Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1667: Take an enemy six [four more]

Countless waves and tumbling, numerous forces merged together, intertwined into a huge energy network, such a power is enough to destroy everything, Jiang Chen they are still standing in front of the golden gate, although they are also looking dignified, but they are determined The pressure of 20,000 people can't cause too much impact on them. As Jiang Chen said before, as long as someone steps into the golden gate, he will unceremoniously shoot and kill each other.

"Everyone is careful. Today is a life-and-death battle. What we have to do is to do our best."

Jiang Chen said.

"Brothers don't have to worry, I have an intuition. Things will not be so simple. We help the gold family to fight for some time. I am afraid that there will be changes in the future. It will be a great turning point for us. Everyone will do their best. One Don't die."

The rhubarb dog is extremely dignified. Although he wants to protect the blood of the golden family, he will not do anything to let the brothers die in vain. Intuition tells him that it will take a long time to change, and there will be more abnormal changes. Change is absolutely beneficial to them.

"I am now laying out a five-line squad. The five of us are guarding one of them. The monk will sacrifice the monument to support the big battle. Today, we will fight against 20,000 people. We must be passionate. This kind of war is enough for this life. ”

Jiang Chen’s fighting spirit is high-spirited, but he is not reckless. He is not showing a big line of five elements. He knows that it is most important to unite with each other like this large-scale battle. Otherwise, they may not be long. There will be worries about life.

"it is good."

The monk did not hesitate. He immediately sacrificed the monument to the gods and perfectly blended it with the five elements. This is not the first time that Jiang Chen’s five elements are merged, so the process is easy.


Someone screamed with red eyes and smacked the singers in their hands toward Jiang Chen. They killed the past, and there were hundreds of people who shot together. The energy of horror is like the ocean. They are madly bombing toward Jiang Chen. Leave them completely in the ocean of energy.

"Eternal fairy wind."

When Jiang Chen screamed and used the defense of the Five Elements, he did not forget to display the eternal fairy wind to attack. The violent eternal fairy wind raged out and madly swayed toward those in front.


Some people rely too close, directly swept by the eternal fairy wind, the end is naturally extremely miserable, terrible on the spot.

This is destined to be a battle of blood flow into a river. Although the other camp is huge, although there are many people, they are not able to cooperate well with each other. There is no tacit understanding between different forces, but Jiang Chen has tacitly reached the extreme. And one is more than a metamorphosis, is a peerless enchanting, in addition to Jiang Chen, other people are the supreme master of the late Emperor.

On the other side, Zhang Yulang and others looked at it all in the eyes. The face couldn’t help but show a sneer. Jiang Chen looked very fierce, but compared to the 20,000 camp, it was only a matter of time to be destroyed. What they are going to do now is to deal with Dragon XIII.

The six-and-a-half-step sage masters approached the Dragon 13 in unison, trapping the Dragon 13 in different directions.

In the case of dealing with Dragon Thirteen, they seem to have a very tacit understanding. From the scene of Long XIII’s shot on Lusheng, this is definitely a enchanting genius. If such people want to be their way, they must jointly kill. It can also be used to eradicate a great hazard and threat.

"Dragon XIII, you have seen the scenes of today. You are doing impossible things. You want to go against the sky, but you must also have the ability to go against the sky. I advise you not to participate in the river. It’s too bad for them to die, not to shut down your business. If you bury your life for this, it’s too worthless.”

Xia Xiaotian said that he has never appeared, and now he is dealing with Dragon XIII, which is also the first time.

"Mustaining your life? You can't afford to see yourself too much. Just because you guys want to have a monkey, my life, juvenile, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Dragon Thirteen laughed and let him let his brother ignore it. He couldn’t do it, and he just promoted to the late Emperor’s emperor and realized the words of the genius. It’s the time when the spirit is high, and the six and a half steps. It is really a very happy thing to respect and fight at the same time.

"Dragon XIII, I sincerely advise you, but you don't listen. Do you really think that you can deal with us six?"

Xia Xiaotian immediately became angry. People like him are arrogant, high on the top, overlooking the sentient beings, rarely paying so much for people. Generally, they see that they hate it. They all directly kill and kill. He feels that he is in the rescue Third, but the other party does not appreciate, then you can't blame yourself.

"You don't have to talk nonsense with him, he directly kills him. Anyone who blocks the golden gate will die. No one can stop me from getting the benefits of the golden family."

The wind and the hair of the wind shook, and when it was finished, suddenly the palm of the hand patted the dragon to the thirteenth, and the palm of the hand made a shocking impression. The momentum alone made people feel scared.

However, the dragon thirteen was not afraid, and the iron rod in his hand was taken up. He also played a palm, fighting the battle of the holy law, and Feng Yunzi slammed a note.


The void was immediately shattered into a smashing, arrogant and incomparable Fengyunzi, which was repulsed by the dragon and thirteen palms. The horrible battle of the Holy Law, the ancestor of the fighting family, is itself a weapon of battle, the situation The strength of the child is almost the same as that of Lu Sheng. If you are alone, you will be the opponent of Dragon Thirteen.


Fengyunzi is discolored. He originally thought that Lusheng was shaken off before. It was only because of the general intention that he was not arrogant about cooperating with outsiders to deal with a person who was not as good as himself. But now it seems that the strength of the other side is beyond Your own imagination.

"Haha, the genius of Xianting is just like this. You six are together. I am afraid of the thirteenth."

The dragon thirteen laughed, and the black and white hair was swaying with the wind. His hands kept pinching out the powerful French seal, and the battle of the holy law swept through. In the face of the siege of six people, he chose to take the initiative.

"This person is too arrogant and extremely powerful. Everyone is not welcome, and kills him directly."

Zhang Yulang shouted loudly. He developed a mountain in his hands and smashed it toward the dragon. Others also made a decisive shot. All of them, including Xia Xiaotian, saw the threat of the dragon thirteen. Such a huge threat is only It is the best choice to get rid of it. Otherwise, it will be a big worry in the morning and evening.

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