Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1668: Life and death trenches [five more]

Zhang Yulang, Xia Xiaotian, Lu Sheng, Feng Yunzi, Ye Qingtian, Yulong Gongzi, six half-step Xianzun's supreme genius, belong to three different Xianting, but at the moment they are united to deal with a dragon that is not as good as them. Third, if it is passed out, it is not a glorious thing for them.

But now, the six people have already taken care of so much, and what face is no longer important. The important thing is to kill the huge threat of Dragon Thirteen and then enter the territory of the Golden Family.

Dragon thirteen stood in the encirclement of six people, forming a closed battlefield. The dragon thirteen did not move. Facing the pressure of the six masters, his face was still as usual, and he could not see the slightest tension. That is a natural confidence, even if it is an enemy, it does not show a bit of timidity.

This kind of temperament alone makes people feel guilty. The more the Dragon III is, the more the six people of Zhang Yulang are determined to destroy the Dragon XIII. Because this person is terrible, they ask themselves if they change to them. Into the position of the Dragon Thirteen, besieged by six and a half steps of the Xianzun master, certainly can not be expressed as the Dragon 13 this point is calm.

This shows that they are not as good as the dragon thirteen. They are in front of the dragon thirteen. Although they still have a noble posture on the surface, they are inferior in their hearts. This inferiority makes them jealous and let them They want to destroy each other at all costs and lay their own nobles.

"Let me see how powerful he is."

Ye Qingtian moved, the blood of the ancient giants broke out, the power of horror was like a mountain. His body was doubled directly, and the fist like a hill smashed toward the dragon. If at ordinary times, Ye Qingtian The fist is enough to smash a mountain.

In the face of Ye Qingtian's violent attack, the dragon's thirteen corners overflowed with a hint of laughter. The ancient giant's blood is naturally tyrannical, but the blood of his fighting family is more noble, and he is never afraid of anyone.

The dragon thirteen did not even display the holy law, and the same punched out, the two fists collided with each other at the fastest speed and the electric firestone.


The void was immediately torn by the earthquake, and a large hole was collided. The cold airflow infiltrated from the inside, and it looked very cold. This is the most primitive collision, the confrontation of pure physical strength.


Ye Qingtian received an extremely powerful anti-shock force. The majestic body stepped back three steps. His arm was shaking, and a bloodshot appeared on his fist. This time, Ye Qingtian really shocked him. I can't believe this reality at all. If the other party uses the powerful fairy skills to shake himself back, he may still be able to accept it, but he just felt very clear that the other party, like himself, is a purely physical experience.

He Ye Qingtian giant blood, the most proud of is the power, in the pure power of the confrontation, he has not tried a defeat until now, today in the Dragon 13 here, it is tried.

"Giant blood, compared with my fighting family, only with shoes."

Dragon thirteen is extremely proud.

The faces of the six people have changed at the same time. This dragon thirteen is really terrifying. Up to now, Zhang Yulang, Lu Sheng, Feng Yunzi and Ye Qingtian have lost to the Dragon 13 in the process of single-handedly fighting, especially It was the last Ye Qingtian, who did not take up a little bit of money in the areas he was best at, which made their attention to the Dragon 13 rise to a higher level.

They have already seen it very clearly. It is absolutely impossible to deal with Dragon Thirteen. It is absolutely impossible to fight alone. It is necessary to unite it before it is possible to kill it.

"You don't want to keep your hands, let's get rid of him."

Zhang Yulang shouted, and his anger and turmoil tumbling. His hands were pinching out the complicated French seal in the void. Next, he had to show all his efforts, and he had to kill the dragon thirteen.

At the same time, Xia Xiaotian's head emerged as a shadow of a wild and wild beast. The virtual shadow was incomparably embarrassing, and it evolved into a vision. It burst into a breath of incomparable horror. It is an ancient creature. It appears at the moment, just like a totem.

It is rumored that Xia Xiaotian’s blood flowing through the ancient creatures seems to be true.

Feng Yunzi also moved, and his head was thunderous and creaking, like a thunder, and Thunder Dragon circled.

Yulong and Lusheng and Ye Qingtian also broke out the most powerful attacks. The six people locked in all the breath of Dragon Thirteen and did not give the other party a chance to escape.

Below, Jiang Chen played against each other while watching the battle here, but they did not have the slightest worry, because people know more about the horror of Dragon Thirteen than Jiang Chen, even if he is an enemy six at the moment, he Still full of confidence in the Dragon Thirteen, even if you can not beat, it is absolutely impossible to be killed by the other side, at least life and worry.

Lan Lingji is extremely nervous, she has no way not to be nervous, Zhang Yulang and others are Xianting's peerless enchanting, repairing for the more than the Dragon 13 to grab, a powerful half-step Xianzun, six combined together, Long XIII Confrontation is bound to be extremely difficult.

But tension is also useless. Lan Lingji can't help much. She has the heart to rush to fight alongside Dragon Thirteen, but she knows that she can only go up with a cumbersome thing.

"I must practice well and I can't be a burden in the future."

Lan Lingji secretly vowed that she had already loved the dragon thirteen, and she saw it. The characters like Dragon Thirteen, like Jiang Chen, carried the air transport. It was a big man in the morning and evening, and the future achievements were limitless. Naturally, women can't be cumbersome. She now understands the efforts of dancing bamboo. A woman, even if she can't be a useful person for men, can't be a drag bottle.

On the battlefield, the dragon thirteen hairs danced, and the battle of the holy law was displayed to the extreme. There were two vortexes in the palm of his hands, one was a black vortex, and the other was a white whirlpool, which represented the extinction. The word 诀 and the vocabulary 诀 诀 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗 斗

Destroy the word can attack the other party, and the word can protect yourself from death.


Fengyunzi burst into a bang and six people killed at the same time. The devastating energy of horror was layered on one layer, intertwined into a large piece of energy net, covering the past with the dragon thirteen. Such horror energy could not be used by ordinary people. Imagine.

The dragon thirteen also moved. He did not choose to evade. Instead, he chose to take a hard fight. The battle against the Holy Law was run to the extreme, and the law of life and death confronted the six masters at the same time.

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