Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1674: Even two people

The scene is beyond control. The sun sacred feathers are too tempting for people. This is not the same as the original Xiaoyao. The Xiaoyao Qin is the soldier of the Great Emperor. He chooses the successor and locks the dance bamboo. They want this. There is no way to fight for it, but now the sun **** is different.

After all, the sun **** feather is a **** feather that is peeled off from the golden feather fan. It is automatically rushed out from the big mirror. It is not locked in what person is the successor. In other words, the sun **** feather is the object of the Lord, Jiang Chen It’s just a matter of luck, and when everyone doesn’t respond, they get it.

There are too many masters here, too many geniuses, and too many people who admit that they have a good air. In their opinion, even if they don’t get the sun **** feathers, they will not have a small half-step fairy. Take control.

More importantly, Jiang Chen now guards the golden gate and prevents them from entering. The matter is already obvious. The territory of the golden family is full of treasures. Jiang Chen blocks them. That hatred is bigger than killing his wife. .

Another point is that Jiang Chen had killed a lot of geniuses in order to protect the golden gates. He has already killed a lot of geniuses of the big forces. The hatreds and grievances are counted, and the characters like Jiang Chen are not stunned. When you get out of the gold killing field and want to kill Jiang Chen again, it will be extremely difficult.

"Don't talk too much to him, kill him directly."

Zhang Yulang was the first to prepare for the shot. He believed that Jiang Chen would not dare to avoid it now, because as long as Jiang Chen avoided it, he would have the confidence to break the five elements and then enter the territory of the golden family.

See Zhang Yulang to shoot Jiang Chen, the dragon thirteen also moved in an instant, fighting the holy law to Zhang Yulang to block.

"Let him come."

Jiang Chen shouted at Long XIII, indicating that Long Xie did not have to stop. He used the sun fire and fairy marks to fully control the sun **** feathers. Now Zhang Yulang wants to rush over, Jiang Chen can just check the sun **** feathers. power.


Jiang Chen shot, and the sun **** feathers swept past Zhang Yulang.


This attack, the world is shaking, the void is directly torn into two halves, the sun **** feathers become the most terrible killing weapon between heaven and earth, the sun's fire is filled, even the void seems to burn.

"not good."

Zhang Yulang’s dark road is not good, and an extremely intense coldness in his heart emerges. It is the taste of death. He did not think that Jiang Chen could really display the power of the sun **** feather, but now it seems that he It’s a big mistake. With his current strength, he’s attacking this sun god, that’s a dead end, and there’s not even a chance to live.

Where is Zhang Yulang's half-small thoughts to kill Jiang Chen, he is now going to escape from the sun **** feathers. In this most crucial one, Zhang Yulang displayed all his efforts and wanted to break into the void, but he was shocked. It was discovered that all the voids had been closed by the sun god, and it became a cage, a death cage.

In the end, the sun **** emerged as a sharp sword, carrying a raging fire, falling from the top of Zhang Yulang's head, and slamming Zhang Yulang's body into two halves.


Zhang Yulang made a scream of screaming, and the body that had been smashed in half began to be burned by raging fire. The burning of it was in the blink of an eye, and the **** was not left behind.

Zhang Yulang died, nothing left to die, a powerful enchanting genius, Xianting's peerless figure, so dead and disappeared, seems to have never been to this world.


The whole audience was amazed, everyone was shaking, and countless eyes fell on the dusty sun **** feathers in Jiang Chen’s hands. Even the dragon thirteen and Han Yan were shocked and speechless. Many people Feeling that I am in a dream, everything seems unreal.

"My God, what I saw, the powerful Zhang Yulang, so directly killed, Jiang Chen really controlled the sun god."

"How is it possible, how is this possible? Even if he is recognized by the Sun God, but how can he use the real power of the Sun God?"

"This is troublesome. He has the sun **** feather in his hand. Who is still his opponent? Even a half-step fairy will strike and kill. If you change to us, I am afraid it will only be a dead end."


No one is not surprised, no one has thought that such a picture will appear. Originally everyone will rush to kill Jiang Chen, and then enter the territory of the golden family, you can get endless benefits, maybe the gold from the golden feather fan God feathers are not just this one, there are others, and if you get it, the benefits are simply unimaginable.

But now, Jiang Chen is just like an invincible **** of war standing outside the golden gate, and outsiders can't cross the thunder pool half a step.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to kill the people of Xianting. Under the heavens, no one can save you anymore."

Lu Sheng was also frightened, but he still yelled at Jiang Chen, and the background of Xianting still made him feel high. He felt that no one dared to move himself. In fact, no one dared to kill the whole fairyland. The person in the court.

Jiang Chen looked up and looked at Lusheng. He said nothing. He took the golden **** feather and rushed over. Killing one is killing, killing two is killing. Such a powerful enemy, once you blame, the best way is to kill it. , exempt from the aftermath.

Lu Sheng was shocked. I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so mad that it was not enough. It’s not enough to kill Zhang Yulang. Now he has to kill himself. He finally understands that he wants to use Xianting to threaten to oppress Jiang Chen. It is impossible, the other party does not eat this set at all.

"Jiang Chen, you dare, ah..."

Lu Sheng desperately resisted, but where is the opponent of the sun **** feather, the body was swept by the sun **** feathers, the whole person immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire, burned into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, even two people died, two of them are half-step fairy statues, all of whom are the characters of Xian Xian, and Jiang Chen is completely offended by Xian Ting.

"The fairy board, this is too much for his mother?"

The master can't help but burst into a foul mouth, and his eyes are full of horror.

"The legendary sun **** feathers, I did not expect to be tyrannical to this extent, it is surprising that Jiang Chen can completely control the sun **** feathers, not only that, but also to play the power of the **** feathers, this can not believe However, it is very energy and energy to use the sun **** feathers. I don’t know how many times Jiang Chen can perform it?"

Yang Lang can't keep calm, but he didn't think that it was that Jiang Chen didn't just control the sun **** feathers, but also merged with the sun **** feather. In other words, the sun **** feather is part of his body, ready to display. There is no need to worry about the exhaustion of energy. This is the real place to go against the sky.

[Today's three more, the remaining two are still 12 points, and the brothers who can't wait can see it tomorrow. 】

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