Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1670: Killing the North and South, a coating [two more]

Jiang Chen now believes that these golden warriors did not really die, because the real death is not the will, except for the killing. Although these golden warriors are sealed, they can feel the weak will and they can feel the river. What the dust is doing, and feel the existence of the sun fire in Jiang Chen, that is the origin of their family, so they are willing to shoot, after all, the other is helping their golden family.

Each of these golden warriors has the strength of the late Emperor. With their support, the five elements of the big line will undoubtedly become more stable. Jiang Chen can even free his hands to rush in the local camp.

"Monk, as before, you use the monument of the earthquake, and control the big array with the rhubarb. I go out and rush to destroy their camp, so that their power can not be fully brought together."

Jiang Chen said to the monk and the big yellow dog.

"Well, you are careful."

The monk nodded.

"Don't worry, I now have a big emptiness, and I don't know what to do."

Jiang Chen smiled and had a big void in his body. It was undoubtedly a means to save his life. This camp is indeed extremely large, but Jiang Chen is also fearless. Big emptiness is enough for him to appear anywhere. Just avoid the enemy's attack.


Behind the scenes of Jiang Chen, the dragon wings were turned into a light and shadow that rushed out from the five elements of the big line. The big void technique matched the wolf shadow and the speed was not too strong.


Tianshengjian appeared in the hands, and Jiang Chen’s figure first appeared in front of the North and South Paint. Nowadays, Jiang Chen has repaired the most peak of the half-step Emperor, only one step away from the real Emperor. In fact, Jiang Chen retired for ten months and realized the big emptiness. He said that he should have been promoted to the Emperor, but because of the fact that Hualong has not evolved, Jiang Chen’s cultivation has stopped in place. However, although there is no promotion, although the combat power is constantly improving, such a character is painted to the north and the south. If it is before, it may still be able to compete with Jiang Chen, but now, Jiang Chen’s combat power is to kill the North and South. It is not very laborious, and with the combination of big void and wolf shadow, Jiang Chen can appear in any different place at any time. Whether it is a frontal battle or a sneak attack, the opponent is dazzled.

"A coat from the north and the south, let him die."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is unparalleled, locking up the North and South, and the horrible Tiansheng sword smashed against the North and South with a terrifying horror.

The North and South were stunned, and Jiang Chen’s unreserved strong blow made him feel a great crisis from the depths of his heart, and he had an isolated feeling. It was a state of isolation and helplessness. There are obviously many people, but the North and South paints feel that they are facing Jiang Chen, and others can't help themselves.

This feeling makes the North and South paint very bad, he can't believe that Jiang Chen's strength has been so strong that it is so powerful that he feels the threat of life.

In fact, the North and South paints are only just promoted to the late stage, and the repair is extremely unstable. Because of the battlefield situation, Jiang Chen’s shot is a dead hand. Without leaving a half-hearted feeling, this sword combines his most violent Fighting power and lethality, where the North and the South can be an opponent.

In desperation, the North and South paints had to raise the sword in their hands against the dust of Tian Chen's sword.


The surrounding void was torn apart instantly. The sword of Jiang Chen carried the power of four kinds of supreme flames. The sword of the north and south was directly sent out by Jiang Chen.

A scream of screaming in the north and south, a blood spurted out of the mouth, and quickly escaped to the crowd.

"North and South, I want to kill you. It is useless to hide where you are. No amount of people can save you."

Jiang Chen’s voice is like that of Pluto. There is no emotion in the cold. As his voice falls, his body appears like a ghost in the back of the North and South. The masters of the five Emperors of the Southern Emperor originally planned to deal with Jiang Chen. However, even the traces of Jiang Chen’s traces are not captured. Jiang Chen’s whole person is like a wandering soul, without a trace, and is always visible.


The North and South paints once again exclaimed. He felt the threat of death from Jiang Chen. He knew that Jiang Chen had made up his mind to kill himself, and the speed of the other party was too fast. He didn’t even have the chance to react. It is impossible to catch a trace of Jiang Chen at all.

Jiang Chen did not give the North and the South a half chance, and the horrible sword stabbed again.

The North and South paints desperately dodge, even so, they were stabbed by the Tiansheng sword, and one arm was smashed and smashed with blood.

"Save me, save me."

The North and South were frightened, and when they fled, they shouted for help. It was still the feeling of isolation. There are obviously tens of thousands of people here, but the feeling of the North and the South is that they are facing Jiang Chen, and no one can help themselves.

More than a dozen masters of the late Emperor of the Emperor heard the call for help from the North and the South, and began to attack the Jiang Chen. They blocked the space of this piece and almost formed a death prison. Even if Jiang Chen had three arms and six arms, he would not think about it. Escape.

It is a pity that Jiang Chen’s body disappeared only after a sway. This death prison has no effect on Jiang Chen. The place where Jiang Chen appears is just right in front of the North and South.

This time, the North and South were completely dumbfounded, and he began to despair. He felt that even with his own cultivation of the Emperor of the Emperor, he could not escape Jiang Chen’s palm. The speed of the other party was too fast. He did not know Jiang. How is the dust done? The joint siege of more than a dozen senior masters of the Emperor of the Emperor has no effect on Jiang Chen.

There was no extra nonsense, Jiang Chen raised the Tiansheng sword in his hand, and smashed the injured north and south. The horrible swordsmanship was interwoven into a large net, and the north and south were completely shrouded, accompanied by a fierce scream. Called, the head of the north and south was smashed by Jiang Chen, and he died on the spot.

Killing anyone in the North and South family, Jiang Chen will not have a bit of politeness and mercy, killing the North and South, and Jiang Chen did not delay, and rushed to the past with tens of thousands of people.

"It’s a must to kill Jiang Chen, this guy is terrible."

Some people shouted, a large number of the late Emperor of the Emperor began to pay attention to Jiang Chen, one by one murderous, rushing to Jiang Chen, Jiang Dust killing the North and South a paint process everyone sees in the eyes, deeply felt the river The horror of dust, such a person is too much against the sky, if you can not kill it, it is a real big problem.


The scene was chaotic, and the space in which the golden family lived directly turned into a magnificent battlefield, with blood and flesh and blood flowing.

[Recommend a book to the brothers, Wanjie Xianyuan. 】

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