Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1643: The Great Tests [One More]

The scene suddenly quieted down. The battle between Dragon XIII and the Northern and Southern Dynasties was over. Although the two played hot, there was still no victory or defeat. It seems that if the fear is not affected, Wulong is not Will catch the hand, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties saw the power of the fire ladder, it seems that the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi also has some taboos, but also temporarily stopped the action in his hands, and he now understands very well that it is not very meaningful to continue to take the shot. It is impossible for him to directly defeat the Dragon Thirteen, let alone kill the other party.

Even if the Northern and Southern Dynasties are arrogant and overbearing, but murder is a strong need, the Northern and Southern Dynasties have not shot for the time being, but their hearts are secretly swearing that after they are promoted to the late Emperor, the first one will kill the monkey, and That is the dust of the sky.

The battle stopped, but in fact, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are the most aggrieved by these people, especially the big yellow dog. He is not pleasing to see anyone now. I really want to pounce on two bites, not just him, others. The same is true. I have not known how long I have not experienced such a sinister battle. The whole process can only be passively defended. Compared with them, Jiang Chen and Long XIII have a lot of enthusiasm, and at least they have gone out to fight.

For the rhubarb dog, he never cares how powerful the enemy is, and does not care how many people there are. He only cares about whether he can kill, but today, he is really not happy.

Today, Jiang Chen, Dahuang Dog, Han Yan, and Monk, these four brothers are all angry on the face. It seems that if they are not afraid to disturb the dancing bamboo, these four guys have been mad at those people, they are No matter what kind of impact it will have, no matter what the result will be, kill it and say it.

Wu Ningzhu set foot on the first step of the hundred-step fire ladder. She stood there and did not continue to move forward. Because of the innumerable light radiated from the Xiaoqin, she had completely covered the dance bamboo, her whole body. The ancient notes are lingering, and the notes are like living notes, which are the notes that are emitted from the piano.


The hundred-step fire ladder was violently rippling, and the notes were more and more. The strong sun fire filled the whole body of the dancing bamboo, but did not cause any harm to her.

"Why don't the dance girl continue to move forward?"

Lan Lingji asked incomprehensible.

"She is accepting the final test of Xiaoyao Qindi, not right. At most, it is a test. It is tested whether she has become the master of Xiaoyao Qin. If the test is qualified, I am afraid there will be a real test."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to get the remains of the Great Emperor."

Yang Lang snarls, but it is relieved to think about it. If the relics of the Great Emperor are so easy to get, then no one can get it. Xiaoyao Qin has been hidden here for tens of thousands of years, and will not come out until now. Looking for the owner.

The top of the fire creaked, it took a certain amount of time to see the test. Countless eyes fell on the body of the dancing bamboo. Those who had shot before, eager to dance, can fail. Of course, they just want No, no one dares to shoot again. The power of the relics of the Great is too strong. There are already many people who die under the fire of the sun. No one wants to be the next one.

"A Yan, I didn't expect you to go to the North Xuanyu, but also became the Son of Xuanyin. We were still worried about you before. It seems to be white, and you have had a good time."

Jiang Chen looked at Han Yan, his face was a rare smile, the brothers reunited, there is nothing more happier than this, and it is at this crucial moment to reunite, can see the brothers who are worried about the day have such a big Progress and growth, Jiang Chen is not happy with mentioning.

"Yes, A Yan, how do you mix this guy better than us? When you get to the Golden Killing Field, you get the fairy of the ancient demon, the fairy board, it’s really more people than the dead, and the dog is my sister."

The rhubarb dog grinned.

"Go to you, your dead dog is so fat, and he said that he has not done well."

Han Yan did not have a good foot on the **** of the rhubarb dog, the atmosphere between the brothers, as before, playing, busy and warm.

Later, Han Yan and the monk came directly to a big bear hug. After they both rose up from the Shengyuan continent, they never saw each other. They were also worried about each other. Now they finally meet each other. The feelings of the brothers have completely emerged.

"The two guys, one Buddha and one demon, the relationship is so iron."

The dragon is thirteen, and the Buddhism and the demon are always inconsistent. Like the monks and Han Yan, they are the first to see.

"Where are you from the monkeys, the feelings between our brothers, you can understand."

Han Yan said to the dragon thirteen, these two guys are really not knowing, Han Yan does not know the dragon thirteen, and the dragon thirteen does not know the cold derivation. When Jiang Chen got the strange stone in the ancient tomb, it was already And Han Yan parted ways, so this road came, Dragon Thirteen naturally did not see the cold.

However, the two players in the battle situation are in the eyes, and they all show a certain respect to the other side, especially the Dragon Thirteen, even if they can compete with the North and South Korea in a fierce battle, Han Yan had to give it a thumbs up.

"You two have not seen it before, Han Yan, Long XIII, are my life and death brothers."

Jiang Chen said that a life and death brother would directly bring together two people who were not related to each other. In the future, there will be such inextricable links. Whether it is Han Yan or Long XIII, it is incomparable to Jiang Chen. I understand that Jiang Chen can be regarded as a life and death brother, and there are not many people who say it. Since Jiang Chen said it, it proves that he has a life relationship with Jiang Chen. In the face of danger, it is worthy of Jiang Chen. The person who lives to save.

"Little dust, I thought that we were going to cross the Sacred Continent in the past. Why did you think that one day you would stand on the stage of the fairy world with the same posture, and still face the world, and still fight against thousands of enemies."

The monk's mouth is rising, his attitude is extremely proud, and in a word, several people have their thoughts pulled.

Yes, the scene of the Shengyuan continent is now moved to the fairy world, and the scene is much more popular than the Shengyuan continent. They may have imagined this day, but never thought that it would be realized.

However, for them, fighting against the world is small, brothers are growing up is the most important, they can also stand together, as always, as in the beginning, life and death.

This is the brotherhood, transcending all the friendship between heaven and earth. They are incomparably cherish each other for this kind of brotherhood. This kind of sentiment, for the average person, may not be enjoyed in life, in this cruel fairy law. In the end, they are not alone in the fight, that friendship is the deepest sustenance and dependence in their hearts.


At this moment, there was a movement on the top of the hundred-step fire ladder. The notes that had been lingering around the bamboo were shattered and returned to the Xiaoyao. The dance bamboo began to lift and walked toward the second step. go with.

"Look, the notes are broken, and the sister is still moving forward. Her test is successful and she has received the real recognition of Xiaoyao."

Han Yan said happily, seeing, everyone's eyes are full of joy.

"And don't be too happy, the hundred-step fire ladder is the next test for the sister. She needs to step on the hundred-step fire ladder step by step, go to the highest place, get the happy piano, it is a success, if I guess no Wrong, it is not an easy task to successfully set foot on the top of the hundred-step fire ladder."

The rhubarb dog said, he looked sinister and omniscient, and seemed to have a certain understanding of Xiaoyao Qindi.

Sure enough, everyone saw that when the bamboo was on the fifth step, the body began to shake and began to show difficulty.

When I saw it, everyone’s heart began to smash, and there were ninety-five layers of fire ladders. I don’t know how cruel the test will be.

"Look, the woman just walked to the fifth step, it is extremely difficult. It seems that it is the test of Xiaodi Qindi to her, and there are ninety-five steps. I guess she will definitely not go."

"Yes, her cultivation is too weak. It is only a half-step emperor. It is extremely difficult to go to the highest point of the hundred-step fire ladder. As long as she can't go up, all the efforts she has done before are in vain, haha. It seems that we still have hope."

"So a weak woman, how to get to the top of the hundred-step fire ladder, will definitely become more and more difficult."


The geniuses in the field are very sinister, and they all see that they are getting harder and harder to walk now, and this is the fifth step. The rest of the steps, what can she hold on? .

The scene once again fell into a quiet, only the sound of the humming sound from the hundred-step fire ladder, all eyes fell on the dancing bamboo, want to know what will happen next, you know, the great inheritance, by no means So easy to get, especially the ancient emperor like the Emperor Xiaoyao, the remains of the remains are even more rare.

Many people's faces began to show a smile. If the dance fails, it is the most enjoyable and happy thing.

Under countless gaze, Wu Ningzhu climbed to the twentieth step, but when she got here, her body began to shake vigorously, the energy of her body was drained, her face was pale, and she looked at it anytime. It is possible to fall on the fire ladder, but the eyes of Wu Ningzhu are still firm, her nephew is very beautiful, like the most beautiful stars in the heavens and the earth, she looks at the top of the Qinqin, unswerving.

"What to do? The dancer girl seems to be unable to live, and there are eighty steps."

Hua Xiaoqian said with great concern that they are naturally eager to dance and succeed. Otherwise, all the efforts made before are all in vain.

[Thanks to the thirteenth and don't scorn the brothers' rewards. Continue today. 】

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