Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1652: Word 诀

Jiang Chen’s retreat is five months. However, in the past five months in the ancestral tower, the outside world has only passed five days. This is the powerful point of the thirty times time rule. It can be said that it is a real cultivation treasure. .

Jiang Chen has been rushing forward for a while, and it needs to be precipitated. In the past five months, in addition to studying the big emptiness, he has spent a lot of effort to precipitate his cultivation. The rhubarb dog has been promoted to the fairy. In the late period of the emperor, I was bored in the ancestral tower. I left the ancestral tower one day ago and did not know where to go.

On this day, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and both scorpions radiated a vain light. If you look closely, you can see that two of his two scorpions are constantly flashing. That is the illusion of the void, but it is very real.

Subsequently, an extremely ancient space force rushed out of the body of Jiang Dust. For a time, the entire thirty-three layers of space directly formed a real void, like a real void world, incomparably true, but Jiang Dust knows that this is just a fantasy.


Jiang Chen’s thoughts moved, and the illusion of the void disappeared and disappeared. It was like a tidal wave. After being collected by Jiang Chen, the thirty-three layers of space were restored to their original appearance. Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile.

"The big void is really mysterious, and the gods are different. I have been practicing for five months. It is only the initial entry path. I have mastered some furs. If I cultivated into Dacheng, I can create a huge virtual fantasy that I can’t imagine. The emperor must be lost."

Jiang Chen’s dark road, even with his eyes and pride, has to be full of praise for the big emptiness at this moment. It must be said that the Nether Emperor is indeed a singular genius of the ancient and modern, and it is worthy of being the same as the celestial king and the burial fairy. presence.

However, if Jiang Chen’s words are heard by the Nether Emperor, I am afraid that I will be stunned on the spot. What is the use of the initial entry path for five months? Your mother’s use of the fur has been controlled for five months. The door is so bad, what do you want?

You must know that this is a big emptiness. The ancient Emperor's mystery, even if it was replaced by Zhang Yulang and Xia Xiaotian, there is no such thing as five or six years. I also want to take control of the big emptiness and reach the true level of Xianzun. It is possible to try to practice the Great Void.

Jiang Chen is only a half-step cultivation of the Emperor. According to the statement, he is not qualified to touch the big void, but Jiang Chen not only touched it, but also spent five months to display the power of the big void. Come, this can't be described by the sky alone. This is super anti-sky, it is not human.

This is a very proud thing, but it is normal for Jiang Chen to do this. After all, he has the dragon body and the body, and it is extremely fast to cultivate anything. The power of various warfare techniques has evolved, so there is a dragon in the dragon. Any skill is a piece of cake for Jiang Chen, and it doesn't take much trouble.

In the following time, Jiang Chen did not continue to delve into the big emptiness, because he is very clear that with his current ability, he can practice the big emptiness into this way. It is already the limit, and he wants to completely control the big emptiness. That is almost impossible.

Jiang Chen does not seek quick success. He knows that the most important thing in the process of cultivation is gradual progress. The power of the big emptiness will surely increase with the improvement of his own cultivation. Everything cannot be too strong.

However, Jiang Chen did not rush to clear the customs. He chose to continue to retreat. He got the fire of the sun, so that he was directly promoted to the half-step of the horror, and it was only a step away from the real Emperor. It was this step that almost became an insurmountable gap. During the five-month period, Jiang Chen tried to attack the Emperor, but found that his cultivation was hindered by an invisible barrier. Jiang Chen I feel that my foundation is not solid enough, so he has to work hard to precipitate his own heritage and strive to break through this barrier.

In this way, after another three months, Jiang Chen retired for eight months in the thirty-three-story space. In the eight months, there were many big incidents in the golden killings, various tombs. And the ruins have appeared one after another, many geniuses are just like crazy.

The gold killing field started once in five years. It has never been as crazy as this one. The fairy tales have appeared too much, so that countless geniuses feel that they can't adapt. Especially after the relics of Xiaoyao Qindi appear, the whole gold kills the field. It seems that the turmoil is the same. All kinds of fairy tales have surfaced. It is unceremonious to say that this time the opening of the Golden Killing Field is definitely the most powerful one in history and the most beneficial one.

Many geniuses have received great benefits. Numerous sacred sons are being promoted. Compared with the time when they first came into the gold murder field, they are completely different concepts. Although the danger is constant, the battle is constant, and it is dead. There are few people, but as long as they are still alive at this time, they have almost been promoted. The geniuses of the entire Golden Killing Field are almost all masters of the Emperor, and even one and a half steps can not be found.

Numerous people are being promoted, and many people have received the inheritance of the ancient immortals, and they have since swept away.

"I heard that Zhang Yulang got the inheritance of a demon statue in ancient times, and it was really a horror to cultivate a breakthrough again and reach the realm of half a step."

"Zhang Yulang itself contains the blood of the ancient living spirits. This time it is even more horrible. It is worthy of the characters of Xianting."

"Xia Xiaotian also broke through to the half-step Xianzun. I heard that in just a few days, there have been several half-steps of Xianzun, and Ye Qingtian of the fairyland, the Fengyunzi of the bright fairyland, is terrible. ""

"This is a time of genius. There are too many benefits in the opening of the Golden Killing Field. Countless people have to fly from the sky. Many people say that the golden gate is going to open. Now the trip to the Golden Killing Field is coming soon. At the end, I don’t know if the golden gate will open."

"It is very likely that if it is really open, I don't know if the golden lupin in the pass will appear. If it does, I don't know what kind of life and death war will break out. I am afraid it will be more than when the relics of Xiaoyao Qindi appear. Be cruel."

"Look, we have gotten a lot of benefits. This time, the gold killing field is not white. When the golden gate is opened, we can get a little advantage with our own luck. If not, then Don't force it. The real baby must be the ones that the peerless geniuses are fighting for each other. There is no relationship with them. We fight with those half-step sages, unless we don't want to die."


The turmoil of gold is very powerful, especially in the most central part of the gold squad. Recently, there have always been heavy movements. Many people think that it may be the golden gate to open. It carries the biggest secret of the golden family. The golden feather fan that is more horrible than the Xiaoyao piano will appear. No one is not moving, so many people have already begun to go to a place where there is movement.

On the same day, Dragon Thirteen left alone and broke into a hurricane hurricane. He was imprisoned for seven days. On the eighth day, he found an exit and entered an ancient land. This piece of ancient land is a self-contained space. The air is filled with vicissitudes and long-lasting breath.

In the vast space of the universe, there are signs of fiasco everywhere. In the end, he found a sacred bone on the edge of a burial mound. Even though the sacred bone has been corrupted for tens of thousands of years, it still does not remain on it. A trace of a trace, it is a pair of arm bones, when it is dug out, it emits a golden light, which makes people feel very heavy.

Dragon Thirteen squatted three heads on the ground against the arm bones. His eyes were dignified because he felt the familiar taste from the arm bones.

"This is the sacred bone left by the ancestors of the saints. I have been summoned before, and it seems to be the instructions given to me by the ancestors."

Dragon XIII is a little excited. He came to this world to be alone. Now he has the blood of the ancestors. There is no way to be excited. In his opinion, this arm bone is left by the masters of the sages or the masters of the great masters. The same, can not stop his inner respect.


Unexpectedly, after the dragon thirteen squatted against the arm bones, he only heard a deafening roaring sound. A large bluestone suddenly rushed out from the ancient tomb. The bluestone was one foot tall, like the arm bones, tens of thousands of years. None of them left a trace on the Daqingshi.

The eyes of Dragon Thirteen fell on the top of the Daqingshi. I saw a large character on the top of the Daqingshi.

The word "sheng" seems to have a certain magical power, and immediately attracts all the minds of the dragon thirteen. Then, around the word "sheng", there is a mysterious trajectory floating, and those trajectories contain the skills of heaven and earth. Deep.

All the trajectories form a picture of the brand, staying in the mind of the dragon thirteen, and the dragon thirteen eyes are shining, and the whole person suddenly becomes very excited.

"The word 诀 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟

There are no ways to be excited by Dragon XIII. The mysterious trajectory is the familiar battle of the Dragon and the thirteenth law. The dragon fighting thirteen is now a powerful offensive and extremely powerful against the enemy. The lethality, but the Dragon Thirteen knows that the real power in the fight against the Holy Law is this vocabulary.

In a memory of Dragon Thirteen, there is a vocabulary, but he has not fully obtained such a heritage. Seeking a life in the nine deaths, in the predicament of death, to make a living for yourself.

[I will go to Wuhan for a private business tomorrow morning, so the next three days will be one day, and I will resume normal updates when I come back. When the golden gate opens, the big climax will break out once. 】

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