Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1639: Big kill

"More people will shoot, his big bang will not be able to support it, and the stone tablet is an incredible miracle. If you get it, the benefits are endless."

Someone shouted, he is a member of the North and South family, because the fire unicorn thing hated Jiang Chen, and they got the instructions of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, so they tried their best to kill Jiang Chen and stop the dance, in the north and south family, The status of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is higher than everything else. Even the patriarchs of the North and South family, they must look at the face of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is unkind to say that the Northern and Southern Dynasties are the whole hope of the North and South families. One's ambition is basically equivalent to a family. Ambition.

The family of the North and the South is naturally unwilling to be mediocre, and it is so easy to have a character like the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The ambitions of the whole family have changed, and the East Xuan domain has not been reconciled. Even in the East Xuan domain, it must become the only one in the East Xuan domain. Boss, they believe that the Northern and Southern Dynasties will certainly dominate the world with the entire North and South family, and even become a big force that can compete with Xianting.

More and more people have joined and started to bombard the five elements.

"The monk, support the big battle, I will kill him."

Jiang Chen left a sentence, his body flew directly out of the big array, he stepped into the mysterious, cast a shadow of the wolf, nine moments of the sky is full of his shadow, watching people dazzled, this confused visual body The most terrible, especially in such a big melee, it is hard to prevent.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen’s deity has appeared in front of the disciples of the north and the south, and the Tiansheng sword has arrived at the other’s eyebrows. The disciples of the north and south families are still yelling and calling others to attack, but they can’t think of it. Jiang Chen actually abandoned the guardian array and appeared so quickly in front of himself.

"Let you sip."

Jiang Chen’s long sword was sent, and he slammed into the eyebrows of the disciples of the North and the South. The other’s eyes were wide and he died in despair. He probably dreamed that he would die so soon. He still waited to perform well in front of the DPRK. Some time, go back and get some kind of reward.

Now, Jiang Chen gave him rewards and rewards for death in advance.


When the sword gas trembled, the heads of the disciples of the north and south family were directly shattered. After killing one person, Jiang Chen continued to fight, and directly killed the disciples of the other two north and south families. Many people from the north and south families gathered together. Although the dust did not know, but they knew the clothes, many people from the north and south families wore the same costumes and immediately became the target of Jiang Chen’s killing.

On the other side of the five elements, the monk is enough to support. Jiang Chen must give these guys some blood lessons, let them know that doing such a thing is a price, a very serious price.


Two screams rang, and the disciples of the two North and South families died under the sword of Jiang Chen. The two sides were not at all a level. Jiang Chen wanted to kill them. That is to say that the hand is coming, no effort at all.

Jiang Chen shot, no mercy, especially for the people of the North and South family, killing even the eyes are not stunned, how many people come to the North and the South today, he will kill how much, he wants the North and South family to pay a very heavy price.

Moreover, Jiang Chen chose to take the initiative to take the initiative, which is very beneficial to the guardian of the Five Elements. It is more beneficial to guard him than him. Because he relies on one person, it is enough to turn the other party’s camp to the stirring people, so that they can’t do their best. Going to attack the five elements of the big line.

Jianqi skyrocketed, Jiang Chen suddenly killed, many people did not think, coupled with the decisive and hot shots, in the blink of an eye, there are several people who died under the dust of Tian Chen’s sword, blood splattered, making the scene instantly It’s a big mess.

"Killing Jiang Chen."

Someone shouted, a master of the late Emperor of the Emperor rushed to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen did not entangle with the other side, behind the dragon wing vibration, relying on the rapid blink of an eye to avoid, the long sword carrying endless murderous, toward Those who have been repaired to be weaker are killed. At this moment, Jiang Chen is already the peak of the late Xian Wang. Only one step can be promoted to the half-step fairy, so the fighting power is also horrible, plus the unreserved shot at this moment, generally The mid-master of the Emperor of the Emperor, he met him as a dead end. As for the masters of the late Emperor, Jiang Chen had already made up his mind when he shot, and he did not touch them at all. His goal was simple, that is, killing. The more people kill, the more powerful they can be.

Killing these people, Jiang Chen will not be soft at all. In his opinion, all those who block the dance of bamboo are all enemies, all of which are damned, especially the north and south family, the gods gate, the Huangquanmen, the big cloud empire. The corpse Yinzong, as well as the Promise of the Promise, is the key object of Jiang Chen’s killing. The hatred between him and these big forces cannot be resolved by itself. Naturally, there is no reservation.


The mad dragon roared, Jiang Chen's hand in a sword swayed like rain, killing a few into a few, he saw a few disciples wearing a costume of the North and South family, immediately smashed the sword to kill the past.


At this time, a master of the late Emperor's late stage exhibited a powerful attack, and shrouded Jiang Chen. He called the north and south scenery, and he was a famous genius in the north and south family. If it was not the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he was the most enchanting genius of the North and South family. .

However, the North and South scenes not only have no complaints about the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but they are still submissive. There is no scorn for the instructions of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This shows that the position of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the North and South Dynasties has gone from lofty to what extent, and there are his disciples in the North and South family. It is unity and unanimity. This kind of ethos cannot be compared with other big forces. Especially the big forces like the Dagan Empire, the struggle of the following disciples is too fierce.

"Hey! Kill you sooner or later."

Jiang Chen snorted, and the wolf shadow changed again. The dragon wing behind it and the red fire wing merged together. It is basically impossible for the north and south scenes to trap him. Jiang Chen does not choose and north and south. Confrontation confrontation, he is too fast, directly evaded out, but also killed a genius of a North and South family.

"damn it."

Seeing the situation, the north and south scenes are furious, the momentum continues to lock Jiang Chen, killing the past, he now feels no radiance on his face, Jiang Chen said that it is just a little fairy king, even in front of himself constantly killing the north and the south The disciple of the family, how this made him suffer.

"The masters of the late Emperor of the Emperor rushed out their hands and killed Jiang Chen. As long as he died, the following formations would be automatically broken."

The north and south scene shouted at the people around.

It is said that many of the masters of the late Emperor of the Emperor began to lock up Jiang Chen. They are now going to kill Jiang Chen, not only because they want to destroy the big array to block the dance, but more importantly, they see the horror of Jiang Chen. This kind of enchanting is too far-fetched, and there is such a strong fighting power in the late King of the King. If you continue to let it grow, no one can predict where Jiang Chen can grow, and this person is very hot-hearted, and now he has already determined the hostility. Relationships, it is absolutely impossible to let such characters continue to live, because for them, the threat is too big, a potential big threat.


Jiang Chen laughed wildly, and with his current ability, even if more of the late Emperor of the Emperor could not kill him, it would be extremely easy for Jiang Chen to escape.

Jiang Chen's whole body is incarnate and swims in the crowd. Those masters in the middle of the Emperor are better. They can resist one or two by relying on their own powerful strength. Those geniuses in the early stage and the half-step of the Emperor can be The difference is much worse, and it is simply unable to withstand a rush of Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen wants to kill them, it is a massacre and there is no counterattack.

The geniuses in the genius are present, some are still very young, and one death is a great loss for the original martial art, but Jiang Chen does not care about these.

"Jiang Chen, you even kill my Tianyu dynasty, you are looking for death."

Someone screamed.

"The Tianyu Dynasty of the shit, offended me, and someday bombed your emperor."

Jiang Chen is crazy, and the Tianyu Dynasty is one of the three great dynasties of the Eastern Xuanyu. From now on, Jiang Dian has not only made the exquisite blessings and the Huaxian Valley, but also the eleven major forces in the East Xuanyu area. Both have been offended, and there is also a Zhuge family that has not collided with Jiang Chen. The Zhuge family and the North and South families are enemies. As long as they do not deal with themselves, Jiang Chen may not have a big conflict with this family.

At this point, the corpse Yinzong, Huang Quanmen, Shenxingmen, Promise Xianzong, Dayun Empire, Tianyu Dynasty, North and South family, the seven forces were sinned by Jiang Chen, looking at the entire East Xuan domain, one offensive seven Forces, I am afraid that Jiang Chen is one person. For anyone, offending so many forces is almost a behavior of death, and there is no hiding place in the entire East Xuan domain.

Ah, ah...

Jiang Chen killed a move and changed a place. He rushed out from him. The genius who died in his hands was at least a dozen. The masters of the late Emperor wanted to besiege him. Jiang Chen was very smart and embarrassed. To rush to a place where there are many people, do not give the other party a chance to lock him.

However, those masters of the late Emperor of the Emperor were not vegetarian at all. Soon, four or five masters formed an encirclement from different directions, trapping Jiang Chen.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen’s mouth once again overflowed with a hint of laughter. This time, he did not choose to evade. It seems that he was prepared to collide with the genius masters of the late Emperor. If he could force the masters of these late emperors Then, the five elements of the big line will be able to support for a long time. It is imperative that everything is centered on Wu Ningzhu. Jiang Chen is keeping these masters in order to delay the time.

In the center of the big array, the face of the dancing bamboo is calm, and the beautiful eyes look at the Xiaoqin on the ancient palace, step by step toward the fire ladder, as if everything that happened around it has nothing to do with her.

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