Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1645: Jinwu blood vein [three more]

The raging fire quickly reached the fortieth floor. As everyone expected, the dancing bamboo disappeared and was completely burned out. It seems to have completely disappeared from the world, but the group of fires still did not disappear.

There was no figure of dancing bamboo on the top of the fire ladder. She seemed to have never seen it before, and the whole person disappeared like this.

"Ging sister."

Jiang Chen shouted. Although this situation was expected before, but it really appeared, Jiang Chen still couldn't accept it. He couldn't accept it at all. His mind suddenly smashed, as if dancing bamboo suddenly disappeared from his own world. It disappeared and there was no defense.

"Did you die? Unfortunately, it ended up failing."

"Hey! I know that the inheritance of the Emperor is not so easy to get. Although this woman is admirable, but the strength is still insufficient, this is only forty layers, it is directly burned into nothingness, let alone the sixty layers behind. It is."

"Unfortunately, although it is dead, it is also respectable, but the emperor's inheritor is dead. I am afraid that Qindi Qindi will re-select a new successor. I don't know if we have a chance, but even if there is a chance, I am afraid. It’s terrible to have no courage to step on the fire ladder. This is simply killing."


Countless people are sorry, and there are also many schadenfreudes. For example, the big forces with Jiang Chen’s enemies, all of them have fun on their faces, which is exactly what they want to see.

"Jiang Chen, watching your own beloved person being burned into nothingness by the fire, even the **** is not left, you should not taste it in your heart."

The yin and yang of the Southern and Northern Dynasties said strangely.


His voice just fell, Jiang Chen and Long XIII had an extremely strong murderous murder, and the two men were going to kill the North and South.

"Don't shoot, Ningjie is not dead. If she dies, the fire of the sun will disappear. The Emperor of the Qin Dynasty will disappear. The remains of the Emperor will be silent again. You really thought that the sister died, Xiaodi Qindi Will you immediately look for other successors? The so-called rebirth, as long as the flame does not scatter, the sister's will will not be depressed, her body will soon condense again, then, will have a complete Jinwu blood ""

The rhubarb dog stopped Jiang Chen and Long XIII, indicating that they should not be impulsive. Others did not know the situation of dancing bamboo, but the big yellow dog was very clear.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen and the Dragon Thirteen looked shocked, and looked quickly to the top of the fire ladder. I saw the fire above the fire. The group of fires still burned, there was no sign of disappearing, if the rhubarb dog said, the fire Do not disappear, the will of dancing bamboo is still there, this is the most crucial step in the rebirth of the fire.

The words of the rhubarb dog made everyone hope again, and they looked at the sea of ​​fire without hesitation.

"Bathing into a phoenix? It's a joke. It's not a woman who can become a phoenix. A chicken is a chicken. Even if it flies on a branch, it can't be a phoenix. Jiang Chen, I guess your woman, can't live. If you are suffering, it is better to cry out loud, this son will like to see."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties continued to talk coldly.

Jiang Chen’s eyes blew two flames. If it wasn’t for the safety of the heart dance, even if it was not an opponent, he rushed up.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, is there no one telling you, is this person really annoying?"

Jiang Chen said coldly, he secretly vowed to kill the Southern and Northern Dynasties sooner or later, and completely eradicate this enemy.


The North and South dynasty snorted and looked at the fire ladder. He also wanted to see if the dancing bamboo could really be born again. Seeing Jiang Chen’s pain, his heart was the most comfortable.

Five minutes passed, and there was still no movement on the fire ladder. The people watching were in a hurry. If it wasn't for the fire, they had almost disappeared.

"Rhuh, do you say that Ningjie can be born again?"

Asked coldly worried.

"Either the fire is turned into a phoenix, or the eternal annihilation, the fire sea has not disappeared, the Xiaoyao Qin is still floating there, the opportunity is still very big, now I can see the sister's own will, we can't help anything, it is life and death, and Seeing that she is not enough."

The rhubarb dog is one word and one sentence, and every sentence makes everyone feel uncomfortable, but they all know that the big yellow dog is right. There are only two possibilities in front of the situation, either the fire is turned into a phoenix, or the catastrophe is gone, and the body is dead. Everything is related to the air transport and the creation. Life and death are only in the first line. The outsiders can't help, and they can't intervene at all.

"Amitabha, I believe that Ningjie will be able to survive this disaster."

The monk’s hands clasped together and seemed to be praying for the dance.

"Look, there is a virtual shadow in the fire."

Yang Bufan suddenly exclaimed, countless eyes were alarmed, the sea of ​​fire tumbling, there is indeed a virtual shadow in the flashing, it is a woman's illusion, is gradually solid.

"It's a cousin, it's the shadow of a sister, and my sister is not dead, haha, that's great."

Han Yan excited and laughed.

Finally, there was a smile on everyone's face. This is the result they are most looking forward to. It is a success.

"My God, she didn't die, you look at it, her figure began to condense, I feel a very strong ancient blood is emerging, this woman is a phoenix, to be successful."

"It’s really successful. It’s really amazing. She clearly has been smouldered by the fire, but it is reborn again at this moment. Is this the legendary rebirth?”

"A very good woman, she really succeeded, not only got the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi, but also achieved the golden blood."

"I know, it is rumored that the Qindi Emperor himself is the ancient king of the ancient world, the gold family has disappeared for a long time, Jinwu's blood has also disappeared, it seems that Xiaoyao Qindi used the fire ladder to condense the complete Jinwu blood, now This woman has been accomplished. If she is completely successful, she will be the last person in the family to have complete blood."


No one is not shocked, the perfect inheritance of a great emperor, a standard paradigm of ignorance, such a process requires great perseverance, great creation, and atmospheric transportation.

These, the dance bamboo is undoubtedly fully equipped.

In the sea of ​​fire, the figure of Wu Ningzhu gradually formed. In a few minutes, it completely condensed out. After the rebirth, the dancing bamboo showed that it was not a small change before, before the dance of black bamboo, now change It became a set of gold-colored and flaming red armor. There was a pair of wings behind it, and her wings were shining, and her beauty was at the extreme.

The armored goddess, the red-haired hair flutters with the flames, and the flattery is full of bravery, and this kind of momentum alone can not help but be fascinated by it.

"What a nice view."

Lan Lingji and Hua Xiaoqian also spoke at the same time. They are all generations of great fashion, but they also have to admit the beauty of dancing bamboo. It is an alternative beauty, with a hint of wildness in the glamorous.

"Haha, Ningjie really inherited the golden blood of Jinwu, Jinwu is the sun **** bird, the blood is extremely noble, with the appearance of a cousin, if the gold family is still there, this must be a model of the saint."

The big yellow dog laughed and saw the change of the dance bamboo. No one was unhappy.

"Look, the momentum of the sister has begun to change, and her cultivation seems to be constantly rising."

The monk said quickly.

At this moment, the momentum of Wu Ningzhu is completely integrated, and it is constantly climbing, and it will soon hit the realm of the Emperor.

"Inheriting the blood of Jinwu, repairing it to nature, and revitalizing it has brought great benefits to her. Her cultivation is at least to the point of the middle of the Emperor."

The big yellow dog said with a smile.

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