Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1665: Be a brother, there is no life in this life [2]

"A very good dog can actually fight against Zhang Yulang."

"Look clearly, this is a dog, this is the real dragon horse, and it is a powerful variety, the blood is super powerful, not to mention the leap-level challenge, even the leap-level killing is very easy, Jiang Chen is enough enchanting, even A dog beside him is so anti-day, it seems that today must take advantage of this opportunity to kill them, otherwise, the fairy world will be chaotic."

"You are right, such a enchanting character, or it is better with it. Once it is against it, it must be removed as soon as possible. It cannot give the other party too many opportunities for growth, or else the other party will grow up. That is our last day."


Numerous people were surprised, but the devil and power of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog also made many people firmly determined to kill them. Today, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog want to block them from entering the territory of the golden family. Destined to be an enemy, such an enemy against the sky, if it can not be removed this morning, will become a big problem in the future, is their end.

"Monk, A Yan, Fan Wang, today is destined to fight for life and death, you can not participate."

Jiang Chen said to the three people, his tone was extremely dignified.

"Little dust, what do you say? Also, are we brothers?"

"What kind of scenes we have not seen, fighting side by side, not a big death."

"Being a brother, there is no life in this life. If you can fight against the world side by side, this life is enough, no regrets."

The three people looked at Jiang Chen with a look of disappointment. Jiang Chen made them very unhappy. Although Jiang Chen was worried about their safety, compared with their own safety, the brothers are more important, what is the life and death brother, then It is to face life and death together, not to die together with brothers. If today, watching Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog fight here, if they are outside, how to face the brothers in the future.

"Okay, let's fight side by side today."

Jiang Chen looked shocked. He and the big yellow dog looked at each other and saw the gratification and happiness in the other's eyes. In this world, they are not alone.

Be a brother, have this life, no future life, if this life can not be shoulder-to-shoulder, how to go to luxury.

"You guys, this bastard, how can this kind of thing get my thirteen brothers less."

Just as Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a voice suddenly came out from a golden passage. Countless eyes looked over and saw a young man wearing a yellow robe stepping out from the inside and appearing in this space. .

The advent has just appeared, and the whole body is filled with domineering domineering. The breath of the ancient war spirit is released. It is a powerful representative. At this moment, the dragon thirteen, and the change before, his hair, black and white, but not a little bit Violation of the sense of harmony, that color, as if in line with the heavens.

Not only that, the dragon 13 at the moment, the repair is also a big advance, directly promoted to the late Emperor, Jiang Chen and other people's eyes fell on the dragon thirteen, and then they laughed.

Yes, at such an important moment, how can I get thirteen brothers, and they all know that there is this monkey, that is the absolute main force.

"The monkey seems to have received great benefits. The atmosphere of the whole person has changed. He is able to advance to the late Emperor. It is so good. With the strength of his battle against the dragon, he will be repaired in the late Emperor. Can sweep everything, Zhang Yulang is not necessarily his opponent."

The rhubarb dog said that he saw the progress of Dragon Thirteen and did not hide his happiness and excitement.

"Thirteen brothers."

Lan Ling Ji flew to the Dragon 13 near, and once again saw the Dragon Thirteen, her original worry disappeared completely, seeing the dragon and thirteen black and white hair, drifting in the wind, and that is full of masculinity, angular The clear face, the thick man's breath, is really to let the blue spirit Ji can not help but fascinated.

"Ling Ji, you will retreat, don't shoot for a while."

Long XIII said in a very solemn tone that he knew everything that happened here. Jiang Chen knew what they had to do. He stood up at the moment and was unreserved to support it, but Lan Lingji was absolutely If you can't get involved, it's destined to be a life-and-death battle. Even if the blue spirit Ji Xianhuang's later cultivation is done, once you join in, facing the 20,000 strong enemy, it is also a life of nine deaths. Moreover, such a scene is more than a blue spirit Ji, and It doesn't matter, it doesn't help much.

You must know that Lan Lingji is not too strong compared to the Han Dynasty.

"Well, be careful with yourself."

Lan Lingji nodded and then returned to her original place. She is a smart person who can naturally see the situation in front of her. She does not know why Jiang Chen wants to do such a thing, but she knows that the other party is doing this. There must be her own reasons. She wants to go up and fight side by side, but she knows that there is no such meaning. I don’t even know that a blue Ling Ji, even if the exquisite blessings and the Dagan Empire are all rushed up, it will not help. Increased death.


Zhang Yulang snorted and suddenly found his palm again and went to attack Jiang Chen.

At this moment, an iron rod rushed out of nothingness, crashing into the attack of Zhang Yulang and destroying it.


The figure of the dragon thirteen appeared in front of Zhang Yulang. He held the iron rod, and the fire eye touched everything. The domineering said: "When your monkey does not exist?"

"Dragon XIII, I advise you not to intervene in this matter, there is no advantage for you, even if you have the strength to compete with me, but you have to see clearly, now there are six and a half steps, how do you fight against each other? ?"

Zhang Yulang said, for this dragon thirteen, he still has some jealousy in his heart. He remembered the scene of the Dragon and the 13th in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He is very clear about the strength of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If the Northern and Southern Dynasties were promoted to the late Emperor, I am afraid that I am not an opponent. At this moment, Dragon Thirteen is already in the late Emperor's Emperor. It seems that I don't know how much tyranny I have before. Before I enter the Golden family, I don't want to collide with such a difficult guy.

"Six and a half steps are very good? You can go together."

The dragon thirteen has no fear at all, and he is all under the command of the ancient war spirit, and does not put Zhang Yulang’s generation in his eyes.

"A little emperor in the late period, what to do with him, directly killing is."

Lu Sheng was the first to stand it. He was a very arrogant person. He couldn’t stand the arrogance of others. Besides, he was still a man who was not as good as himself.

[Five today, there are three more in the evening. 】

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