers and means of the ancestors, is the real noble blood, is the real life of the world, in this respect, the reincarnation of a great emperor of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is indeed not qualified. Proud in front of the dragon thirteen.

"You are right, but unfortunately there is no **** in this world. Since the endless years, the fairyland is the emperor, the **** is illusory, perhaps it does not exist at all. The emperor is the end of spiritual practice. I am standing at the highest point in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The person, the supreme figure in the heavens and the earth, even if your ancient Taiji wars blood, is only the thing in my pocket of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, you are the stepping stone of my emperor's road, your existence is destined only for Complete me."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties are still arrogant to the endless, self-righteous, even the blood of the Taikoo war spirits are not in the eyes, in his world, he is the most noble existence, will eventually become the most powerful figure in the whole world, he is the **** I want to be worshipped by thousands.

"Then talk nonsense, take a nap."

The dragon thirteen is angry. He wants to tell the North and the South who are noble by practical means. He wants to fight against the war of the war.

The dragon thirteen hands crossed the void and directly cut the void. He was black and open, and every one of them was plunged into the void. He was sharp and his power was too strong. At this moment, even his hair. They have all become weapons, and you can destroy the celestial soldiers with just one.

"Fighting the law, fighting the word, fighting with the sky, it is endless."

The dragon's thirteenth eyes are filled with golden eyes, and the eyes are filled with fire. When they come up, they display a powerful fighting character. This is a strong attack in the fighting law, which contains the true meaning of the battle, not only the powerful attack power, but also Containing a strong will, and the will of the heavenly battle, the ancestors of the rumors of fighting, the once an iron bar, stirring the sea, the heavens and the earth can not tolerate, the heavens give a hole, so this can be seen terror.

The dragon thirteen hands smashed and played the ancient seal of the gods. The imprint was brilliant, like a totem god. After the appearance, the heavens and the earth were turbulent, and the sky was directly shocked by a big hole.

"go with."

The dragon thirteen screamed, and the huge gods attacked the past toward the north and south. The war between him and the Northern and Southern Dynasties attracted many people’s attention from the beginning. Many people have their eyes on it. After all, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are counter-insurgent. The characters of the heavens, the reincarnation of the emperor, this Shantou alone is enough to make people pay attention to it. Now the Northern and Southern Dynasties are promoted to the middle of the Emperor, it is definitely more horrible, but there is a young man who dares to face the North and South Korea. Everyone wants to have a look. What do young people rely on, as geniuses of the same era, every dazzling new star will cause countless attention.

"A good and powerful tactic, an ancient mysterious imprint, and the sky will tremble with it. What is this young man?"

"This kind of warfare is rare in the world. It has never been seen before. It is too powerful. It contains the taste of the gods. The pressure is extremely strong. Is it really a Taikoo war spirit? Is there too much enchantment in this world?" They live in an era, I really don't know if it is unfortunate or lucky."

"Look, this young man is only the middle of the Emperor, the same level of competition, he believes that he can not be the opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the level of the North and South dynasties is almost invincible, when he was at the Broken Blade, to the early Emperor of the Emperor In order to almost kill the devil, ruthless."


No one is not shocked, such an earth-shattering battle is destined to be eye-catching. If Long XIII can defeat the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the prestige will immediately rise, and the fairy world will know. If it is defeated, even if it is defeated, it will be guaranteed in the hands of the North and South. It’s enough to be proud.

"The immortal slate, the battle of the fighting family is really powerful, the monkey has only mastered the essence of one percent, and has exerted such a powerful power. Such an ancient war spirit can not be underestimated."

The rhubarb dog controls the five elements while not forgetting the road.

Opposite, I saw the attack of Dragon Thirteen. The face of the Southern and Northern Dynasties changed slightly. He looked at the Dragon III and scored three points. However, he did not have a little fear. Instead, he was fighting high, and the strength of the Dragon Thirteen completely attacked him. The intention was motivated.

"The Emperor of the Emperor, I am the Emperor, the hand of God."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties danced blondely, and there were words in the mouth. Every character was like thunder, squeaking, and his whole body was incarnate as the emperor, just like the heavens and the earth, the eyes of the heavens also shimmered. At this moment, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are in harmony with the heavens. In the sky, the hands of the gods were shot.

The horrible hand of the gods is golden and dazzling. It has a size of a hundred feet. After this hand appears, it becomes the only one between heaven and earth. It becomes a permanent existence, and the people are surrendered, and the four sides can be extinct with just one move.


The fighting word and the hands of the gods collided together. This is an invaluable attack. They all carry the supreme will, a fusion of the heavens, one can fight with the sky, who wins and who is negative, really bad speculation.

The sky was completely smashed, and the battlefield instantly became a chaotic state, a void, the shadows of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Dragon Thirteen were drowned in it, and people could not see what was going on inside.

No one is shocked, those who watched the war were horrified, Zhang Dazui, Xianting enchantress Xia Xiaotian and Zhang Yulang were also moved. They are all powerful inheritors, the body contains strong blood, pretentious, and repaired to be promoted to half soon Step by step, but they are self-raised. If you let yourself play against Dragon 13 or the North and South, you won’t have a bit of control.

"I didn't expect the dragon son to be so horrible. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it. It was unlucky for the people of Hehuan Zong to meet him."

"If the dragon son can form a companion with our saints, it is a good thing for us to be exquisite and blessed, and it is certainly impossible to make a good relationship with such a genius."

"That is, I can see that the Dragon Son is interesting to our saints, otherwise she will not go to Shehuan to save us with her, and our proud saints seem to have already dreamed of the Dragon Son."

"Don't say more, the saints will marry even if they want to marry. Without the consent of Xianzun, the saints themselves can't do the Lord."


The female disciples of Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley sighed one by one, and the tyranny of Dragon Thirteen was indeed beyond their imagination.


Below, before the hundred-step fire ladder, the Zhenshen monument supported the five elements of the big array. Three or four hundred people have already attacked the big array with full force. The big battle is crumbling, but there is a monument to the earthquake. It seems that it is not difficult to support it. However, for the Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog who have always been fighting hard, this passive beating situation is really a bit wrong.

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