Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1675: Killing the way

In the view of Yang Lang and the ruthlessness of the devil, the reason why Jiang Chen was able to display the power of the sun **** feathers was entirely because Jiang Chen had the fire of the sun fire, so he was recognized by the sun **** feather, but they It is not clear that even if Jiang Chen has the fire of the sun, it is only recognized by the sun **** feathers. I want to exert such a great power. Even if it is used, the energy consumed every time is extremely large. If you do it at most, you can't use it for the second time. This is the same as when the big yellow dog was used to display the sword.

In fact, what really helps Jiang Chen is not only the fire of the sun, but also the fairy marks in the body.

With the help of the fairy mark, Jiang Chen can display the sun **** feather without limit.

Both Zhang Yulang and Lu Sheng were torn apart, and the two geniuses of Xianxian were degraded. The scene suddenly became quiet. The remaining four-step masters of Xianzun looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes and were full of fear, or They are afraid of the sun **** in the hands of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s volley stood in the sky, and there was a golden fire on his body. He turned to kill the gods and looked down on the living beings. He looked around and said loudly: “I don’t want to kill innocents, but now I am giving you a chance. All of them are withdrawn here, waiting for the remains of the golden family to be quiet again. By then, the portal of the Golden Killing Field will be opened again. You will each return to your own martial art. If someone else hits the idea of ​​the Sun God and the Golden Relics, Don't blame me for Jiang Ruchen's ruthlessness.

Jiang Chen’s sound is like thunder, and it turns into a sound wave that is transmitted to everyone’s ears. He wants everyone to know that he will never be joking. He hopes that Zhang Yulang’s and Lu Sheng’s death can sound alarm for others. If these people still want to continue, then today is destined to flow into a river.

The scene was quiet, and everyone’s eyes fell on the sun gods in Jiang Chen’s hands, as well as the remains of the golden family. Their eyes were filled with fear. Jiang Chen’s scenes of killing Zhang Yulang and Lu Sheng were clear. It is impossible to say no fear.

But even so, it is impossible to hide the greed and desire in their eyes. This is a good opportunity for Tianda, no one wants to miss it.

"The big mirrors have appeared, and the sun **** feathers have also appeared. The inside of the golden family is an absolute treasure. It will only be opened once in five years. The next time many people are not eligible to come in, and the remains of the golden family have been hidden for tens of thousands of years. It has never appeared, and it is the first time it appears. It is probably the only one. If we don’t cherish this opportunity, we will have a second chance in the future. Jiang Chen has already performed two sun gods in succession. Guess that he can't display it for the third time. With his fierce temperament, if he can still show it, he will definitely not swear there and kill us directly, so I think he can no longer continue to use the sun. God feathers, everyone must go into the territory of the golden family."

Someone in the crowd shouted aloud, talking about a master of the late Emperor, Jiang Chen looked at the past, the person exudes a cold atmosphere, watching the costumes know that the corpse yin sect, this sect, let Jiang Chen It is really annoying to the extreme.

When the words came out, the scene suddenly moved again. Many people even began to release their own killing and momentum. They all thought that the person’s words were correct.

"He is right. Jiang Chen is so ferocious. He finally got the sun **** feather. How can he let go of the opportunity to kill the enemy? He must know that he can't continue to use the sun **** feathers, deliberately scare us, want to use Zhang Yulang and The death of Lusheng shocked us, and we almost got fooled."

"He is only a half-step emperor. Even if he has strong combat power, he can display the power of the sun **** feathers and kill two people. It is enough to shock him. He can't display the sun **** feather continuously, even if it is a fairy statue. Can't do it."

"He is threatening us. Don't be afraid, the relics of the golden family will not be easy to appear. Once we miss it, we will never have another chance."


Many people have been stunned by hope, hope and greed, lost their minds, and some people are red eyes, just like wild animals.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. Once the human will was controlled by the desire and hope, there was no difference between the beast and the beast.

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with sneer, his eyes began to bloom cold cold, and the cold killing continued to overflow from the river dust. He would not forget the words left by himself before the rhubarb left, control the sun **** feathers, guard the blood of the golden family, see Today, it is necessary to die a lot of people.


This is the current will of Jiang Chen. Apart from killing, he has no other way. The sun **** feathers are shaking very fiercely, and the killing of Jiang Chen is becoming more and more intense.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen’s soul was deep, and it sounded a humming sound. Jiang Chen’s heart trembled fiercely. He felt the wild killings from his soul. Yes, it was a substantial kill. Meaning, from nothingness, from the ancient.

"It's a dragon, this is a sign that Hualong is going to change."

Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and Hualong has not changed for a long time. Now he is slow to be promoted to the Emperor. It is because Hualong can not change and hinder himself. Now, Hualong has once again moved, this situation is very Familiar, because he is not the first time.

Jiang Chen knows that it is his own killing intention and a firm belief that has never gone forward. It has once again triggered the transformation of Hualong. At this moment, Hualong has passed on the ancient killing intention and integrated into himself.

kill! kill! kill!

Killing the glory, Jiang Chen seems to have seen a killing ancestor circling in the depths of the soul, the huge ancestral dragon, the scorpion has no half-emotion, Zulong seems to represent a kind of will, a realm, the way to kill.

Yes, it is the way to kill, the dragon and the earth are unique, the world is unparalleled, and the cultivation of dragons and dragons is destined to kill all the way. Today, Jiang Chen touched the hidden ways of killing dragons because of the golden family. Jiang Chen knows that this is the next meaning of the transformation of Hualong, and it is the essence of the avenue. The void of the dragon of killing is inspired by himself.


Jiang Chen's eyes were red, and suddenly he screamed in the sky. Hualong didn't immediately change and advance. He needed Jiang Chen to express himself with the determination of killing, and a little bit of stimulation of the dragon's transformation. At this moment, Jiang Chen's will It is killing.

This killing is not killing innocents. It is a kind of killing of the avenue. There seems to be a voice in the soul that keeps telling Jiang Chen, killing the enemy, killing any enemy against him, and now these people are thinking about their own lives. Then, just kill it.

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