Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1666: The inevitable peak battle [three more]

When the relics of Xiaoyao Qindi appeared on the same day, Lusheng did not appear, so he did not know Dragon XIII. In his opinion, if Dragon 13 is even more powerful, it is only a fairy emperor, and he is already a half step fairy. The gap is not a little bit. What kind of characters are Lu Sheng, who will allow a little fairy to sing in front of him.

Long XIII casually took a look at Lu Sheng, and then turned his head directly. This gesture is undoubtedly more stimulating Lu Sheng's self-respect. He saw contempt and look down from the eyes of Long XIII.

"court death."

An incomparably powerful anger fired from the top of Lusheng’s head. He murdered the sky and directly killed the dragon 13 to himself. What kind of identity he could allow a little fairy to despise himself, it was a big deal for himself. The humiliation, he must directly kill the other side, in order to defend his majesty.

Seeing that Lu Sheng was rushing to himself, the dragon thirteen hairs danced, and the iron bars in his hands burst into an endless brilliance. The eyes of the fire directly shot two dazzling lights, and he was fighting for the meaning of his body. That is The powerful fighting spirit of the fighting family, this kind of race, is instinctual, never knows what is fear.


The dragon thirteen iron rods smashed out, and the void was torn in half on the spot. Under countless horrified eyes, the iron rod and the terrestrial attack collided together, causing a thousand waves, which was a void. The tide is full of devastating atmosphere.


The dragon thirteen 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙The whole person was shaken by the hind legs for a few steps to stabilize his body.

"On this point, I dare to speak out in front of the monkey, you are not worthy."

The dragon thirteen iron rod creaked, and he stood there in the volley, smashing the world.


Lu Sheng was really surprised. He stared at the opposite dragon thirteen with incomparable horror. He couldn’t believe it was true. He had just been promoted half a step to Xianzun, and it was a time when he could not be alive. It was a shameful humiliation to be relegated by the enchanting of the late Emperor.

At this moment, the shock is not only Lu Sheng, but also Zhang Yulang and Xia Xiaotian. Although they have been psychologically prepared, they have seen that Dragon 13 is really so powerful. Even half-step Xianzun is not an opponent, or feels an unexpected accident.

"It's so good, this guy doesn't know what adventure he got, and raises one level again. What's even more frightening is that even half a step of Xianzun is not his opponent. This is a bit too much."

"I don't think it's too unexpected. He can fight against the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the middle of the Emperor. Now he is promoted to the late Emperor. It is not unusual to defeat the half-step fairy."

"Hey! What's the best? Whoever blocks the road to the golden tribe today, whoever dies, Dragon 13 is no exception. Although he is powerful, there are now six and a half steps, if the six join together. Dealing with him, even if he has three heads and six arms, I am afraid it is not enough."

"Yes, Dragon XIII is indeed awesome, but it is no longer possible to deal with such a situation. No one can block the territory of the Golden family. The six and a half steps are enough to kill the Dragon Thirteen, and we With 20,000 people camping, Jiang Chen can drown them in an instant, and they are enemies in the world. Their ending is only a dead end."


Exciting, even if Dragon 13 shows Superman's combat power, it still can't stop 20,000 people from entering the golden tribe's territory. In people's minds, Dragon Thirteen is of course powerful, but if you want to deal with such a situation, even if you want to deal with such a situation, It’s two dragons and thirteen, and it’s not enough.

"You, Jiang Chen and Long XIII will stop us from entering the gold family to find the treasure, that is to be the enemy of all of us, to ruin our future. I suggest that all the masters of the half-step Xianzun join forces to kill the dragon thirteen. People jointly killed Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, killing those dead spirits and opening the golden gate."

Zhang Yulang shouted loudly. When the words came out, people who had already been swayed by the interests couldn’t stand it. They all began to release their own murderousness, especially those who had hatred with Jiang Chen. With a sneer on his face, for them, this is really the best chance to kill Jiang Chen. They are bent on killing Jiang Chen, but they can’t find an opportunity. After all, Jiang Chen has become a climate and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. However, now that Jiang Chen is killing himself, they will naturally not miss such a great opportunity. If they join 20,000 people, they can directly kill Jiang Chen into a powder.

"Well, everyone will take the shot together. In order to defend our own interests, we must not be able to delay our future because of a small Jiang Chen."

"Get out of the way, join forces, killing Jiang Chen, they are easy, no effort."

"Everyone should not be afraid. Dragon 13 has a half-step master of the Emperor. They are a big yellow dog, but they can't resist the attack of so many people, kill Jiang Chen, and rush into the territory of the golden family. Find the golden lupin."


Many people yelled and some of the singers appeared in their hands. A large number of people began to approach the door of the golden family.

The Dagan Empire, the exquisite and blessed land, the Huaxian Valley, and the Xuanyin people did not move. After all, they had a good relationship with Jiang Chen. It was very embarrassing to be unable to help. The things that fell into the grave could not be done.

For these people, they don't want to help Jiang Chen, but they are very clear. In this situation, even if they add hundreds of them, they will not help. The three great powers of the three great fields, countless masters, look All the appearances must be shot, they are not as heroic as Jiang Chen, and there is no such domineering anti-day, can not be the enemy of the world.

Jiang Chen has no door and no faction, but he can not be afraid of anything, but they have to consider for their martial art, not to mention the many characters of Xianting who are now shooting. Once they experience life and death, how many casualties are added and they are not sinned. Court, that is to find unnecessary trouble for your martial art.

Therefore, Yang Lang and Lan Ling Ji can only look at it and become the most unwilling bystander.

"In this situation, Jiang Chen is probably very dangerous."

Hua Xiaoqian said with great concern.

"If 20,000 people are scattered, the consequences are almost unimaginable. Even if they have great skills, I am afraid they will not be able to preserve them."

Yang Lang’s look is also extremely dignified, but Jiang Chen’s attitude is firm, and it seems that a big battle can’t be avoided.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their reward. 】

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