Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1656: Sneak attack [one more]

After Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog stepped into the golden passage, there was a hot glow around them. The fire of the sun in the river dust couldn't help but start to jump, making Jiang Chen have some intimacy for the environment here.

There are countless people in a passage, and a large number of geniuses are constantly flying towards the passage. They follow the passage to the remains of the golden family. No one knows what will happen next.

The rhubarb does not say a word, the whole person seems very heavy, Jiang Chen originally had some words to ask him, but look at him like this, he will endure.

Soon, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog came to the end of the passage. When they appeared, there were already tens of thousands of people here. It is obvious that people pay attention to the remains of the golden family. The passage has just begun, and there are tens of thousands of people. There are still a large number of people who are constantly coming to this side.

But the coming in is fast, and now I can only stand there. There is a lot of empty space in front of me. There is nothing under my feet. People seem to stand on an unreal earth. At this moment, everyone’s eyes are on the front. Above a huge golden barrier.

The golden barrier is full of a hundred miles. Looking up, the barrier seems to be in harmony with the sky. At a glance, people know that this should be the gateway to the golden family. The gate is behind this barrier. If you want to go in, you have to open the barrier first, but no one has touched the barrier. With the lessons of the previous piano, no one will be the first bird.

Everyone is a smart person, and I know very well in my heart. This situation shows that the door of the golden family has not yet opened. Once it is opened, this golden barrier will disappear, so what we have to do now is Wait, wait for the barrier to disappear, and wait for everything behind to come to people's eyes.

The emptiness of the sky is filled with a heavy ancient atmosphere, which makes people feel uncontrollable and feels uncomfortable.

The temperature here is very high, the air is hot, this may be the characteristics of the golden family. After all, they have the descendants of the sun **** bird, but the temperature here is very high, but for the powerful fairy king, there is nothing. The big impact is completely affordable.

After the rhubarb dog appeared, his eyes fell on the barrier, and his brow began to pick up tightly.

"It turned out to be like this?"

The rhubarb dog muttered to himself, his eyes continually sweeping over the front barrier, seemingly seeing something: "This is the last resort of the Golden Emperor, it is a big deal."

"Rheum, what do you see? What happened here tens of thousands of years ago?"

Jiang Chen asked, he was eager to know the secret, and he was almost certain that the rhubarb dog must know something.

However, for Jiang Chen's words, the rhubarb dog turned a deaf ear, as if he couldn't hear it at all. His whole thoughts were attracted by the golden barrier, and no other things could be accommodated in his eyes.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen shook his head and had to give up. Many things did not tell the big yellow dog. Even the secrets and origins of the rhubarb dog were a mystery to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen knew that the rhubarb dog did not tell him. It is because Jiang Chen Xiu is still weak and has not yet reached the time of knowing.

Nowadays, Jiang Chen’s cultivation has reached half a step of the Emperor. Only one step can be promoted to the Emperor. Under the dragon’s strength, it is enough to kill the late Emperor. Even so, the Rhubarb dog still does not tell himself. The more this is the case, Jiang Chong's heart is more curious, what a huge secret, even his current situation is not qualified to know.

Seeing that the rhubarb dog is so focused, Jiang Chen also looks at the gold barrier, but he can't see anything.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen brows slightly, and he feels a faint airflow drifting from behind him, and immediately exerts a large void.


Just after Jiang Chen had just applied the big emptiness, an icy long sword suddenly rushed out from the void. The sword carried a strong murderousness, and the speed was almost at the extreme, and the body of Jiang Chen was pierced. It is.

The owner of the long sword is a young man with a smirk on his face. He saw Jiang Chen being pierced by himself, and his face was more intense, but in the next moment, his smile directly solidified because of his horrific discovery. It was only a shadow of Jiang Chen that was pierced by a sword.


The man turned around and saw Jiang Chen looking at himself with great interest. At this moment, Jiang Chen has become a state of dragon change. This is the battle state of Jiang Chen. At this time, the entire golden shark has no People don't know, it's no secret.

"Impossible, how could it be so fast?"

The man was shocked and couldn’t accept the reality. He was always the most confident about his sneak attack. He expected Jiang Chen to be seriously injured under his own sneak attack, but where did he think that the other party not only had nothing to do with it? It is still perfect to avoid between the moments, appearing behind his own, such a terrible means, so that his back is a bit chilly.

"The people of the North and South family are really unbearable, and there are only a few sneak attacks."

Jiang Chen said in a sarcasm tone that he recognized this person. When the Xiaoyao was in trouble, Jiang Chen killed a lot of people from the North and the South. This North-South scene always wanted to catch himself, but he did not.

The day’s anger caused the incomparable anger of the north and south scenes, leaving a great shadow on his heart. Someone was killing the family’s genius disciples in his own face. He was only able to look at it, and even prevented it from being done. Jing Xin is as uncomfortable as a cockroach.

If the north-south scene does not want to kill Jiang Chen all the time, he is very clear that killing Jiang Chen will not only avenge the geniuses of the North and South family, but also raise his own reputation. Everyone knows Jiang Chen’s current reputation, who Killing Jiang Chen will become a well-known figure.

Therefore, after seeing Jiang Chen in the first time, the North-South Scenery chose the shot decisively. He was very confident in his own sneak attack, but he did not expect it to fail. Today, Jiang Chen seems to be more than the original. When the piano was born, it was even more difficult to deal with.

It’s really astounding that a person grows so fast.

"Jiang Chen, you killed so many people in our north and south family, your life, the North and South families will definitely take."

The north and south scenes are cold and cold.

"How about my life, I am afraid that it has nothing to do with you, because you will soon become the next person in the North and South family who died in my hands, killing you, I will never have a soft hand."

Jiang Chen kills the plane and shoots.

[Dear readers, brothers and sisters, Dragons Inn, which is tailor-made for Dragon Screen fans, will be officially opened in 10 minutes. All the WeChat public accounts are members of the inn. Today, Dragons Inn will usher in the first A guest named Jiang Chen, you can ask Jiang Chen questions freely. If you don't pay attention, you will pay close attention to it. Afterwards, all kinds of guests will appear. Laosu leads the dragon characters and interacts with you at Longze Inn. In addition, today's eight more. 】

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