Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1664: Raging big yellow dog [one more]

"The remains of the golden family have not really opened. It will take a long time to be silent again. When you enter, you will die inside. I am here to save you. I think everyone is still giving up the gold family. Waiting for the end of the golden killing trip. ""

Jiang Chen said loudly, now that he wants to block other people, he can't find a good excuse. He can only say so, but Jiang Chen knows very well that the attraction of the gold family is too big, even if they say it. It’s impossible, even if I’m really stating a fact, it’s impossible to stop these geniuses. At this moment, they have waited for too long. Now it’s impossible to let them go, it’s impossible, they Will enter the territory of the gold family at all costs.

At this moment, Jiang Chen, big yellow dog, Han Yan, monk, Yang Bufan, face are extremely dignified, because they are very clear in their hearts, the situation in front of them is much more trouble than the original piano, it was only a small part. In order to block the dance of the bamboo, the majority of people only watched the drama, but now it is different. There is a huge camp of 20,000 people, all of which hold the same purpose, just to enter the territory of the golden family. Someone wants to block, that is, it is against the enemy of 20,000 people. At that time, I am afraid that everyone will rush to the top. Even if Jiang Chen is confident again, he will not be confident that he can fight 20,000 people.

"Jiang Chen, are you funny? At this time, it is actually blocked in front of the gate and we are not allowed to go in. You are too much to take yourself seriously. See how many people here, everyone can drown in a spit. you guys."

Zhang Yulang sneered, and he did not expect that Jiang Chen had made such a brain-decisive decision at this crucial moment. According to the wisdom and wisdom of Jiang Chen, he would not do anything so desperate, but now, Jiang Chen is blocking. Outside the gate, it was in front of the golden warriors.

"Jiang Chen, don't make mistakes, do you know what you are doing? Don't delay everyone's time, you are against the world."

"Jiang Chen, advise you to let go immediately, we have no enmity and no complaints, I don't want to shoot you."

"Jiang Chen, I really don't know what you think. It is good for us to enter the territory of the golden family. It is also good for you. You are lucky enough to get through the sky. If you go in, you may get the baby. If you do, you may even advance by leaps and bounds. You should be very clear that there are too many people to kill you. You are now here, it is simply looking for death."

"Everyone should not talk nonsense with him, directly shoot, kill all that blocks us, kill them, and those golden warriors."


Enthusiastically excited, some people who were not enemies with Jiang Chen also began to grind their teeth and showed their killing intentions. No one thought that someone would do such a thing at the most critical moment, blocking 20,000 people’s footsteps and doing anti-day Do not look at whether you have the ability to go against the sky.

Jiang Chen’s face is very ugly. The situation in front of him is the last thing he wants to see. But the rhubarb dog has to do something, he has to support it, and he is almost certain now that the rhubarb dog knows very well what happened in the past. This dog is more than anyone else, but now it is desperate to block 20,000 people, just to protect the blood of the golden family. Since the big yellow dog thinks it is worth doing, then Jiang Chen must follow suit.

If you step into the gold family and really reproduce the world, I believe you will remember your feelings today.

Jiang Chen’s idea at the beginning was like everyone else, to enter the remains of the golden family, to find the baby, and even to see what the legendary golden feather fan looks like, but when they know that these golden warriors are not really dead, know When the blood of the golden family is likely to reproduce the world, Jiang Chen changed his attitude like the big yellow dog. He hoped that the ancient terrorist group could come again one day.

"Do not talk nonsense, who wants to enter this door, I will kill Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion turned into a blood red, and the Tiansheng sword in his hand kept beating and humming, and Jiang Chen was the temper of this cow. Since the other party said that he was doing something against the sky, he would go against the sky today. Even if it is an enemy of the world, Jiang Chen does not hesitate, and is not afraid.

"Haha, a arrogant boy, I really don't know how to write the dead words. If so, I will kill you, and the province will delay the time here."

The genius of Xian Xian, the genius of Xianxian, laughed twice, and the momentum of the half-step Xianzun was released, and it was necessary to shoot Jiang Chen.

"Lu Shidi, let me come."

Zhang Yulang reached out and stopped Lu Sheng, then took a step forward and said to Jiang Chen sneer: "Jiang Chen, have you been able to avoid it before? I see you dare to avoid it, you have to avoid it, I will Destroyed the dead spirits and shattered the gates of the golden family."

After Zhang Yulang finished, the incomparably big hand immediately attacked and oppressed Jiang Chen.

"damn it."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but snorted. He only hated that he was too weak now. It was not Zhang Yulang's opponent. Otherwise, he would be so passive, and as Zhang Yulang said, the big emptiness was not used at this time. The big void is to escape for himself, but now he has to stop these people. If he escapes, and does not block any difference, with the powerful means of Zhang Yulang, those golden warriors, I am afraid that all will die soon. Don't think about living.


The rhubarb dog was angry. He screamed in the sky, and the horrible waves rolled up. His body began to change dramatically. There were golden dragon scales on his body and dragon horns on his head. The dog’s appearance changed dramatically. It became a brave dragon horse.

After the rhubarb dog became the body of the dragon horse, the big hand attacked by Zhang Yulang collided with the past.


A void has been completely smashed, and the big yellow dog has erupted its most powerful power. Although he is only the late Emperor, the general half-step fairy is not an opponent at all, even if it is against the singularity of Zhang Yulang. Do not let more.

Under the dog's head of the rhubarb dog, the big hand that Zhang Yulang evolved was directly destroyed. The big yellow dog was hit back to the original place, but he was brave, Zhang Yulang just had a blow, but he did not stay on his body. The next half of the injury.


Zhang Yulang was shocked. He never put the dog around Jiang Chen in his heart. Now it seems that it is a big mistake. It turns out that this is a mutant dragon horse. It has a complete blood of the beast and it really bursts. Confront with yourself.

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