Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1663: Swear to defend [eight more]

"Haha, the golden gate is open, everyone will go in quickly."

Someone shouted and had been waiting for a long time. Now that the door has finally officially opened, many people have already been unable to wait. Just a dozen figures flew toward the gate.


At this moment, there was no movement of the golden gate. Suddenly there were dozens of soldiers wearing gold armor. Each hand was carrying an ancient sword. They were extremely fast, and they worked hard in the blink of an eye. More than a dozen people who rushed up were killed, and they died under the sword of the golden warriors.


This scene immediately shocked everyone, causing an uproar, those who were still ready to continue to attack, quickly stopped and watched the golden warriors with shock.

I saw the glare of the golden warrior armor, but their expressions were dull, their eyes were dark and the body was not alive.

"It is a dead spirit. This is the golden warrior of the golden family. It should have died long ago. Now it has become a dead spirit. It guards the golden gate here and does not allow outsiders to step into their territory."

"Insufficient evidence, the repair of these dead spirits are all around the end of the Emperor. Such cultivation is impossible to block our entry. It was impossible. The dozens of people were too flustered before, and the death was a bit embarrassing."

"The gold family is really horrible, and the dead spirits are so terrible. It seems that even if the golden gate is opened, it is full of crises everywhere."


Countless gaze is on the top of the golden warriors. In their view, these golden warriors are dead spirits. They died as early as tens of thousands of years ago. The dead spirits of the late emperors cannot be caused by the talented masters present. Too big a impact, as long as the killing of these dead spirits, you can directly enter the territory of the golden family, but to kill these dead spirits, it is a very easy thing.

You must know that these dead spirits can't implement the powerful fairy skills. They can only rely on the swords of the hands to mechanically kill them. There is nothing terrible at all. The people who rushed up before because they were too weak, they died. In the hands of those dead spirits, if they are replaced by the genius masters of the late Emperor, the ending will be completely different. What's more, there are six powerful half-step fairy gods on their side, to win these dead spirits, but not to Under the words.

The appearance of these golden warriors made the fire of the sun in Jiang Chen’s body violently beaten. It was a kind feeling. For the death of these golden warriors, Jiang Chen’s soul was very shocking, and there was a trace of sadness in his emotions. If you want to kill these golden warriors, you can't bear it, even if they are just dead, they are dead people.

"No, they are not dead, they are not dead."

The rhubarb dog suddenly said.

"Rhubarb, what do you say?"

Jiang Chen was shocked.

"They didn't die. This is the means left by the Golden Emperor. I smelled the breath of the golden feather fan. You see the golden light, which was radiated by the sun **** feathers. The Golden Emperor used the golden feather fan to block this family. Let the time freeze, and after tens of thousands of years, the gold family is likely to reappear in this world."

The rhubarb dog is also very surprised.

"What do you say? The gold family can still reproduce the world? Rhubarb, what is going on? What happened here, why did the Golden Emperor seal a family."

Jiang Chen couldn't help it anymore. If he didn't ask clearly, he wouldn't be a good person. The gold warriors in front of him didn't have any vitality. They were completely dead, but the big yellow dog said they were not dead.

"This is the best way to preserve the blood of the golden family. In that big battle, too many people died. The gold family is almost extinct. I don't know why the relics of the gold family will appear at this time, but if I guess it is correct, It will be quiet again in the near future, until the next real appearance, when the golden family recovers, Xiao Chenzi, you don’t ask me what happened here, you have not yet known, but I can tell You, if there is no gold family, there is no fairyland now. They are the heroes of the whole fairyland. The blood of the tens of thousands of years left by the golden family can never be destroyed. Today, we must defend everything here and not allow anyone to enter the golden gate. No, no one can kill a golden warrior."

The tone of the rhubarb dog is extremely exciting. What he said is even more defamatory, desperate and defensive.

Jiang Chen moved, he has never seen a big yellow dog. In the past, what happened, the golden warrior did not die, there must be a legacy of the golden family, which is the golden hand of the golden emperor. For the blood of this family, if these geniuses are rushed in today, the golden empire will be destroyed for tens of thousands of years.

Jiang Chen doesn't know what happened, but he will do anything unconditionally, but he now has the sun fire, which is equivalent to having the blood of this family. Wujing Qin is even more The inheritance, the self and the gold family have inextricably linked, and want to get rid of it.

Therefore, Jiang Chen is willing to stand up and not let the golden Emperor's efforts be destroyed. If his gold family can really recover and come back to the world, I don't know how much vibration will be caused.

But now, Jiang Chen doesn't think about it, because the big yellow dog has already rushed out and stood in front of the golden gate. His body has doubled and he is so proud that he has a good position.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated, he said: "Swear to defend the golden family."

After that, Jiang Chen also turned into a light and shadow appeared next to the big yellow dog. They were shocked by the cold, but the dialogue between Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog they heard, Han Yan and the monk looked at each other, then there was no point. Hesitant, went straight out, their brothers, the time to fight side by side, Rao is the opponent's horror, they did not retreat a little, the world is the enemy scene, they are not the first experience.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing? Why are you blocking the door before you let it go, killing these dead spirits and breaking into the remains."

Someone saw Jiang Chen that they had stopped at the gate at this time, and immediately shouted loudly and joked. At this time, someone actually wanted to block them from entering the remains of the golden family. Isn’t that looking for death?

At this moment, people have waited for too long. Whoever blocks it is not able to get through with everyone. It is a typical death.

[Tomorrow will continue to erupt. 】

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