Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1640: 灭字诀

Jiang Chen was flying outside and was surrounded by four or five genius masters of the late Emperor. The power of one person forcedly dragged the other side so much powerful force, and did not forget to take the time to kill other people. The whole scene was chaotic to the extreme. This piece of emptiness has been torn apart, and most people are still watching. After all, there are still many people who are awake. Even if they block the dance, they have no chance to get the remains of the great emperor. A inheritor is dead, and the remains of the Great Emperor are likely to be silent again.

More importantly, there are already a lot of people who have shot. If all of them are shot, the face can't be hanged. As a genius of the younger generation, it still needs some face.

Below, the five elements of the big line are unbreakable, the pressure of the earthquake monument is immeasurable, and the monk sits on the top of the earthquake monument. The whole atmosphere is merged with the earthquake **** monument. There is a suppression of the earthquake monument, and the big array wants to be broken. It is really a very difficult thing, even if every attack makes the big array crumbling, but it is far from the broken.

The rhythm of the rhubarb dog is constantly climbing, and the three drops of the earth's milk are making him continually flooding toward the horror of the emperor's later period, but it is not an easy task to think about it, but the fighting power of the rhubarb dog is constantly improving. It is true, there is no doubt.

Yang Lang, Master of the Ran, Lan Lingji, Hua Xiaoqian, the four people do their best to control the big array, and constantly instill their own body strength, used to stabilize the big array, which is they, one is more than a pervert If it is replaced by ordinary people, even if it can support the big battle at this moment, but every attack may also seriously damage them.

The destruction of the sky, the fall of the earth, this is a big battle, hundreds of masters at the same time, and only Jiang Chen can really block.

Jiang Chen incarnates the real dragon, and Tian Shengjian combines into one, with one enemy five, constantly falling into the wind, the body being beaten trembles, but firmly hold the five masters, so that they can not free their hands to deal with The big array below.

There are not a few masters in the late Emperor of the Emperor, but there are probably about ten people, but these people can’t all vacate their hands to deal with Jiang Chen. They have to fight with other people to attack the five elements. If they don’t shoot, they will be big. It is almost impossible to break it.

Nowadays, it is not just to block the dance of bamboo. Many people’s eyes have also noticed the monk’s shocking monument. The **** stone monument exudes a strong sense of ancientity, and it is strong to the extreme. A monument can suppress the world. Fools know this. It is a rare treasure. If you can get it, the benefits are endless, just as much as getting a treasure.

On the other hand, the battle situation is also the most intense place. The dragon thirteen battles and the holy law are displayed to the extreme, and the emperor's technique of the Southern and Northern Dynasties constantly collides. Two peerless enchanting, each attack makes the heavens and the earth discolored, and the earthquake is ancient and modern. People have been stunned from the beginning, and the battlefield has broken several, but they still have no wins.

"Damn, my level in the North and South Dynasty has always been an invincible existence. I have never met an opponent. Today, even a monkey can't take it."

The North and South dynasties spurted out the anger. He is now more and more angry. He is arrogant and arrogant. He never put any opponent in his eyes, but at the moment, the dragon thirteen makes him feel extremely difficult, the powerful hands of the gods and the emperor. The Emperor's technique can't help each other. The dragon thirteen is the Taikoo war spirit, and the one-handed fighting method is invincible and is regarded as invincible.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties are indeed angry, but the opposite Dragon 13 is also angry, to say that the North and the South are proud, the Dragon 13 bones are even more proud than the Southern and Northern Dynasties, as a fighting dragon, a powerful Taikoo war spirit, even in the high gods, blood It is also one of the best, and is comparable to the five great beasts. Nowadays, when encountering the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it is also an extremely tyrannical opponent.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the Dragon 13 can be like this with the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is already a terrible horror. This battle has hit the present, and Dragon 13 has already played its own name. After this battle, his reputation is doomed. To spread throughout the fairy world, not only the fairyland, the three major fairy tales will know his prestige, the birth of the golden killing field, the powerful ancient war spirit.

"The sky, the emperor's shackles."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties played an ancient mystery. He was worthy of the reincarnation of the emperor. Every attack carried the emperor's will. He was above the top, and the above momentum alone gave infinite pressure.

A horrible will has come, and it has become a dynasty emperor. It is an illusory figure. It is a golden glory. It is the embodiment of the will and the energy. It is extremely horrible. It oppresses the dragon thirteen. Come down.

"Monkey, I see how you resist?"

The sound of the North and South Dynasties was nine days, like a thunder, and the roar of the sky was endless.

"Hey! The false emperor only, in front of me, the emperor is just an ant, not a person, your majesty, no use in front of me, your honor, not as much as one in ten, I will break Your nobleness will make you fall apart."

Long XIII once again snorted, his body swayed directly into the original face of the battle dragon, and then his body continued to rise, becoming a golden giant, full of ten feet.


The dragon thirteen was arrogant, and he changed his body. The fierceness of the ancient times was filled, and the sky was stirred up. At this moment, the dragon thirteen incarnates the king of the demon, and the heavens and the earth will tremble with it.

"Fighting the law, destroying the word."

The thirteen sounds of the dragon, such as Hong Zhong, echoed on the battlefield. After the word disappeared, it was directly transformed into a character and integrated into one's body. Then, the breath of the dragon thirteen changed again, and the body was carrying the demise. The will cannot be erased, it is the destruction of others.

The dragon thirteen shot, he turned into the **** of destruction, the speed is almost to the extreme, in the blink of an eye to the emperor's virtual shadow, the huge golden fist smashed the past.


A battlefield was directly destroyed. The dragon 13 carries the will to die. Even if the emperor can't resist it, the Emperor's shadow will follow directly.

The body of the Southern and Northern Dynasties was shocked, and his face was pale. The strength of the battle against the Fa was far beyond his imagination. By now, he has no way to pay attention to the Dragon.

However, the Emperor's shadow was destroyed, and the face of the Northern and Southern Dynasties remained unchanged. His whole man's momentum even rose again.

"Day, I am the emperor, suppressing all life."

The old characters were spit out in the mouth of the North and South Dynasties. He opened the ancient Emperor's mystery, and his body began to change. In the blink of an eye, it turned into the same height as the Dragon 13 and truly became a peerless emperor. However, if he is arrogant, Zhan Zhan shines, the eyes of the gods wear vain, he becomes the real emperor, destroys all beings, and surrenders.

The two huge bodies collided with each other, and in the most horrific way, fighting against the Holy Law against the Emperor's tyrants, launched a battle of the most peak, the world was shocked.

"My God, what kind of enchanting is this, is it too powerful?"

"The power of such horror is beyond the imagination of human beings. The reincarnation of the Great Wars against the Great Emperor, this is the real battle of the peak. Although they only have the cultivation of the Emperor in the middle of the period, even if they are playing against it in the late Emperor, There is also death and no life."

"This is the most dazzling two stars in the fairy world. It is more dazzling than the small summer and Zhang Yulang, but you can see that there are two of them. I think Jiang Chen is the most terrifying."

"Yes, Jiang Chen's current combat power is not comparable to Long XIII and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but his potential and qualifications are simply shocking and rare. He is only a rare part of the world. He is only half-step of the Emperor. If you haven't reached it, you can play against the talented masters of the five emperors in the late period. This is a battle between the big ranks. Who can do it between heaven and earth?"

"Jiang Chen used the cultivation of the Emperor of the Emperor in the late period to easily kill the Mid-Emperor. This horrible anti-day figure is only my life. I am alone. His future achievements are destined to be limitless. I am afraid it will exceed Long XIII and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but unfortunately he has offended people and too many forces, a generation of enchanting genius, I am afraid to break in the cradle."


The world is shocked. There are too many enchanting people in this era. Xia Xiaotian and Zhang Yulang don’t have to say such characters, but Xian Ting’s genius like them is not a minority. Nowadays, the people are shocked by the Dragon 13 and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, as well as Jiang Chen. They can represent the peak of this era.


The fierce collision between the Dragon 13 and the Northern and Southern Dynasties continued. The two played dark and dark, and they did not know how many battlefields were broken. The whole sky was in a chaos. The sky was full of caves, fighting the Holy Law and the Emperor. The peak of the game, still can not determine the true outcome.

However, the help of Dragon Thirteen is undoubtedly great for Jiang Chen. If he does not block the Northern and Southern Dynasties, who can block him, Jiang Chen and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are enemies, but Jiang Chen is now limited in strength, but he can’t beat the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If the three can't resist the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the five elements of the big line will have been broken, and the great emperor of Wu Ningzhu will also be seriously disturbed.

At the center of the five elements, Wu Ningzhu walked forward step by step. It was not far from the hundred-step fire ladder. She seemed to be walking very hard, but she never stopped a little. Her eyes were filled with longing and fascination.

The scene stagnated, and the stalemate held the opponent's master. The Dragon 13 contained the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The five elements of the big line seemed unbreakable. According to this development, it is inevitable that Wujingzhu will step on the fire ladder. However, at this time, One person also moved, Zhang Yulang is ready to shoot.

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