Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1646: Sun fire [four more]

The ancient Jinwu, the sun **** bird, how violent its blood, after getting it, and not to mention how much help for the practice of the future, the benefits of the Jinwu blood itself alone, is enough to dance the bamboo to repair the rapid development.

"The inheritance of the Great is really enviable."

Yang Lang's face is envious.

"This is just the blessing brought about by the fusion of blood, and the sister has not yet received the inheritance of the Emperor Qindi. The Xiaodi Qindi has a hand in the world, and if the sister learns, it can be unparalleled."

The rhubarb dog said with a smile, and he knows very well about Xiaodi Qindi. He is very happy now, because Xiaodi Qindi successfully found the inheritor, and the inheritor is still his own. There is nothing better than this.


The ruthless and envious of the face, encountering such a big chance and fortune, who is not moving, no one does not envy, if this thing happens to their own body, it is simply not to be beautiful.


A tyrannical force suddenly burst out from the dancing bamboo body. Her cultivation was directly promoted to the early stage of the Emperor. After the fire was reborn, the fire around the sun was still extremely strong, but this time, these flames danced. Condensed bamboo seems to have no use at all. Instead, because the dance bamboo has inherited the golden blood, these sun fires show a very intimate attitude towards the dancing bamboo.

It can be seen that the relationship between the dancing bamboo and the fire of the sun at this moment is the same as the relationship between Jiang Chen and the fire of the real dragon. It is completely controlled and integrated into one, regardless of each other.

"Damn, she has succeeded, and she has made great progress."

The face of the Southern and Northern Dynasties suddenly became extremely difficult to look at, and the ending was the last thing he wanted to see.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, I want to know what kind of mood you are now. I know that your heart is not very happy. It is better to say that everyone will be happy, haha..."

Long XIII said to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he would let go of such a sneer, and he would not be a bit polite to the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"Hey! How is the ending not necessarily, even if it inherits the inheritance of the great emperor, this son is still not in the eye."

The North and South dynasty is cold and arrogant.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, if I am you, I will take advantage of it now, but if I am going to make a big move, I will kill you on the spot, but you will not have such good luck."

Han Yan said with a smile, he had already learned from Jiang Chenkou that the Southern and Northern Dynasties had a deity in the fairyland, so it was not too unexpected to meet here.


The skill of talking, the cultivation of Wu Ningzhu climbed again, breaking through the middle of the Emperor, and the strong atmosphere has been hitting the peak of the Emperor’s mid-term. The dance bamboo has changed from the inside to the outside. Change can not be overstated by reborn.

"A good goddess of gold, it is so beautiful that she stands there and gives a feeling of being unattainable."

"This is the real goddess, and I already have the power of a powerful female emperor."

Countless exclamations, everyone has moved, never seen such a beautiful woman, the dance of bamboo at the moment, not only beautiful, but also a goddess of high spirits, that is the spirit of the emperor, making people inviolable and embarrassing.

On the forty steps, Wu Ningzhu turned around. She didn't talk. She glanced at the Xiaoqin, and continued to walk forward. She was very fast and quickly walked to the 90-story position. On the last ten floors, it seemed to be a little difficult for her to walk.

"That is the will of the Great Emperor. In the last tenth floor, the Emperor Qinyao will instill the will of the Emperor into the sister. The difficulty is no less than the rebirth of the previous fire, but the sister has succeeded and there will be no more danger to life. As long as she carries the will of Xiaoyao Qindi, she can control the Xiaoyao Qin, and at the same time, she can enter the ancient palace and get the true inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi."

The rhubarb dog said that he knew everything well. He knew that the dance bamboo at the moment was completely successful. After the complete blood of Jinwu was merged, the rest was only the joy of Qindi. As long as the will succeeded, It is completely completed.


The last ten layers of pressure are enormous, no longer the oppressive force of the flame, but the invisible pressure of the great emperor. These pressures are transmitted from the Xiaoyao Qin, and they must instill in their future masters the will of the great emperor, supreme. will.

"This time I brought in my sister, it is the most correct decision. Otherwise, I am afraid that my sister will miss this big adventure in my life. I have to lose the piano."

Jiang Chen was awkward. When he thought of it, he began to appreciate his master's machine. If it wasn't for the machine to teach himself a big machine, he wouldn't calculate it. If he didn't make a simple calculation, for security reasons, I am afraid. Will not come in with the dance bamboo, if you do not come with the dance bamboo, the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qin may still not appear, will be permanently silent.

Buddhism pays attention to causality, and there are causes and consequences. Today, these causes and effects are all planted by Jiang Chen.

The next scene, as the big yellow dog expected, the last ten-story fire ladder, although the pressure is great, but after all, it did not stop the footsteps of the dancing bamboo. It took only about ten minutes to dance the bamboo. At the highest point, she stood in front of the Xiaoqinqin, and the fire of the sun came out in her eyes. Nowadays, the dancing bamboo has completely adhered to the will of the great emperor. She stands at the highest point, high above, high and unreachable, that is the goddess of the world. The majesty is inviolable.

"Successful, she really succeeded, and succeeded in adhering to the will of Xiaoyao Qindi, and was recognized by Xiaoyaoqin. It is really powerful."

"A big day of creation is really enviable."

"Let's go, let's stop her. Before she gets the piano, how terrible it might be. If you want to kill us, we won't die."

"Don't be afraid, even if you get a happy piano, she is only in the middle of the Emperor, and can't play the power of the Emperor's soldiers."


Countless people are envious, and some people are beginning to be afraid. Those who used to block the dance of bamboo have begun to worry. The dance bamboo will definitely become stronger. The inheritor of a great emperor, no one can predict how strong it will be, so Many people began to slip away quietly.

Of course, most people still stay, they want to see for themselves what the birth of a great emperor is, and those who are in the late emperor seem to be not afraid of dancing bamboo. There is it there.

On the top of the fire ladder, Wu Ningzhu stretched out his hand to touch the guqin. When the piano was heard, the sound of the humming sound was heard. The dance bamboo showed the meaning of relatives. At this moment, the Xiaoqin Qin has fully recognized the owner of Wu Ningzhu. The palm of the bamboo strokes on himself.

In the eyes of Wu Ningzhu, she also showed the color of surprise. She was proficient in the rhythm since she was a child. The former weapon was a string. Now she gets the piano, and nothing makes her happy.

Later, Wu Ningzhu hand-printed and took a flame from the Xiaoyao. The flame was only the size of a fist, but it was incomparable.

"Little dust, this is the fire of the sun's fire."

The dance bamboo gave a voice to Jiang Chen, and she waved her hand. The fire suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s eyes trembled, and quickly reached out to the palm of his hand, holding a fire of the sun’s fire in his hand. The dust itself already has three kinds of supreme flames. If you get the fire of the sun, the benefits are absolutely unimaginable.

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