Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1658: Has become a climate [three more]

"Jiang, Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

Only the half-side of the north and south scenes looked at Jiang Chen step by step toward himself, and the voice of his speech began to tremble. He is now full of infinite fear, especially after watching Jiang Chen’s means of killing, fear is even more At the apex, as a genius of the North and South family, he never thought that he would have a day of death. He had never seen such a terrible figure as Jiang Chen.

"What am I doing? There is really no problem."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and he did not talk to the north and south scenes. He waved his sword in his hand and smashed the head of the north and south scenes. Then his identity kit automatically fell into the hands of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen had already gotten too much. Kit, but he did not check the benefits, because he is very clear, the geniuses who came to the Golden Killing Field, once they get the big benefits, they will directly find a place where no one is refining and absorbing, to improve their own If you cultivate and fight, no one will keep the benefits, so there may be no good benefits in these kits, and Jiang Chen will not see their baby at all.

Killing the north and south scenes, Jiang Chen continued to squat with the long sword toward the north and south, and the people of the north and south families would never let go if they met.

"This Jiang Chen is really a enchanting saga. It is too fast to make progress. His repairs seem to be half a step of the emperor as he was ten days ago, but he always feels that he is much more powerful than ten days ago. Is this an illusion? ?"

"It is not an illusion. Such characters are making progress all the time. They can't use common sense to find out. The North and South families are really miserable. They have died so many powerful geniuses. The North and South scenes are dead. For the North and South families, it is an incomparable one. Huge loss, now it seems that North and South China is not much better. He can’t beat the dog at all. Now it’s dangerous to add it before and after.”

"Terror, it is terrible. The gates of the golden family have not really opened yet. The killing has already begun. We will still be farther away from Jiang Chen. This person is too bad to provoke the killing of the master of the Mid-Emperor. It’s generally easy and casual to cut vegetables and cut vegetables. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it.”


No one is not shocked, although knowing that Jiang Chen is ferocious, but at the moment, seeing it with his own eyes, people are still shaken. Many people secretly admonish themselves, they must not be enemies with such killing, and there will be no good end, the North and South families Hey, as one of the two ancient families in the East Xuanyu area, it is the Southern and Northern Dynasties where the Great Emperor reincarnate. What happened? The genius under the door is not the end of the tragic death, even the reincarnation of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, ten days. The former was also beaten to escape.


Suddenly, the North and the South burst into a burst, and immediately turned into a light and shadow to go to the distance, the hero did not eat the loss before the eyes, the North and South are not fools, simply the hands of the big yellow dog and Jiang Chen, knowing to continue to stay, life can not keep, north and south It is your own ending and the end.

"You can't run."

As soon as Jiang Chen’s body swayed, he immediately locked the breath of the north and south and escaped the trajectory. The Tiansheng sword smashed a sword-like sacred man, directly forcing the north and south from the void.

"How can it be?"

The North and South Zhongda was shocked. He couldn’t imagine how Jiang Chen locked his position so accurately. You know, a master of the late Emperor’s late stage has very precise control over the power of space. It can be said that it is superb, if you want If you escape, it is still very easy.

But now, Jiang Chen seems to be able to find his position directly, so that he has no chance to escape, which makes no way to be surprised in the North and South.

This is the mystery of the Great Void, the inheritance of the Nether Emperor, which is comparable to the general mystery, and it is difficult to escape under the Great Void.


The rhubarb dog smirked again and again, and with the indestructible head facing the north and south, it hit the past. He now fully sees that Jiang Chen has initially controlled the big void, which is a very rare thing.


North and South China was originally lost, and the attacking power of the rhubarb dog was too fierce and too fast, so the whole person was knocked out. The dog head of the rhubarb dog hit the chest in the north and south, making the whole north and south. The chest was hit by a depression and went down a large piece, squirting blood along the way.


Jiang Chen is faster, and he follows the shadow. In an instant, he catches up with the injured north and south. The Tiansheng sword in his hands is unrelenting. When the north and south are still in midair, they are killed by Jiang Chen. , split into two halves.

Blood sprinkling the sky, it is really miserable to the extreme, countless people are shocked, a supreme genius in the late Emperor, said killing and killing, such a scene, it is too shocking.

"Great, the North and South family may be mad at this time."

"There are so many genius masters who have died. Such losses are huge for any force. The North and South families must go crazy this time. I see that there are people from the North and South families standing around, but they are not fools. I will choose this time to come out."

"Jiang Chen has completely become a climate, and he is not alone in the fight. There is also a group of peerless enchanting helpers around him. This group of people, that is really not to be underestimated."


No one was shocked, the passage was just beginning, and the people from the North and South families and Jiang Chen collided and killed the two geniuses of the late Emperor.

This is, one of the golden passages vibrates very fiercely, and an incomparably strong breath rushes out from the inside. A young man appears in the sky like the **** of war, and the breath that comes out of him makes countless people feel When it comes to great pressure, it is a half-step scent of immortality. This realm alone surpasses everyone and is not at the same level.

It’s not someone else, it’s Zhang Yulang, the supreme master of Xian Xian’s Xianting, who finally succeeded in promoting the half-step fairy, and his eyebrows are full of endless arrogance, to see who is contemptuous, that is A feeling of looking down on all beings, high above.

After Zhang Yulang appeared, he saw Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. He saw the cruel and dead bodies of the North and South families, and immediately shot two flames in his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that you are getting more and more excessive."

Zhang Yulang said that he and the Northern and Southern Dynasties had a good relationship, so the relationship with the North and South families was also good, and there was already some smoking between Jiang and Dust when the relics of the Emperor Qindi appeared. At this moment, they met and they succeeded. Promoted to a half-step Xianzun, has not put Jiang Chen in his eyes, the body's killing immediately rose.

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