Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1669: Blood [one more]

Chapter 1669, blood


The heavens and the earth are shaken, and the dragon thirteen shows the battle against the holy law, with an enemy six, playing the real glory of the fighting warriors. He shots open and big, and the life and death battles run to the extreme, and the six-and-a-half-step masters of the sacred masters On the surface, it seems that the dragon is falling everywhere, but if you look closely, he will be able to deal with each other's offense every time, without any feeling of sluggishness.

In the eyes of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, Dragon XIII is enjoying this kind of fighting process. Under strong pressure, he constantly improves his fighting and fighting law. This is more important than anything else, and the current battle situation is very clear. Thirteen, even if they can't help each other six people, but even if the other six are united, they will want the life of the dragon thirteen.

"Awesome warfare."

Jiang Chen said in surprise at the five elements of the big line.

"This monkey has a chance to find the true essence of the battle against the Holy Law. He is now using the pressure of the six people to unite and constantly temper his own tactics. The whole person is constantly making progress, with the repair of the late Emperor." In order to be an enemy, the other party is a half-step fairy, so powerful, I am afraid that only he can do it."

The rhubarb dog is very embarrassed, even with his pride, he has to praise the dragon thirteen.

"There is still one person to do, the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

Jiang Chen said that the war has already begun, and the North and South Korea have not yet appeared. This can only explain the situation, that is, the South and North Korea have received huge benefits. Even the movements of the 18 golden channels have not attracted him. Jiang Chen can almost Certainly, once the Northern and Southern Dynasties appear, it must be the same horror as the Dragon 13 and it will be further.

"This **** can't be seen at this time."

The rhubarb dog said that he expected the relics of the gold family to disappear for a while, so they only need to block these people to the silence and then silence. Now, the dragon thirteen people hold down the six and a half steps of the master, give them It relieved a lot of pressure, but if the North and South Dynasty appeared at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if the Northern and Southern Dynasties did not appear, the current situation is also very unfavorable for Jiang Chen. All the people present at the scene regarded them as enemies. When these people understood the cooperation, Jiang Chen could not resist them.

"Kill, kill Jiang Chen."

Someone shouted and shouted, talking about the North and South, as the first North and South family genius that collided with Jiang Chen, the North and the South can now be said to be incomparably wrong, remember that he was the first When Jiang and Chen Chen collided, Jiang Chen was only a small shrimp. He could be said to let himself knead. At the crucial moment, Yang Bufan’s shot saved Jiang Chen’s life.

How long has it been now, Jiang Chen has grown to the point of letting himself look up, although he is now just promoted to the late Emperor, but before he watched the North and South scenes and the North and South were killed, even the courage to stand up No, at this moment, people have to kill Jiang Chen, and he has to truly release the anger in his heart.


Numerous people have shot, from all directions, the colorful energy light is constantly smashing against the five elements of the big bang, Jiang Chen they are completely caught in the ocean of energy, even the fields created by the eternal fairy wind have been torn, a few People's faces are a bit ugly, including the big yellow dog, do not know how long the five elements can support, look at this way, want to support the remnants of the golden family to silence again, almost impossible.

"Go to your uncle, grandfather is coming."

At this moment, a loud drink rang, and the master became a streamer and directly rushed into the five elements of Jiang Chen.

"I am coming to fight with you."

The master of cumin is also a **** person. It has long been boiled by Jiang Chen’s rebellious behavior. Now the tyrants do not say it inside. The relationship between the brothers and the brothers is very good. Dust, when the masters of the cumin and Jiang Chen battled one after another, they were deeply impressed by Jiang Chen’s heroic spirit and determined to make this friend. Now friends and their younger brothers are in danger, but they stand there and watch. However, the master’s heart is extremely uncomfortable, so he’s desperately rushed over the past, such an earth-shattering war, so passionate and heroic against the world’s heroes, how **** and painful it is, if such things can be joined, no matter what the outcome, simply This process will not be alive.

"Brother, how come you came in?"

The monk looks surprised.

"Sudden master, today, you can't get involved, if you send your life, how can I get Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen shouted loudly. He didn't think that the master would jump in at this time. It was almost a deadly game. It was impossible for the master to be so smart, but it was decided. Let Jiang Chen feel a little moved.

"And I am ruthless."

"I am Yang Lang."

"I am single."

For a time, the ruthlessness, Yang Lang, and the single charge all rushed to the five elements of the big array to jointly support the big array. These people are the masters of the late Emperor. Each additional one is great for the guardian array. The power, the ruthless person who is a cult, the temperament is very violent, and at this moment their holy sons are involved in the war, he naturally can not stand.

Yang Lang and Shan Chong’s shots are entirely for Yang’s extraordinary, but also for Jiang’s heroic and courageous feelings. Sometimes people’s emotions are easily stimulated. Once they are stimulated, they will not pay attention to the consequences, just like now. Yang Lang, they are all infected by this heat. If they feel that they are not going to take the shot, this life will come to this world.

"Haha, okay, fight side by side today."

Jiang Chen laughed and arrogant, and with the addition of these people, the five elements of the big battle became more stable.


Another fierce attack rushed to the top of the five elements, and more and more people participated in the battle. The situation was the same as when the relics of Xiaodi Qindi appeared, but the scene was too wide. Today’s scene is not the scene. Can be compared.

What is better is that the people who support the big squad are now higher than they were at the beginning.


At this moment, the golden warriors who had guarded the golden gates also moved. They exuded a weak will and looked at Jiang Chen with empty eyes.

"Put them in, these golden warriors feel what we are doing to join in to help us."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen immediately did not sneak in the slightest, directly tearing the big bang into a hole, put 20 or 30 gold warriors in, and jointly support the big array.

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