Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1676: Kill the Quartet

The dragon is the spirit of heaven and earth, the most noble being.

The dragon has a dragon of mercy, a dragon of ferociousness, a dragon of bloodthirsty, a dragon of bravery, a dragon of loyalty, a dragon of demon, a dragon of unyielding, a dragon of toughness, a dragon of killing!

Jiang Dust wants to accomplish the dragon scorpion. It is necessary to integrate all the dragon's will, and to combine the dragon's compassion, good and evil, loyalty, unyielding, tenacity, bloodthirsty, and killing. It can be called the heavenly ancestor, the strongest. Jiang Chen is a guardian of the golden family. He is an enemy of the world. He was besieged by 10,000 people. He fought **** battles and inspired the dragon to kill, which is the way to kill the dragon.

What is killing? Chongqi Yangshan can kill, the Tao can kill, the enemy can kill, the blocker can kill, the countless killings between heaven and earth, there is no distinction between justice and evil, the heart is unchanged, everything can be killed.

What Jiang Chen wants to kill is that others must kill themselves. The nobleness of the dragon is not to be scorned. It should not be underestimated. It must not be filthy. It must not be humiliated. Otherwise, it is killing!

Jiang Chen constantly understands the way to kill, he knows that this is a major opportunity for the transformation of the dragon. Today is destined to set off a storm and a terrible killing.

"Come on, kill a big one."

Jiang Chen was so murderous that he was so strong that he shouted, his voice was like a thunder in nine days. His eyes were red and his head was covered with **** dragons. It was completely murderous. He held the sun **** feather and the first one killed the wind. .

Jiang Chen is a killer, but he is not indiscriminate. His mind is clear. He is only a way to kill. There are a few people who must die. This is beyond doubt. Since it is decided to kill, it is natural to start from them.

"No, this guy is crazy."

Feng Yunzi’s eyes were wide, but he did not hide. Instead, he sacrificed nine days of thunder and slammed toward Jiang Chen. He is now like everyone else. He does not believe that Jiang Chen can continue to use the sun **** feathers, even if he can Shi Zhan, also definitely not as powerful as before, so Feng Yunzi feels that he is fully attacking, resisting Jiang Chen is still no problem, and there is still a chance to **** the sun god.

As it turns out, Feng Yunzi simply thinks more.


The tyrannical attack exerted by Feng Yunzi was completely under the sun **** feathers. It was completely destroyed by the moment, and then the sun **** feathers were like a mountain, and they were shot on the body of Fengyunzi. Screaming, the whole person was photographed as a powder, and the dead could not die any more.


Killing Fengyunzi, one of Jiang Chen’s eyes brushed in Xia Xiaotian’s body, killing the machine, his body’s murderousness became more and more intense, and the roar of the ancestors in the depths of the soul was transmitted, prompting Jiang Chen to continue to kill.

"Xia Xiaotian, let's die."

Jiang Chen is like a war god, and he shot to attack Xia Xiaotian.

Seeing it, Xia Xiaotian was shocked. All this happened too fast. He never dreamed of such a picture. He had a good victory. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen took control of the sun god. Killed three and a half steps of Xianzun, and now it is finally his turn, and he is also very willing to believe that Jiang Chen has continued to use the sun **** feathers, but look at Jiang Chen's murderous look, where there is a feeling of a little bit of rest.


Xia Xiaotian does not have the courage to harden the sun **** feathers. No matter whether Jiang Chen can continue to exert the power of the sun **** feathers, he is not willing to try it. In the face of the threat of death, all the treasures are not important.


However, when Xia Xiaotian tried to tear away the void, he was shocked to find that the space barrier was closed and turned into a flame of flaming flames. It was the power of the sun **** feather, and he could not break it.


There is almost no possibility of survival. The sun **** feather carries the killing of Jiang Chen, and Xia Xiaotian is turned into two halves, and the fire of the sun will burn it into nothingness.

Six and a half steps of Xianzun, four dead in the blink of an eye, there is still a Yulong son, a Ye Qingtian, the Yulong son saw Xia Xiaotian after the tragic death, did not choose to escape, he is still very treasure for the gold family Desire, and Jiang Chen’s half-step cultivation of the Emperor has been used for four times, and he definitely does not believe that the other side can still perform for the fifth time.

"Ye Qingtian, directly into the door of the golden family, as long as they enter the territory of the golden family, we are not afraid of Jiang Chen, when we get a strong baby, kill Jiang Chen."

Yulong Gongzi shouted at Ye Qingtian and immediately flew toward the golden gate. At the same time, he shouted at the crowd of tens of thousands: "Jiang Chen has exhausted, everyone shot together and broke the golden gate."


With the words of Yulong's son, many people began to erupt a powerful momentum, killing the golden gate, the emergence of the sun **** feather, so many people are crazy, even if they have died four and a half steps, the master is still unable to Some people are awakened from greed desires and hopes. Once people are crazy, they are desperate, and they have many people and have a big reliance. They believe that Jiang Chen must not be able to display the sun **** feathers without limit. They believe that Jiang Chen The sun **** feathers can't kill everyone even if they are powerful, they are more willing to believe that they will not be killed, they must be lucky.

This kind of thinking is undoubtedly very terrible.


The murderous will of Jiang Chen’s soul is even more intense. The crazy actions of these people have completely violently abused him. He squinted at the sun **** feathers and swept over the jade dragon son. He shouted at the thirteenth thirteen: Monkey, Ye Qingtian gave it to you."

"Reassured, I will kill him."

Long XIII is also reacting from the shock. He does not want to consider why Jiang Chen can display the sun **** feathers without restriction, because it is not important. What is important is that Jiang Chen becomes tyrannical and he is very small. The pressure is now only one of Ye Qingtian, and Long XIII is confident to kill it. The six-and-a-half-step masters of Xianzun will be killed by Jiang Chen. If they can’t kill one, then they will It’s not a taste.


The Dragon 13 exerted a battle against the Holy Law and oppressed Ye Qingtian.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen’s sun **** feathers swept out, and the screams began to scream. At least dozens of people died under the sun god.

In the face of this situation, Jiang Chen has no expression, no pity at all, he has now become a **** of killing, and his killing is a heart, he has given these people the opportunity to let them stunned People who have left, but are greedy and desire, and who are lost in their minds, do not care about such opportunities.

In this case, Jiang Chen just used these people to pay homage to his own way of killing.

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