Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1644: Bath fire into a phoenix [two more]

Hua Xiaoqian’s worries are also the most worrying thing for everyone now. It’s hard to send the dancing bamboo to the fire ladder. Now it is facing the most severe test, but people are also very clear. This kind of test can only rely on dance. Bamboo itself, others can not help a little bit.

"The test of Xiaodi Qindi, we can't get it right, and we can't help it any more. We can only watch it."

The big yellow dog shook his head.

"I believe that Ningjie will be successful."

Jiang Chen said that his tone is extremely firm. He has a basis for the confidence of Wu Ningzhu. Wu Ningzhu itself is also a great perseverance. In the same year, as a saint of Xuan Zang Palace, he brought a veil from his childhood to his mother. It is one day that I can reunite with my mother. How can people who have great ambitions since childhood be weak?

And it can rise from the lower bounds, there is no perseverance, and the mind is not strong, how to become a fairy.

In addition, Jiang Chen believes that the eyes of the Emperor Qindi, a generation of ancient emperors, will not be casual in choosing their inheritors. Since Wujingzhu was selected by Xiaoyao Qindi, and passed the test of Xiaoyao Qin, it shows that Xiaoyao Qin Now that the master of Wu Ningzhu has been approved, it shows that in the subconscious of Xiaoyao Qin, Wu Ningzhu will be able to pass the test, take the fire ladder and pick it up.

"That is nature, the person who is happy to see the Qin Emperor, can not do it, but even if it is the last success, this is also a very difficult process. The so-called bath fire into a phoenix, this is the big chance of the sister, but also the great hardship."

The rhubarb dog said that his thoughts are the same as those of Jiang Chen. There is no doubt that Wu Ningzhu can finally succeed in getting the Emperor's inheritance, but the process of this must not be so easy, but any successful person will surely After suffering, if there are even hundreds of steps of the fire ladder can not go up, talk about the upper position, if the dance of the bamboo is abandoned by the Xiaodi Qindi, life can only be doomed to ordinary.

On the top of the hundred-step fire ladder, Wu Ningzhu bit his teeth and lifted his foot toward the 21st step.


However, just as Wujingzhu had just stepped onto the 21st step, the fire ladder immediately changed very strongly. The fire of the sun suddenly attacked the dancing bamboo. The dancing bamboo was under the flame, even if it was far apart. People can see that the fire of the sun is burning the body of the dancing bamboo.

"not good."

Han Yan exclaimed, everyone was nervous. They just thought that dancing bamboo would bear some kind of invisible pressure on the fire ladder, so it was slow, but I didn’t expect the flame after the 21st floor. Start attacking her.

"Don't panic, this is the real test. The so-called bath fire becomes a phoenix. The sister must be born again in the fire of the sun. The fire of the sun will make her reborn, so that she has a complete golden blood, and the Qindi is itself a golden family. The Supreme Emperor, want to get the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi, and control the Xiaoyao Qin, must have a complete golden bloodline, this is the real creation of the sister, we can not help her, but the sun's fire is incomparable Cruel, the average person can't bear it. If it can't bear it, it is likely to die on the fire ladder."

The rhubarb dog said incomparably dignifiedly that he knew and understood the situation in front of him very much. He knew that this was the chance to dance the bamboo and the sky, not only to get the inheritance of the Emperor Qindi, but also to achieve the blood of the **** bird Jinwu, but this The process is undoubtedly extremely painful and sinister. It is not so simple to succeed in inheritance and inheritance.

The words of the rhubarb dog made everyone nervous again, burning with the fire of the sun, walking to the peak of the fire ladder in the next step of the pressure of the fire, and there are still eighty steps left, which is no easy task, but In front of this situation, no one can help, even if Jiang Chen has a means of passing through the sky, he can only look at it. He can only pray in his heart that Wu Ningzhu can successfully integrate Jinwu blood.

The so-called bath fire into a phoenix, breaking into a butterfly, is not to say that simple, the process and pressure of this, I am afraid only the parties know.

The dancing bamboo teeth continue to crawl forward. Yes, it is already crawling at this time. Every time she climbs a mountain, the fire of the sun will become more fierce. The essence of the flame will infiltrate the skin of the dancing bamboo. In her body, she must temper the dance bamboo from the inside out, and let her make a real change.

When the dance bamboo climbed to the twenty-fifth floor, the fire of the sun had turned into a flame, and the dance bamboo was completely submerged in it. From the outside, it was impossible to see the shape of the dancing bamboo. She has become a fireman completely, and countless people have become dignified. Whether she wants to dance or not, she hopes that she will succeed. At this moment, she has a tribute to Wu Ningzhu. They can all think of the pain and suffering of the dancing bamboo at this moment, but the dancing bamboo has not said a word, even the screams have not made a sound, just crawling forward.

"A good and powerful willpower, if you change to me, you can't hold it anymore. Even if it is the remains of the great emperor, I am afraid I will give up."

"The burning of the sun fire, from the inside out, which kind of pain is unimaginable, I did not expect this woman is also a great perseverance, but she looked down on her before, but there are still seventy-five steps, according to this If the situation continues, I guess he is afraid that he will not be able to persist until the end of the fire."

"Yes, it seems that the relics of the Great Emperor are not so good. Such a test is not a half-step of the Emperor can resist."


Many people are shocked, no one is watching a little dance, but people think that Wu Ningzhu is dead this time, because the situation is really not optimistic, the fire of the sun is too strong, and so long The ladder is going to climb.

Finally, Wu Ningzhu climbed to the 30th floor with difficulty. She finally made a scream, her voice was hoarse, it sounded creepy, and people were very worried. At this moment, the dance bamboo and legs have been completely incinerated. The pain is simply something that ordinary people cannot understand and imagine.

"Ging sister."

Jiang Chen shouted, and Rao was like him. At this moment, he really couldn’t stand it anymore. His eyes were red, and the screaming of the bamboo was almost ruined. The scene of Jiang Chen’s heart was torn apart. I can't bear to look at it anymore. Jiang Chen has a heart to not go too far, but he dare not go too far. He has to watch the dance bamboo stick up.

How much Jiang Chen hopes to stand in the sea of ​​fire at this moment is to let himself bear the pain of dancing bamboo. At this moment, from the acquaintance with the dancing bamboo, all the way along the way is in Jiang Chen’s mind. Beginning to emerge, happy or unhappy pictures.

This is her own woman. Now she is watching her beloved woman suffer endless torture, but she can only watch it. She can’t help it at all. The mood is also incomprehensible to ordinary people. Jiang Chen has been born forever. I felt very useless for the first time.

The rhubarb dog and Han Yan and the monk dragon 13 and others did not say a word, they were all red eyes, fists clenched, the worry inside the heart can be imagined, Lan Lingji and Hua Xiaoqian have two major forces Female disciples, don’t go too far, this kind of picture, they really can’t bear to watch it again.

Above the fire ladder, Wu Ningzhu continued to climb upwards. After a scream, she was completely silent.

On the 35th floor, the whole lower body of Wu Ningzhu has been completely incinerated. It seems that it has disappeared completely from this heaven and earth. The fire of the sun is getting more and more fierce. It is necessary to burn everything in the world and the will of dancing bamboo. It was almost ambiguous, but the obsession in her heart had not disappeared, supporting her to continue climbing.

"Yes, I can definitely, what is this pain?"

The obsession in the heart of Wu Ningzhu is constantly surging. She wants to become stronger. She does not want to be a burden of Jiang Chen. Perhaps she is not a strong woman. Her greatest desire is to be able to accompany Jiang Chen, so she Must be stronger, she wants to be useful to Jiang Chen, not a vase-like burden.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were finally wet. It was not tears. It was a distress. Jiang Chen felt that his heart was almost ready to beat. This scene is almost suffocating him.

"Ging sister."

Jiang Chen shouted out the name of Wu Ningzhu, hoarse, as if something was blocked in his throat. He felt the obsession of dancing bamboo, and the fire could not be burned, even if the body was destroyed. Obsession will not be annihilated.

The shackles of heaven and earth, the feelings of the child, the swaying back!

The fire is reincarnation, burning is inexhaustible, it is love!

Jiang Chen suddenly understood the obstinacy of forgetting the sorrowful dissatisfaction, forgetting the feelings, and finally returning to love, Jiang Chen will not forget the feelings, nor can he forget the feelings. Some emotions are simply forgotten. Xiao forgets to do it. Not enough, so I have to regain my feelings.

The fire wave is tumbling, a figure completely submerged in the flame, still crawling constantly, the world is moving, the whole scene is surprisingly quiet, people don't even dare to breathe too much, for fear of disturbing this heavy attachment.

The obsession of Wu Ningzhu seems to be transformed into essence and floats among people.

Lan Lingji grabbed the palm of the dragon thirteen and held it tightly. This is the first time in her life that she held the man's hand and was active. She was the one between Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu. The emotions were infected, and she looked at the heavy dragon thirteen. She didn't know if she was in the sea of ​​fire, and Dragon 13 would be as painful as Jiang Chen.

A woman, if she can have a strong love in her life, even if she is dead, it is worth it.

Above the fire ladder, the upper part of Wu Ningzhu began to be gradually burned. If this is the case, up to the fortieth floor, the dancing bamboo will be burned out.

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