Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1655: Golden gate opens

Ping Wang is completely desperate. He is full of unwillingness. A person has just promoted the realm of his dreams. He has not been able to show his talents and strengths and has been killed by others. That kind of mood will not be understood by ordinary people. I can't understand it.

"Ha ha..."

Ping Wang haha ​​laughed, laughing very sad, very tragic, Jiang Chen looked at him laughing, no expression.

Ping Wang’s laughter lasted for three minutes before he stopped, and his look began to dim.

"Jiang Chen, can you let me die before the king dies?"

Ping Wang asked, he did not ask for mercy, because he knows Jiang Chen very well. This is a master who is even more hot than his own means. If Jiang Dust falls into his own hands, he will never let go of Jiang Chen. Ping Wang did not ask for mercy. He knew that begging for mercy not only did not use it at all, but also made Jiang Chen look down on himself. Since he was going to die, he chose to die with dignity.

Jiang Chen knew what Ping Wang wanted to know, and he said: "Ping Wang, I have to admit that Jiang Chen is indeed a character. The city is deep, but I have never used you as an opponent because you are not worthy. You deliberately want to get rid of me and the king, even at the expense of the tyrant who has always been hostile, because you know that the threat of me and the king is far greater than that of the prince, as long as I am removed from the king, the empire No one can compete with you anymore, you are the absolute treasure."

Jiang Chen paused and continued: "You use the corpse of the corpse that is in a hostile relationship with me. When you first went to the Golden Killing Field, you besieged us. Unfortunately, before you took the shot, we have already got the Dragon Fruit. After repairing and conquering the powerful blood demon king, the second time, you also use several major forces to besiege the king, to lead me out, as you wish, but unfortunately you will not think of the emergence of the dragon thirteen, a peerless Enchanting, a Taikoo warrior that can compete with the North and South, until today, Jiang Chen has grown up completely and grown to the point where you can't deal with it."

"I think what you want to know the most is what I have used in the end to make you lose the ability to run. There is a big void in this world, I don't know if you have heard of it."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter.

"Big emptiness? Is it the secret secrecy left by the legendary Nether Emperor?"

Ping Wang’s eyes were very big, and I was incredulously watching the opposite Jiang Chen.

"It’s not a Ping Wang. I know that after all, it’s more than others. You’re right. Not long ago, I got the inheritance of the Nether Emperor and made it into a big void, so you can’t escape, and it’s not at all.”

Jiang Dust Road.

"It turns out that it is like this, Jiang Chen, it seems that you are indeed a man of the atmosphere. I really shouldn’t be against you at the beginning, and you are very smart. Everything I do is not enough for you. I am dead today. In your hands, I am not flat, no regrets."

After that, Ping Wang closed his eyes directly, even though he was unwilling, but he was helpless. He finally made an understanding of the ghost. Under the guidance of the big emptiness, he could not escape without accident.

At this moment, Ping Wang did not have much resentment against Jiang Chen. After all, he was an enemy and lost his king. He is now in a state of regret. He did see the potential of Jiang Chen, but he did not think of Jiang Chen. The potential is terrible to this extent. Although he is self-sufficient, he still has self-knowledge, a enchanting man who can get the inheritance of the Nether Emperor, and what qualifications he has to fight against it. As Jiang Chen said at the beginning, he never put Be yourself as an opponent because you are not worthy.

Jiang Chen also nonsense, sticking out an index finger at Ping Wang's eyebrows and directly asking Ping Wang's life.

Prince died, Ping Wang also died, it seems very sad, but Jiang Chen did not have much fluctuations in his heart, he came this way, there are too many people to kill, countless sects, countless days of pride, their own enemies Fall down one by one and become a stepping stone on the way forward.

Jiang Chenxin is like a meteorite. This is the world of weak meat. This is the rule. It is the law of survival. Jiang Chen cannot change, so he can only become a strong.

"I have retired for ten months this time, and it has already passed ten days outside. I am afraid that the trip to the Golden Killing Field will soon be over. I don't know what happened to the Golden Killing Field within ten days, I don't know the rhubarb. And the monkeys, where are they now?"

Jiang Chen secretly, the golden killing field is changing rapidly. Although it is only ten days, but there can be too many things happening. Jiang Chen now has a big void in his body, but he does not dare to have a slight scorn and care in this golden murder. .

Subsequently, Jiang Chenhua flew to the center of the Golden Killing Area as a light and shadow, but he just flew thousands of miles away, and suddenly the entire gold killing field shook.

The emptiness of the emptiness of the air in the ear is a great vibration, and the vibration is even louder than when the harpsichord appeared.

"It is the golden gate to open."

Jiang Chen looked shocked, and then saw a dazzling golden channel appearing not far away. Not only that, Jiang Chen also saw many golden channels appear at the same time, appearing in different directions and places.

"Listening to the rhubarb said that the gold family has 18 channels. Now it seems that this is the case. Today, 18 channels are open at the same time. It is equivalent to opening a portal connecting the golden family. Any channel can lead to the gates of the golden family."

Jiang Chen was so embarrassed that the scene in front of him was really spectacular. The golden channel that appeared in nothingness covered almost any place and space in the entire gold killing field.

Such a huge movement naturally attracts all people. At this time, many people are waiting for the opening of the golden gate. At the moment when alleeneen channels appear, everyone’s attention is immediately locked. .

"Look, the inexplicable golden channel has opened. It must be the passage to the remains of the golden family. The legend of tens of thousands of years, I did not expect to finally surface."

"Yes, it must be related to the golden family. It is almost a legend that the ancient tribe has been quiet for tens of thousands of years. It is rumored that the golden lupin is in the golden family. I don't know if this will happen."

"It is very possible that Xiaoyao Qin has appeared. Even if the golden feather fan appears together, it will not be too unexpected. The opening of the golden gate is different from that of the previous Xiaoyao. Now it has reached the stage of gold killing. At the end, everyone is waiting for this moment, so the genius will definitely be a lot. I believe that as long as it is still not dead, it will enter this channel and enter the remains of the golden family. The ancient big family, even if they get one. The benefits of Ding point are all endless benefits."

"The wind will meet, this will be the peak event, countless enchanting genius will appear, if the golden feather fan appears, it will set off a storm, who will be the inheritor, who can control the golden lupin, will become a young generation Against the sky, it is said that many people in Xianting have been promoted to the half-step fairy, the horror can not be imagined, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Dragon Thirteen, the Jiang Chen can not be underestimated."

"Don't say so much, let's go quickly. If it's slow, I'm afraid I won't even get the root hair."


Ten thousand people were shocked, and the figure began to rush to the nearest golden channel. Many people were very excited. This time waited for too long. Some people have self-knowledge. This trip to the Golden Killing Field has already received no Small benefits, so the next step is to be calm, because they know that the next big battle is not their participation.

Therefore, they all go to the attitude of watching the movie. They can get a little benefit and get a little. They can’t get it or regret it. For them, it’s great honor to be able to see the legendary ancient family. After waiting to go out, there is also the capital that is boasted by others.


The rhubarb dog didn't know where it came from, and came to Jiang Chen. His eyes looked at the golden passages and exudes some extremely complex flavors.

"The golden gate is going to open."

Jiang Chen said.

"Yes, I expected it before the appearance of Xiaoyao Qin, let's go, don't delay the time, take a look."

The rhubarb dog said, flying directly toward the golden channel, followed by Jiang Chen, one person and one dog quickly disappeared.

After entering the golden channel, you will be able to feel the breath of the hot gold family. They contain the golden blood, which is the heaven and earth.

No one knows what happened here tens of thousands of years ago, why a big tribe directly destroyed, and finally went to a quiet ending.

Jiang Chen couldn't figure this out. He looked at the big yellow dog around him. He guessed that rhubarb might know the reason.

Numerous figures have rushed into the golden passage. This moment has finally arrived. No one is not excited. The appearance of Xiaoyaoqin has caused an unimaginable shock. Moreover, the door of the golden family has been opened directly. Everyone wants to know tens of thousands. What happened before the year.

Han Yan, monk, Yang Bufan, Lan Lingji, Yang Lang, they all entered the golden channel from different directions.

Dragon Thirteen is still sitting next to the big bluestone, constantly comprehending the meaning of the word, it seems that the golden channel can not affect him.

At the moment, Dragon Thirteen, the whole person is undergoing great changes. His black hair is now black and white.

Yes, it is black and white, that is the change caused by the vocabulary. During this time, Dragon Thirteen constantly feels that life and death, his hair seems to have a symbolic meaning of life and death.

At this moment, every hair of Dragon Thirteen is like a sharp sword. It is inserted into the void, and the whole void is to be pierced.

His mouth whispered constantly, not knowing what to say, the whole person was caught in the mysterious mood.

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