Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1659: Big Void Vision [four more]

"Excessive? I don't think at all, Zhang Yulang, I advise you not to provoke me, otherwise your last end will only be like them. The people of Xianting are in front of me, no different from other people, my enemy, In the end, it was a end. The North and South families and I were enemies. I destroyed this ancient tribe. Xianting wants to be an enemy of me. I will replace it."

Jiang Chen completely ignores the tyrannical killings that Zhang Yulang exudes. He is so arrogant that he is at the extreme. Even if he is standing opposite the half-step Xianzun master of Xianting, he seems to be in the eyes, so domineering, earth-shattering, It seems that even the Northern and Southern Dynasties can't match.

Jiang Chen’s hand-to-handedness exudes a strong atmosphere of the upper class. He seems to be a king of the world, and he will eventually become the strongest in this world.


Jiang Chen’s words immediately set off an uproar, dare to say that killing an ancient big family has already smashed the sky. Some people dare to say that they have replaced Xianting. It takes a lot of courage to be able to speak out and see arrogant I have never seen such arrogance.

"This guy is really lawless. No one has ever dared to rebel against Xianting. The high court is in Xianting. Who dares to say bad things, he actually uttered rants and replaced them. I really don't know how to write dead words."

"Oh! Too mad, I dare to say such a big rebellious word, no one has ever dared to fight against Xianting, and live impatient."

"I am convinced, I admire him. This is the first one to dare to say such a domineering word. With this alone, it is enough for me to admire."


There are countless screams, Jiang Chen’s words are simply eye-catching. It’s totally devastating. Looking at it, it’s time to prepare to openly sing the fairy court. Is it the first person in ancient and modern times?

"Jiang Chen, with your words, is enough to die a hundred times, dare to rebel against Xianting, who gives you such courage."

Zhang Yulang is angry with the sky. As a genius of Xianting, he has always been his most proud place. He has to be respected wherever he goes. Now, a small person who dares to openly provoke genius is ridiculous.

"Haha, less **** nonsense, I have to kill me if I have the ability. If you don't have the ability, don't fart here, put away your noble, don't take me to force me. In front of my Jiang Chen, the enemy is the enemy."

Jiang Chen laughed, he was wild, and he had already reached the point of lawlessness. Xianting was not in his eyes.

"I will kill you."

Zhang Yulang was angry, and the half-step Xianzun’s momentum was instantly released. This powerful momentum alone made people feel scared and pale. Everyone looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes full of pity. They didn’t know what Jiang Chen could do. With Zhang Yulang fighting like this, how can he take the attack of Zhang Yulang.

You know, being able to kill the late Emperor and can fight against the half-step fairy, it is totally different concepts.

"Kid, can't you?"

The rhubarb dog looks at Jiang Chen.

"Do not worry, no problem."

Jiang Chen nodded. He blinked in his eyes. He just wanted to use Zhang Yulang's means to test the true power of the big void.

"it is good."

The rhubarb dog is also very confident in Jiang Chen. In the face of Zhang Yulang’s next attack, he directly evades away, just as he wants to see how Jiang Chen has cultivated the big emptiness. He believes that Jiang The means of dust, if you control the big void, to avoid the attack of Zhang Yulang, there is no problem at all.

Zhang Yulang stepped forward in the volley, and a big hand with a shackle blocked the void and slammed against Jiang Chen.

Countless people were shocked, and half-step Xianzun shot, it is really extraordinary, it is hard to imagine Jiang Chen so resistant to such a terrible blow.


I didn't see how Jiang Chen escaped. The huge big hand slammed down, and the void was completely torn. Jiang Chen was covered in the whole.

"Hey! I don't care."

Zhang Yulang's face sneered, he knows the power of his palm, even if it is a master of the late Emperor, it must be crushed into powder, not to mention a small Jiang Chen.

"Isn't it self-reliant? In my opinion, the genius of Xianting is just like this."

A voice came out from the other side. Everyone looked at the sound and saw Jiang Ding calmly standing there. Zhang Yulang’s devastating attack did not seem to cause him a half threat and harm. .


Zhang Yulang’s expression changed dramatically in the same time. Just like the North and South scenes before, he could not believe the facts happening in front of him.

"My God, how did this guy do it? This is going against the sky."

"I just saw it clearly. He was clearly covered by Zhang Yulang with a palm. The palm of the hand blocked the void around him. How did Jiang Chen escape? It seems that Zhang Yulang’s fierce attack did not cause him a little damage. ""

"Unbelievable, it's incredible. This Zhang Yulang is afraid to be dumbfounded. Jiang Chen must have gotten a secret escape from the sky. He can just walk through the void, and there is no obstacle. It is terrible."

"If you really control the means of such a bad day, then the whole gold kills the domain, I am afraid no one can kill him."


No one is not shocked, never seen such a bad guy, Jiang Chen not only has terrible power, but now also has the means of escape from the sky, even Zhang Yulang can not help him, gold kills the domain, and who can kill Jiang Chen.

"It's a bit interesting, but in front of me, it's just a little trick. Jiang Chen, do you think that you have got some means of escape, can you really save your life? It's too ignorant."

After Zhang Yulang’s brief surprise, the murderousness of his body was shot again. He did not believe that he could not kill a Jiang Chen with his current ability. If that was the case, he would not have to mix it.

"You disciples of these big forces are too much nonsense. If I were you, I would not say a nonsense."

Jiang Chen said that it is not salty or light.

"court death."

Zhang Yulang bit his teeth, and the overwhelming spurt of the air from the body is like a tidal wave. This time, he used a powerful momentum to completely block all the space within a hundred miles, and even the people around him fell into it. Under such pressure, countless people are frightened and warned. Zhang Yulang wants to kill them. They are almost certain to die. I am afraid that even the resistance can't be done.

It seems that Zhang Yulang really published, no longer give Jiang Chen a chance, people began to guess, then, how to deal with Jiang Chen, is it still able to escape.

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