Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1642: Step on the fire ladder [five more]

In the words of Han Yan, the crowd immediately came out of a majestic black man. He was magical, not ruthless or who, the ruthless stepped out, directly joined the rhubarb dog in their camp to help them maintain a large array.

In the twinkling of an eye, two masters were added, which directly reversed the situation and let Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog breathe a sigh of relief.

The ruthlessness of the devil is the genius of Xuanyin, and he does not accept Han Yan. He is worried about the fact that Han Yan has become a saint, but Han Yan’s blood is nobler than himself. He can’t say anything more, but after all, It is not as good as self-cultivation, so the ruthlessness of the new sacred son is also ignored in the weekdays.

But now, seeing that the progress of the cold is so fast, it has directly obtained the ancient magic fairy, repaired to reach the late Emperor, the combat power is more than yourself, reached the existence of the confrontation with Zhang Yulang, the ruthless heart immediately convinced The ruthlessness is a straight-sex person. In his mind, the belief of the strong is respectful. He only worships the strong. For those who are not as good as themselves, even if you are the reincarnation of the great emperor, he is still not jealous.

Just like now, Han Yan directly orders him in the tone of the Son, and there is no complaint in the ruthlessness.

And the ruthlessness once lost in the hands of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, almost lost his life, the heart is hiding a grievance, there has been nowhere to vent, in front of this battle, Jiang Chen they are full of blood, so that the ruthlessness itself is very admired, especially Jiang Dust and Dragon XIII, also a **** person, the ruthless talent wants to shoot a battle, and now Han Yan appeared, just gave him an excuse.

"The magic wave is nine."

Han Yan and Zhang Yulang directly opened up a huge battlefield. He put away the magic sword and took the magic of the Emperor. When he came up, he played the proud magic wave, and the horrible dragon ravaged the battlefield toward Zhang Yulang. Just rushed away.

"When Xuanyin taught such a powerful son."

Zhang Yulang’s eyebrows, with his own cultivation, actually felt a bit of pressure.

However, Zhang Yulang did not have the slightest fear. His method was also extremely horrible. He grabbed the following hand with his bare hands. A mountain was directly caught by him. After instilling the energy of terror, he smashed toward the cold.

When the two came up, they were faint and dark, and the ending turned out to be the same as the Dragon 13 and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Numerous squeaking sounds are ringing again, and there are too many enchanting genres. There are endless streams. First, there is a dragon thirteen. This is followed by a demon emperor. The enchanting of this era is really a bit of a slap in the face.

"The blood of the ancient demon is really too powerful. Just after the promotion to the emperor, you can fight against Zhang Yulang, and you will not fall into the wind. If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you believe it."

"The Son chosen by Xuan Yin Jiao is really not easy. It seems that Zhang Yulang wants to intervene. It is impossible. The woman is about to step on the fire ladder. Once she stepped on, no one can stop it."

"After this war, I don't know if I have to deal with new grievances. I am afraid that the future fairyland will not be calm."


No one is not shocked, Han Yan is too strong, he has already displayed the body of the demon, the horrible magic wave is constantly oppressed by Zhang Yulang, the two are playing in the dark, just from the momentum, not at all Dragon XIII and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

The sky is dim and dark, and it is getting more and more fierce. There are fierce battles everywhere. Many people are moving. This kind of battle has never been seen. It is worthwhile to experience such a big battle in a lifetime. It is worthy of exquisiteness and flowers. The disciples of the valley have long been horrified and unable to speak. They are arrogant and arrogant in their own gates on weekdays. They are pretentious and high above. Now they know what a frog is at the bottom of the well. Many people think of this. They watched the fierce battles of these people. Many people suddenly feel that compared with them, they are really not a genius, and even the genius side can't get on.

The Dragon 13 and the Northern and Southern Dynasties are the most fierce. Both of these guys want to defeat each other and lay their own respect, so both sides are strong enough to make people speechless. Fighting against the Holy Law and the Emperor’s skill is now, still There is no victory or defeat. It seems that it is almost impossible to really win the game.


The space within a thousand miles has been blown up, the cruel battle is still going on, Xia Xiaotian is a teenager, and there is no shot from beginning to end.


Suddenly, Xiaoyao Qin made a strong humming sound, and the hundred-step fire trembled fiercely. The fire of the infinite sun filled the air, and the void began to become extremely hot. The remains of the great emperor finally changed again. The walk finally succeeded on the first quarter of the fire ladder.


Upon seeing them, the rhubarb dogs were relieved and their faces were excited.

Seeing that Wu Ningzhu finally set foot on the fire ladder, more than a dozen people even desperately went to the dance bamboo on the fire ladder, it seems to have killed the red eyes, and was stunned by the battlefield.

Yang Lang just wanted to stop, but was stopped by the big yellow dog.

"You don't have to shoot, they are looking for death, and they set foot on the fire ladder. That is the scope of the Emperor Qindi. Who dares to attack, that is the embarrassment of Xiaodi Qindi."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

A few people just let go of their hearts and look at the dozens of people who rushed to the past with compassion. The majesty of the great emperor, the consequences are almost imaginable.

Sure enough, the dozens of people were still not close to the fire ladder. When they were more than a dozen feet away from the fire ladder, they suddenly suffered an attack from the fire ladder. More than a dozen rockets rushed out and penetrated their bodies, directly turning into ashes. .

"Everyone should stop attacking. She has already set foot on the fire ladder. The attack is equivalent to attacking the majesty of the Emperor Qindi. It is to find death."

Someone shouted, only to wake up other people from the state of being talented, to confront the great emperor, it is simply to find death, the great power can not be speculated, even the remains of tens of thousands of years ago, can not be neglected, casually different They can all change their lives. In front of the Great, they are all ants, completely vulnerable.


I saw that the dancing bamboo really succeeded on the fire ladder. Many people who were attacking also stopped the offensive in their hands and set their sights on the fire ladder. Many people just shot for the remains of the great emperor, now the remains Without hope, they also lost their desire to look. Not to mention the desire to destroy each other's wars, it seems to be extremely difficult.

Seeing that those people are no longer attacking, the big yellow dogs have just withdrawn from the big array, and the monks have collected the monument of the earthquake. In any case, everyone is deeply relieved, and finally the dance bamboo is sent to the fire.

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