Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1653: Eye nail

Surviving in the dead is the most difficult. The vocabulary of fighting against the Holy Law is the life in the life of the nine deaths. The words and the words are enough to deal with the enemy, but the words are reserved for themselves, and the dragon ten at the moment. Third, the reason for the excitement is not only to get such a secret of survival, but because of the importance of the word 诀 for the fighting law.

As the backstage of the fighting family, no one knows the feelings of the Dragon 13 against the holy law. This is his greatest pride. He can give the perfection of the fighting spirit, and there is no fighting for the holy law. After all, it is imperfect. Nowadays, I am getting a new word here. There is no way for Long XIII to be excited. The word 诀 can perfect his fighting and the law, to achieve perfection. This is a symbol, a meaning. This is not the same mood as Jiang Chen’s getting a big void.

Sitting on the front of Daqingshi in the thirteenth round of the dragon, the fire-eyed eyes pierced everything. He carefully went to understand the meaning of the vocabulary, and all the trajectories of the lyrics were branded in his own mind, becoming part of his body and becoming a fighting word. The same as the existence of the word.

This is not the same as Jiang Chen’s practice of the Nether Sky. Long 13 faces the Daqingshi, his eyes are gradually obsessed, he forgets the time and forgets everything around him.

In the Zulongta, it took another two months. After counting the previous eight months, Jiang Chen had been retreating here for ten months. It was ten days outside. At this time, the trip to the gold field Basically it has reached the end.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes and shook his head helplessly. During these hours, he constantly tried to attack the barrier that hindered himself, and he ended up failing.

"The dragon has not evolved for a long time. It seems that this layer hinders my barrier. It is not the foundation. It is the dragon."

Jiang Chen secretly, this is the biggest bottleneck he has encountered. He started from the cultivation of dragons and dragons, and the dragons are constantly evolving. Every evolution will bring great benefits to Jiang Chen. The fire of the real dragon, the five steps of the dragon, the five elements of the dragon seal, the ancestral tower, these skills are all obtained when the dragon has evolved. Since the rise of the fairy world, the dragon has not really evolved. Now, the barrier that hinders me from being promoted to the Emperor is Hualong.

This ten-month retreat made Jiang Chen clearly feel the signs that Hualong had to evolve, and it was this kind of sign that prevented Jiang Chen from moving forward. Jiang Chen is almost certain now, even if he is given more. The benefits are useless, unless the dragon has evolved, otherwise he will not be promoted to the Emperor in his lifetime.

In fact, Jiang Chen is still very much looking forward to this situation. After all, every evolution of the dragon scorpion will bring him great benefits. If you can rely on the evolution of the dragon to attack the realm of the emperor, it is undoubtedly the most perfect.

However, Hualong’s desire to evolve is definitely not a simple matter. Jiang Chen needs a lot of sentiments and needs certain opportunities. Now Jiang Chen has closed for ten months, and there is no sign of evolution. It can be seen that the current opportunity is still not there.

Therefore, Jiang Chen is not in a hurry. After all, there is no need to worry. It is different from promotion and cultivation. Every evolution of Hualong is a chance. This is very clear in Jiang Chen’s heart. After all, the evolution of Hualong has made several evolutions. Jiang Chen has a lot of experience.

"I can't continue to choose retreat. I need to go out and look for opportunities. I want to find the opportunity to make the dragons evolve. I have closed for ten months. Ten days have passed. The trip to the gold field is coming to an end. I am afraid that the golden gate will also be closed. I want to turn it on."

Jiang Chen sorted out his clothes and walked out of the Zulong Tower as soon as he shook his body.

"Check out the big void."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a smile, his thoughts moved casually, and the force of the void in the whole body began to shake. Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared and disappeared. When he appeared again, it had already reached 100,000 miles.

"In the blink of an eye, there are no space obstacles. Even if there are prohibitions and arrays around, it is really horrible to stop the big void. With this technique, even if a fairy is going to kill me, I am afraid it will be difficult. ""

Jiang Chen was uplifted. This kind of scene made him have to be excited. Although he controlled the fur of the big emptiness, it was enough for him. With his current ability, anyone who wants to kill him is not a piece. The easy thing, even if it is a powerful fairy to kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has absolute confidence to escape.

The big void is undoubtedly a great life-saving means for Jiang Chen. This kind of life-saving means is more useful than the Zulong Tower. After all, the Zulong Tower can only be hidden in it. If you encounter a real master, perhaps It is possible to perceive the scent of the ancestral dragon tower. In that case, it will have little effect on the escape. It is like the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the day. His eyes of the heavens can see through everything. Even if he hides in the ancestral tower, he still cannot escape the gods. Eye view, but the big void is not the same, and instantly escape, so that the enemy can not touch the trace.

On that day, Jiang Chen was chased by hundreds of thousands of miles by the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If Jiang Chen had a big void at that time, it would not be so embarrassing.


The place where Jiang Chen appeared was still a ridiculous place. The gold killing area was too big, and there were ridiculous places everywhere. When Jiang Chen was ready to use the big emptiness to leave again, suddenly there was a valley in front of it. Great movements come.

"Haha, I finally got promoted to the late Emperor."

A very excited voice rang from the valley, Jiang Chen listened to the sound familiar, and the body flew over to the side.

Jiang Chen was extremely fast, and soon he reached the top of the valley. He saw the following person laughing and laughing. When Jiang Chen saw the face of the person, the corner of his mouth immediately showed a sneer.

Because this person is not someone else, it is Ping Wang.

Since entering the gold killing field, Jiang Chen has never met Ping Wang. Even if the last remnant of the Qindi Qindi appeared, Yang Buping did not appear. Now it seems that Ping Wang has got a certain advantage, hiding in this uninhabited The local retreat impact repair is now, just now successfully hit the late Emperor, it happened to meet with Jiang Chen, have to say that Ping Wang is really unlucky.

"Congratulations to Ping Wang for his promotion to the late Emperor."

Jiang Chen said, he volleyed to the front of Ping Wang. Since he met, Jiang Chen had no reason to miss it. Jiang Chen had reason to believe that Yang Bufan was twice encircled and had a relationship with Ping Wang.

"Jiang Chen."

Ping Wang saw Jiang Chen, obviously very surprised, but even if he calmed down, because he saw clearly the repair of Jiang Chen, it was only a half-step emperor. He was promoted to the late Emperor, so he would not Dust is in the eyes, of course, this is because Ping Wang has been retreating for a while, and I don’t know what happened to the remains of Xiaoyao Qin. If I know, I am afraid I will not be entangled here with Jiang Chen.

"Yes, I can live to the present, should you feel very surprised?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I don't understand what you mean. You and I are all people of the Dagan Empire. In this golden killing field, you should be right with the enemy. You said no?"

Ping Wang smiled.

"Ping Wang, you really have a very strong city. At this time, you can pretend to be nothing. I think, you are only cheeky or shameless. You have used the hand of others to kill Van and me twice. This account, I Jiang Chen is in my heart."

Jiang Chen said coldly that although his peace king is a man of the Dagan Empire, the characters like Ping Wang are more terrible than the enemies in the hostile relationship. They are sinister and sinister. Behind the city, you don’t know when it will be behind. It is not a happy thing to be yin, and such a person is in the same force. Jiang Chen does not like such a person. For those who care about their own lives, Jiang Chen’s approach is very simple.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, it seems that you are not stupid, yes, you can live to the present, the king is really surprised, those people are really a bunch of waste, but you really should not appear in front of me today, you should continue now Avoiding me, in that case, I can live a little more. Now, when the king is promoted to the late Emperor, he has become a genius master in the fairy world. You are now in front of me. Isn’t it afraid that I will kill you? Or are you confident? I can fight against me with half a step of the Emperor's cultivation."

Ping Wang snorted and was a wise man. Since he was exposed by Jiang Chen, there is no need to disguise him. Otherwise, he will become a fool.

"Oh, the late Emperor, is it very powerful? The things between you and me are solved today. In my eyes, your cultivation is in the middle and late stages of the Emperor. There is not much difference."

Jiang Chen laughed and laughed. Ping Wang’s arrogance was indeed a very funny thing. Jiang Chen’s current strength is enough to confront the late Emperor’s genius, and Ping Wang has just been promoted to the late Emperor’s dynasty. In addition, Jiang Chen has just been repaired into a big void. He has enough confidence to kill Ping Wang and kill Ping Wang. It is equivalent to removing a big affliction. Even if he returns to the Dagan Empire, his heart is also practical.

This trip to the Golden Killing Field, if the Prince and the Peace King are all dead, then the young king of the Dagan Empire will no longer be able to compete with Yang Bufan. Jiang Chen killed Ping Wang, which is also an obstacle to Yang Yuanfan. .

"Jiang Chen, you are still as arrogant as ever, telling you that the Dagan Empire is my Yang Buping. He Yang Feifan has everything in his life. Today, Wang killed you, then killed Yang Bufan, I will not give You are alive and out of the golden killing opportunities."

Ping Wang’s murderous moments permeated the body. Every murder was as cold and sharp as a hurricane, and the emptiness of the emptiness was cut. The eyes of his eyes were all hot and sizzling. The thing he always wanted to do most, from the day of the Wangfu Fengwang ceremony, Jiang Chen became his eye.

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